So, I searched through the posts that cover the Greece/Turkey situation.
Let's go back to 2017.. Yes, three years ago.
And understand the signs were all there. For those with eyes to see
Making the headline below an"as expected"rather then a surprise. At some point in time this was going to come to a head. How bad? How dangerous? Unknown. If readers understand the birth pangs, regional remake, as it has been going on they'd have long understood this as another piece in the puzzle. A piece on the board awaiting it's move at just the right time.
How Dangerous Is Greece and Turkey's Mediterranean Standoff?
War between these two NATO members has occurred previously, making TIME's rhetoric kind of silly.
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Let's go back to 2017.. Yes, three years ago.
And understand the signs were all there. For those with eyes to see
2017: Greece/Cyprus Provocation as Pretext to Renounce Turkey
Yes, I’m absolutely entertaining the idea of Greece as provocateur to justify some type of NATO action against Turkey- Greece was heavily involved in the US backed coup- that failed. I’ve no doubt that, indeed, the “Keystone” Coup (think Gulen’s home state) was a US plan to overthrow the government of Turkey.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? The US wanted Turkey demoralized and subservient so they could get their Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 on without any messy inconveniences
Greece has incentive aplenty to provoke Turkey. Doing NATO’s bidding is a plus for Greece. Greece is NATO’s big spending lackey. Greece has already acted very provocatively towards Turkey. Undoubtedly with a whole lot of support from Brussels. Unlike Turkey, Greece is beholden large to the banksters & the EU.
1-Greece was involved with the coup attempt.
2- Greece would not turn over the coup participants. As if their involvement in the attempted overthrow wasn’t bad enough.. Greece Refuses Turkey's Extradition Request of Coup Plotters
3- Greece has been extremely provocative regarding Cyprus..
Greek Minister Responsible for Derailing Cyprus Talks: Obvious Provocation!
4- Greece & Turkey joined NATO at the same time- So a Greek Provocation would be very symbolic of an ultimate betrayal. Think Cain & Abel. Think- As it begins so shall it end.
Considering all the provocations already undertaken by NATO’s gofer, Greece, it’s safe to suggest, that Greece could and would provoke Turkey, yet again! In some way that would portray NATO’s betrayal of Turkey as necessary for the greater good. You know, the USA as the global social justice warrior.
And isn't the US the ultimate social justice warrior?!

Making the headline below an"as expected"rather then a surprise. At some point in time this was going to come to a head. How bad? How dangerous? Unknown. If readers understand the birth pangs, regional remake, as it has been going on they'd have long understood this as another piece in the puzzle. A piece on the board awaiting it's move at just the right time.
How Dangerous Is Greece and Turkey's Mediterranean Standoff?
War between two NATO members in the Mediterranean would be an unmitigated disaster, and both sides have voiced their desire for negotiations. But as the brinkmanship increases, so does the possibility of accidental escalation. “We invite our counterparts to smarten up and avoid mistakes that will cause their ruin,” Erdogan said on Wednesday. “Those who wish to confront us at the cost of paying a price, are welcome. If not, they should keep out of our way.”
War between these two NATO members has occurred previously, making TIME's rhetoric kind of silly.
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