More then 5 years ago the report below was posted here. And considering all that has gone on and all that is occurring presently... I'd say my statements were right on the money!
It's been a long labourious process- Birth Pangs
sadly I added this label very late in the day. I've been writing about the 'new middle east' for a very long time now. It includes north Africa as well.
From earlier today:
May 2015- Fictional: "Stumbling into Wider War" vs Factual: The Planned Wider War
Quoting from the oped:A Pentagon official played down the possibility of an expanded war. But the fact that it is under discussion should be of more than passing interest to a public grown tired of war.
Penny "The so called wider war was planned years ago. That much has been plainly obvious-
Keep in mind that ISIS/L is the pretext for this planned wider war.
One wonders how the NYT's oped writer could put that sentence together with a straight face?
Mr Obama has not sought to limit the American role in any way shape or form- He simply started the ball rolling and expanded involvement as the ball rolled further and faster- In other words the means were created to justify the desired ends
This reasonable sounding oped is an exercise in perception management via spelling (language use/word choices) to manipulate the reader-"
It's been a long labourious process- Birth Pangs
sadly I added this label very late in the day. I've been writing about the 'new middle east' for a very long time now. It includes north Africa as well.
From earlier today:
Mysterious Explosions Keep Happening in Iran. Israel is Likely Behind Them.
Another Blast at Power Plant in Iran- Sabotage?