Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Vaccinated Nurse Gets Covid "Positive Test Doesn't Necessarily Mean Nurse Has Contracted Illness" Oh, really?


Nurse vaccinated for COVID-19 tests positive

Positive test doesn't necessarily mean nurse has contracted illness, experts say

 It doesn't? Since when? The positive PCR test is the foundation on which this so called pandemic is built. This nurse tests positive but hasn't contracted the illness?

What a bunch of bull$h*t (go to video for calling out lies)
 Again we see pharma's sycophantic media doing the bidding of it's pharma masters

 Straight face reporting from Canada's own official propaganda outlet

An Ottawa nurse has tested positive for COVID-19 about two weeks after getting vaccinated, and experts say there are a number of possibilities why that might be.

Santosh Baral said he was "speechless" when his results came back positive for COVID-19 last week after a routine test.

The positive test comes after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Jan. 8 and testing negative on Jan. 13.

There are positive cases at the long-term care home Baral works at, but he said to his knowledge, no other person who has received both doses of the vaccine has tested positive for COVID-19 since. 

He received both doses and still contracted the virus. What he knows or doesn't know about others is irrelevant- he's fully mRNA experimented upon.. er, I mean vaccinated.

Scientists Debate How Much to LOWER THE BAR on Covid-19 Vaccine Potential- Disconcerting

Baral said he feels fine, but is at home self-isolating until he is sure it is safe to return to work.

"I thank God I [don't] have any symptoms so far, but who knows whatever is happening in my body. So definitely I have some anxiety," Baral said.

Immunized could still carry and transmit COVID-19

Clinical immunologist and allergist Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman said there are a number of possibilities why Baral could have tested positive.

It takes up to a week to ten days after getting both vaccinations before becoming fully immune, so depending on the timing, she said a person could be exposed to the virus before the doses take full effect.

The nurse was fully vaccinated for nearly two weeks

Abdurrahman added that while both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are 95 per cent effective, "there's a small chance that you could still catch COVID-19 after you're fully vaccinated."

Hilarious- does the bull$h*t never end? Any Doctor truly worth his pay would know that 95 percent efficacy does not equal 95 percent effective.

From earlier today:

Notice: The Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Canada Site Has Not Updated in Two Weeks- Why?

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