"The carnage in care homes ought to be the biggest scandal of the Covid crisisI’m still waiting for the main stream media to ask the really tough questions about this situation? But, won't hold my breath. Realizing, it's up to each of us to apply pressure to those that are here to serve us. Good thing for the leaders and their lackies the appearance of global, identity politics inspired riots and protests helped to divert attention.
In advance of an impending election in the US, of course. Fully distracting from the global destruction of everyone in the name of “fighting a virus”. That's right the destruction of everyone These latest protests/riots are not against mass lock downs. No one is protesting wide spread mass dismantling of the global economies. No protesting of the huge, unimaginable bailouts given to banks and multinationals and in a real show of technocratic fascism.
The foundation backed protestors are unconcerned about the mass harm that has already and will yet befall vast swathes of the global population. Mental health issues. Physical health issues.Food insecurity for all. Most likely a near global depression. None of those issues bother the foundation fomented protestor/rioters
Planetary concerns affecting us all. Including the intentional terrorizing of the population.
Only a brave few came out to protest those issues and they were put down. Ridiculed. Attacked. Called "yahoos" Certainly no lionization for those protestors against state tyranny!
We all have to eat, pay bills, raise up families etc., And we should ALL be able to have good mental/physical health to live meaningful lives. The recent state sanctioned protests are not about any of the pressing issues that affect each and every one of us. Globally. Locally. Nationally. Of every race, creed, colour, religion, whatever?
Dr Zangrillo"We've got to get back to being a normal country. Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country"Where are the global protests against this abuse? Mass terrorizing of entire nation states. Black lives didn't matter at that time? White lives didn't matter? Older persons lives didn't matter. Still don't now, apparently. Lives of the children? Terrorized, fearful, traumatized. How will they be affected by the Covid trauma inflicted on them? Apparently, that doesn't matter. It certainly appears of very little concern.
Rather then protesting for those in charge to take responsibility for terrorizing nation after nation. What do we get? More fear. More divide. We get the identity politics show. A repeat that's decades old. And will never be resolved because it's misdirected.
You fight one another and the elite classes of arses just go along their merry way.Let's not go to far down that road. Instead, we'll focus on the situation that has really and truly affected us all. Each and every one of us. By the billions. I’m opting to put blame where it belongs. On leadership. On authorities. On officials making questionable decisions. For questionable reasons. With extremely deadly outcomes. Outcomes that were certainly not inevitable. Outcomes that were preventable.
Through this four part series, addressing the mass killings in LTC homes, it's become very clear the deaths anticipated. Expected. Warnings were issued repeatedly. On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Those warnings went unheeded. Why?
Additionally I'd ask why these warnings even necessary? Shouldn’t the obvious have been self evident to all those making these decisions? When faced with the reality of the LTC/Nursing home situation. Predictable. Preventable. And apparently acceptable to multiple states.
One is left questioning why it is there are no protests against the multi nation/government sanctioned deaths of thousands & thousands of Moms, Dads, Grannies & Grandads in LTC homes?
Where are the protestors? Where are all you so called demanders of justice? I can't hear you and I don't see you at all. Your silence speaks volumes.
Back to the mass killings of seniors in at least three nations:
We’ve taken a look at some extremely suspect decisions in Ontario, Quebec and the UK in 3 preceding reports:
- Part 1: Ontario &; Quebec Killed Their Seniors In Long Term Care In a Manner Suspiciously Similar to Other Places
- Pt.2: Ontario & Quebec Killed Their Seniors in Long Term Care in a Manner Suspiciously Similar To Many Other Places
- Pt.3. Ontario, Quebec and the UK's Uncanny Similarities in Killing their Elders in Long Term Care
Previous coverage of moving the sick into LTC/Retirement/Nursing homes in the US.
I'm done asking the question/s about not being able to foresee these mass killings, because that question just beggars all belief(not deserving to be believed) It makes zero sense to believe this outcome was not knowable. It was in fact predictable. And acceptable as collateral damage to my estimation. After having read far to much unsavoury information."Aside from allowing infected workers to continue on the job, state officials in New York also raised eyebrows last month by issuing a directive forcing nursing homes to accept infected patients from hospitals. New Jersey and California also issued similar rules.
In his report on the news, Guy Benson at Townhall wrote: "[New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo and everyone responsible for this failure must answer for it. And how could anyone not foresee this being a massive problem?"
