Hattippin Yaya-
Who has this featured at the top/right of her blog site
The video is German with English subtitles- it's worth reading. I've already done so!
It's related to the previous posts which covered the impending collapse of the stock markets and the cover that Covid-1984 gives to bail out the usual suspects/crony capitalist and the like.
Who has this featured at the top/right of her blog site
The video is German with English subtitles- it's worth reading. I've already done so!
It's related to the previous posts which covered the impending collapse of the stock markets and the cover that Covid-1984 gives to bail out the usual suspects/crony capitalist and the like.
Show Us the Money: Bailout Cash Vaccine for Covid Pandemic- History Repeats
Covid Cash Vaccine Needs A Booster- U.S. Stimulus Package Is Biggest Ever, But May Not Be Big Enough
Wall St Flies High on Additional Stimulus- They're In the Money! Revisiting 1974.
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OPEC Plus Make A Deal- Saving US Shale Production & Helping Trump's Re- election