- NYU Warns Students After Professor Allegedly Declares Masks "Ineffective" In Slowing COVID Spread
- Petition to Support Mark Crispin Miller and Academic Freedom
The interview came to my attentionvia Yaya
Hey Yaya:
I did listen to the interview and am going to share it at my place- He likes the Ice Age Farmer (gave him a mention) - Always linked in the sidebar to the right.
I've not had a chance to read his article, but, intend to do so.
That all said he made some good points about the phony greens- that extinction rebellion and greta thunberg
He's right in line with my thinking that they are a death cult.
His indictment of the left was spot on. (I used to be a card carrying NDP member) but I was just saying to someone they've not met a war they didn't like
And I did tell them that when they used to call for donations! After my numerous complaints and refusal to give money they stopped calling
yaya28/10/2020 06:36:23 pmI'm like you, Penny; in "no man's land". No one to vote for, all by myself ... I feel like Fats Waller, but not so happy on the shelf.
I knew you'd like Prof. Miller. There's no artifice about him; he's calm, natural, clear, logical thinking, not vindictive, and entirely believable.
The interview is far ranging.
Covid, Mask usage. Eugenics. Points out Eugenics has a "green mantle" Which it does. Cites Greta Thunberg, mascot for the Extinction Rebellion (Margaret Sanger does not get a free pass) Bill Gates. The Great Reset. Smart Cities. Defunding the Police. Black Lives Matter, Disappointment with the so called "progressives" and much more.