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Ukraine: Inflamed? Guerilla war? MSM media silence on the fascism in Ukraine?

2 updates below: 

I have spent quite a bit of time reading this morning. First some recent stuff and then some history.

Tymoshenko warns of guerrilla war
Leading Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko said there was a danger of guerrilla war in Crimea should it be incorporated into Russia and appealed to Germany and others on Friday for immediate economic sanctions against Moscow.

Should this be taken as a threat by the fascist forces in NATO and in the Ukraine that she is allied with?
Is this when the Tatar and friend mercenaries will come into play?

CNN- Why Western Sanctions Against Russia could inflame the Ukraine

There are two reasons why. First, even if economic sanctions were an effective form of leverage, Russia can squeeze us almost effectively as we can squeeze them.

Sergei Glazyev, a Kremlin economist, simply threatened to not repay debt to U.S. bankers in response to American-imposed sanctions.

 Between great powers, leverage is a two-way street.
Is this a reference to bond dumping? Dollar dumping? What is the leverage at stake?

UPDATE # 1- I was asking about bond dumping? What is the leverage?
Came across this-Russian Dollar Dump Could Crash Financial System
I understand China has already been dumping dollars......
 Nobody has wanted to hold the dollar for some time.  The dollar, fundamentally, is weak.  It couldn’t be weaker.  All the major factors are against it.  It’s just a matter of what would trigger the massive selling.  Nobody wants to hold it.  The Russians start selling, and you have China indicating a general alliance here in terms of what’s transpiring.  If the rest of the world believes this is what’s going to happen, people who have been wanting to get out of the dollar for some time very easily could front-run the Russians.
 What would happen if there was massive dollar dumping globally?  Williams says, “It would be disastrous for our markets.  All those excess dollars coming in, with bonds being sold, interest rates would spike.  The stock market would sell off and we’d see inflation.  To prevent that and try and keep things stable, the Fed would tend to buy up those Treasuries.  It would intervene wherever it could to stabilize the circumstance.  It’s going to be very difficult, and it’s going to be very inflationary...........

Back to CNN article-
Putin is clearly prepared to incur economic costs to accomplish his objectives in Ukraine. Even without sanctions, the deployment of troops to Crimea has already affected the Russian economy. On March 3 the Moscow stock market fell more than 10% which, as a Reuters article pointed out, wiped nearly $60 billion off the value of Russian companies -- more than the $51 billion spent on the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Meanwhile, Putin's approval ratings remained high.
By threatening sanctions, Obama is not giving Russia President Vladimir Putin enough credit. Of course the Russian leader has considered this scenario, and it did not deter him from occupying Crimea. (The claim of occupation is extremely subjective_
Furthermore, if we impose sanctions and Russia breaks commitments with U.S. bankers in response, what would be the effect? From a strategic standpoint, none. We certainly wouldn't let Russia use economic threats to dictate our foreign policy, no matter what the economic cost; why should we expect the Russian leadership to budge?
  The key to keeping Ukraine unified is to take away support for Russian annexation. This means solidifying support for the new government in Kiev among the Russian population in the East, especially in Crimea.
That would be key. But, that is now what is happening. In fact everything the West is doing looks to be a move to the worst. And then of course the 'government' in Kiev is not trustworthy and the fascist kooks look to be out of control and actually even worse then I had realized. We will get to that.

Germany says the West and Russia are moving further apart

It's too bad for Germany they suffer from such bad leadership. Same as Canadians.

Someone left a link to this blog: Malorus- World at a Glance
Only a couple of posts that I can see- definitely not a glutton for punishment like myself- hehehe
There is some interesting stuff I want to relink from this post-  Trojan Horse in Ukraine

As I read through the information what was surprising to me was how prominent this sort of fascist-nazi indoctrination was in a good sized segment of  western Ukrainian society- How could this nation be anything but divided? I don't know?  It seems the more divided and divisive vast swathes of the populace are the more divided a nation will be. And of course this is what divide to conquer is all about.
I am curious just how long western nations have been involved in funding and encouraging these irrational movements?

Tell me what you think? The author of this piece believes it is the -ideology- that causes the division as opposed to the language. That makes sense to me, being from Canada. And familiar with the separatist issue in Quebec. It always seemed the language was used as a cover for the ideology. The Pure laine ideology.

 From Malorus-

 This article will help you understand the previous post about Ukrainian ideology. As you can see on the image below – Ukraine is quite an artificial country, since about 90 percent of its land was given to it by Russia at some point in time, (there is a map posted at Malorus explaining this aspect)  last time was in 1954 when the Crimean Peninsula was transferred to Ukraine. This is one of the reasons why the Crimean peninsula has the highest number of ethnic Russians who don’t speak Ukrainian. The other reason is because Stalin was encouraging Russians to move to Crimea after he evicted most of Crimean Tartars that lived there.....
But, it was these videos that really got me thinking about the extent of extremist thinking in the Ukraine -  

RT- May 2011- More then three years ago!? 

BBC-Ukrainian Nationalists marching as organized by Svoboda party- January 2014

 As for Bandera? His family is in Canada and some have put forth the idea that his followers in Canada have influenced the extreme Canadian government involvement in Ukraine. Anyone?

One last item- The CBC in Canada censors anything resembling truth-

" Hmmmm..... interesting.
So the conservative regime is fascist. That is some big news there. And while we are at it, so is the liberal regime. War mongering, oppressive to it's own citizens, kowtowing to multinational business interests... building prisons for all the new 'lawbreakers' once all the new laws to break have been manufactured by the fascists regimes...
And the fascism of the Harper regime extends out nicely to the global tyranny army that is NATO- it's no wonder that Baird (Con) and that liberal lady have hightailed it over to the Ukraine to support the Fascist/Neo Nazis that violently overthrew the elected government
and curiously enough- there were Israelis fighting along side Svaboda in the streets of Kiev
So Israelis fighting alongside fascists in Ukraine and special interest Jewish groups allied with the fascists in Canada- it's starting to look like a pattern?"

Pepe Escobar interviewed by Ryan Dawson

Definitely worth the time!

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