While nursing home deaths in New York account for 25% of deaths in the state, some, like David C. Grabowski, a Harvard University researcher who studies nursing homes, believe that when all is said and done the numbers will be closer to half.Considering all the intentional, with foresight, actions taken by those in “authority” to "protect"( facetious) the elderly, it's no wonder at all that nursing homes have been ravaged, globally. Protecting the elderly and vulnerable was not really at the heart of any of these actions. How could anyone believe it was?
Damage Control
New York officials have scrubbed Gov. Andrew Cuomo's March 25 order requiring nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients from the state health department website -- even as Cuomo's office insists that the order, which has been linked to thousands of nursing home deaths, remains in effect.
The web page that once contained the order now directs to a page indicating that the file is "not found." The archive indicates that the deletion occurred sometime after May 5, around the time that criticism over New York's nursing home fatalities intensified.
A copy of the page saved by the Internet archive Wayback Machine, however, shows that Cuomo's order stated: "No resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs [Nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."
CUOMO DOWNPLAYS CALLS FOR FEDERAL PROBE INTO NURSING HOME DEATHSWhen Andrew Cuomo was criticized he quickly blamed the White House- Oh a partisan cop out- I’m so surprised... not!
Cuomo has come under fire since it was revealed on Thursday that the 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to New York's already vulnerable nursing homes.Clearly Pennsylvania's Secretary of Health was aware of the impending disaster.
Pennsylvania's secretary of Health revealed this week that her 95-year-old mother was transferred from a nursing home facilities into a hotel – as the state government was ordering those facilities to accept patients who had tested positive with the coronavirus.New York sends infected patients into nursing homes. Pennsylvania's Secretary of Health moves mom out of nursing home as the state government orders facilities to accept patients who had tested positive for coronavirus. That sure seems to me like foreknowledge of the inevitable. Making it quite clear the outcome of those decisions were obvious, apparent and completely knowable.
That state policy, issued on March 18, stipulated that elderly care facilities "must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable," including residents who had contracted COVID-19. The policy was meant to "alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings."
That rule may have contributed to the significant death toll the pandemic has wrought in the state's care facilities: The overwhelming majority of deaths in the state have occurred in nursing homes, more than 2,400 of the state's nearly 4,000 deaths.
Louisiana didn’t dump Covid patients into Nursing Homes. Yet, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and New York are part of the same nation state. All having Trump as their national leader. I guess Louisiana really didn't want to kill it's elders off.
New York and New Jersey both have ordered nursing homes to admit patients regardless of their COVID-19 status. California had a similar directive. And then suddenly, as of March 30, it didn't. After a couple of days of outcry from the medical community, the state softened its instruction.Apparently New York, Pennsylvania and California did not consider what made sense for patients and residents. Making Cuomo's buck passing, like Doug Ford's, simply disgraceful
It now says that a nursing home "can be expected" to receive residents who test positive for the virus if it is able to follow the infection control guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In Louisiana, which has clusters of COVID-19 patients in more than 60 nursing homes, a facility is prohibited from admitting people who have tested positive for the virus or who were treated for respiratory problems, unless it can show it has the capacity to care for them.
"What we were looking at is really what makes the most sense for the patients themselves and the other residents," says Dr. Alex Billioux, the assistant secretary for Louisiana's Office of Public Health.
California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals
While Andrew Cuomo felt his mother was not expendable he surely thought other mothers, fathers, grandmas and grandads were.
Mr Cuomo's government made the decision to place Covid patients into nursing homes-
Corona virus patients cash cows for nursing homes
Tony Chicotel, a staff attorney with California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, isn't satisfied with the change. That's because the state let stand the emergency waivers that allow nursing homes to temporarily expand capacity and reduce staff.A recipe for disaster that was served up globally. In my opinion, it was served up with intent to harm.To kill. I can't come to any other conclusion. Decisions made to send covid patients into nursing/long term care homes. Homes paid handsomely to take these infected persons into their homes. To fill them over capacity. And then to leave all the sick and dying in these homes as hospital beds sat empty. It happened in Canada- Ontario and Quebec to be specific. It happened in England, and Scotland. It happened in the US. Undoubtedly I could find more information still, but, the time and resources to undertake that task is more then I can spare.
"We're going to have, potentially, a lot more residents crammed into nursing homes," says Chicotel. "You're going to cut the staffing minimums at the same time. And then you're going to introduce perhaps the most efficient killer of older adults into the building? You've got a recipe for disaster in nursing homes."
Between the 4 reports there is sufficient information to demonstrate malfeasance. And criminality. Where is the justice for all these tens of thousands of elderly victims?
From earlier