Scott hits it outta the ballpark, again! No good was ever going to come of the George Floyd incident. Because the entire psychological operation that was created around the incident was undertaken to create still more discord. More divide. I'm completely at a loss why more people aren't seeing this for what it EXACTLY is.
Divide and Conquer or Divide to Rule: the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.
In my post from June 02/20 :"Black Out Tuesday" State/Intelligence Asset/Corporate Approved Protest
This is not to discount the presence of community issues. In many communities. Community issues as a whole and those that affect specific groups of persons.
Anyone recall the super violent G-20 protests in Toronto?
The heavy hand of the Toronto Police Force was blatant.. And no one gave a dam.
Limbs were broken. Pepper spray employed liberally. Tear gas filled the air. Rubber bullets were used. Strip searches without justification. Undertaken for pure humiliation. Reams of false charges were laid. Mass incarcerations.
In fact, one day of the protests set a record for the most mass arrests in Canadian HISTORY.
The police were grabbing protestors off the street and throwing them in vans.
There was mass kettling....
Their victims were by and large overwhelmingly white. Their lives did not matter.
They were ridiculed and attacked in the media. Decried as hooligans. I recall it to this day.
As it unfolded I wrote an entire series of reports about this protest.
Concerned people protesting world leaders as they hatched their economic plans, in secrecy, that were bound to impoverish and harm the masses. Think, Seattle, London. Italy and elsewhere. Many of these protests were covered at the time here at the blog. London saw the killing of Ian Tomlinson. Yes, the police can be brutal- including against a great many people who would be identified as white and "privileged" These aforementioned protest attendees were brutally and harshly put down. Unlike our most recent "black lives matter' protests- Those protests were okayed. Sanctioned. With political leaders kneeling in subservience to the protestors- What a huge difference from the G-20 protests, where not one leader "took a knee" Instead heads were bashed. Arms broken. Women were violated. And more..
Hypocrisy. Double Standards. They are everywhere.
Divide and Conquer or Divide to Rule: the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.
In my post from June 02/20 :"Black Out Tuesday" State/Intelligence Asset/Corporate Approved Protest
1 st thought: It really appears as if some party/ies want martial law.
2nd thought: Ain't it great that due to the pandemic vast swathes of youth are unemployed and receiving their allowances via the government- Having nothing better to do then attend protests for political manipulation. Funny how well that worked out?
3rd thought: Am I alone in finding "Black Out Tuesday" kind of strange as a memeIt was already clear that this whole action, from BLM &Antifa, had the stamp of approval from those that pull the puppet strings of our political class. The corporate support, alone, was a sure sign this was okayed in the boardrooms of global intelligence agencies and big multinational corporations. The nod of approval given to the protestors from "health leadership" made clear these protests were desired. All of them. Violent. Non-violent. Did not matter. There is no such thing as bad PR.
This is not to discount the presence of community issues. In many communities. Community issues as a whole and those that affect specific groups of persons.
Anyone recall the super violent G-20 protests in Toronto?
The heavy hand of the Toronto Police Force was blatant.. And no one gave a dam.
Limbs were broken. Pepper spray employed liberally. Tear gas filled the air. Rubber bullets were used. Strip searches without justification. Undertaken for pure humiliation. Reams of false charges were laid. Mass incarcerations.
In fact, one day of the protests set a record for the most mass arrests in Canadian HISTORY.
The police were grabbing protestors off the street and throwing them in vans.
There was mass kettling....
Their victims were by and large overwhelmingly white. Their lives did not matter.
They were ridiculed and attacked in the media. Decried as hooligans. I recall it to this day.
As it unfolded I wrote an entire series of reports about this protest.
Police get special arrest powers for the duration of the G-20
G20 protests gone amok, or maybe not?
Report from a G20 protest attendee. Video footage.Where was JTF2 ?
Concerned people protesting world leaders as they hatched their economic plans, in secrecy, that were bound to impoverish and harm the masses. Think, Seattle, London. Italy and elsewhere. Many of these protests were covered at the time here at the blog. London saw the killing of Ian Tomlinson. Yes, the police can be brutal- including against a great many people who would be identified as white and "privileged" These aforementioned protest attendees were brutally and harshly put down. Unlike our most recent "black lives matter' protests- Those protests were okayed. Sanctioned. With political leaders kneeling in subservience to the protestors- What a huge difference from the G-20 protests, where not one leader "took a knee" Instead heads were bashed. Arms broken. Women were violated. And more..
Hypocrisy. Double Standards. They are everywhere.