Before we get to this week’s let’s refresh or review last weeks data:
The report end date Feb 26/21 had a total of 1,778,405 doses administered.
The report below for the week ending March 05/21 has a total of 2,255,174 doses administered
Therefore we are looking at the stats for an additional 476,769 injections. A higher number of jabs given this week over last week resulting in a higher death count.
Up to and including March 5, 2021, a total of fifteen reports identified deaths that occurred after the administration of a vaccine. Following medical case review, it has been determined that nine of these deaths are not linked to a COVID-19 vaccine and the other six are still under investigation. When the investigation is complete, the number will be updated accordingly.15 deaths bringing the total to 54 dead with vaccine. Minimally
The weeks count up to and including March 05/21:
What you need to know up to and including March 5, 2021
- 332 New adverse event following immunization reports since last update (February 26/21) (312 new non-serious and 20 new serious)
- 1,923 Total adverse event following immunization reports (0.085% of all doses administered)
- 1,709 Total adverse event following immunization reports that were non-serious (0.076% of all doses administered)
- 214 Total adverse event following immunization reports that were serious (0.009% of all doses administered)
- 2,255,174 Total doses administered (since the experimental jabs began)
Anaphylaxis is still the most common serious side effect.
- Among the 214 serious reports, the most frequently reported adverse event was anaphylaxis
Wondering is death with vaccine not considered serious? It’s certainly easier to sweep the deaths under the rug, isn’t it?
All prior reports from Canada's Vaccine Injury and Harm Updates:
10 Dead With Vaccine in Canada- Adverse Reactions Continue Their Higher then Norm Pattern
- Feb 20/21: 8 Deaths With Vaccine in Canada- Contradiction from Prior Death Reports
Canada's Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Site Updated- 6 Dead With Vaccine
- Feb 8/21 : 3 Deaths With Covid Vaccine in Canada- Rates of Anaphylaxis more then 70X the usual
No Updates To Canada's Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Site For 3 Weeks- What Is Being Hidden?
Here in Canada we are not, as of yet, dealing with the Astra Zeneca vaccine. But other nations are:
Healthy mother, 39, Dies of Multiple Organ Failure Days after Second Covid Vaccine (Moderna vaccine)
Austria Suspends Astra Zeneca Covid-19 "Vaccine" batch After Death and Serious Injury
Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia Stop the Astra- Zeneca Vaccine Due to Death & Multiple Blood Clots Cases