Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Belgium MP Laurent Louis arbitrarily arrested

gallier2 has brought to my attention that Belgian MP Laurent Louis was arrested

Sorry to post about something else. Laurent Louis the courageous lonely voice in the Belgian Parliament who denounced the pedophilia in the elites has been brutally and arbitrarly arrested in Mons/Bergen this evening.
 gallier no apology is necessary :)

If you are not familiar with Laurent Louis? Aangirfan has covered him previously in a far broader manner then I could- There should be enough background available in this previous post at Aangirfan's place

Affaire Dutroux : Laurent Louis montre les photos de - Translate this page

Also- in the sidebar of the blog-
 Dutroux was sentenced in 1989 to thirteen years for his crimes, but was freed after having served just three. This was in spite of the fact that, as prison governor Yvan Stuaert would later tell a parliamentary commission: “A medical report described him as a perverse psychopath, an explosive mix. He was an evident danger to society.”
The man who turned Dutroux loose on society, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, soon after received a prestigious appointment to serve as a judge at the European Court of Justice at the Hague. Shortly after Dutroux’s release, young girls began to disappear in the vicinity of some of his homes. Though technically unemployed and drawing welfare from the state, he nevertheless owned at least six houses and lived quite lavishly.
 Imagine that if you will? A scum judge, who frees a perverse psychopath linked to the elite classes of predatory psychopaths warmonger and pedophiles is appointed to the European Court of Justice at the Hague?

Melchior H.M.J.F.C. Wathelet (born March 6, 1949) is a Belgian politician and member of the cdH. He has degrees in law and in economics (University of Liège) and is a Master of Laws (Harvard University). He's also a professor at the Catholic University of Louvain and the Université de Liège. From 1995 to 2003 he was a Judge at the European Court of Justice. As Justice Minister he had, according to David Canter, "encouraged the early release of many sex offenders" which included the later murder-convicted Marc Dutroux.[1]
This man at the Hague. This totally compromised and controlled individual at the kangaroo court of justice
When you are done reading the above links,  read a few excerpts from a longer post at Axis of Logic

 "Belgium is indeed the land of surrealism"
It isn't just Belgium that is the world of surrealism....
 Laurent continues-
Fighting "terrorism" for destabilization

"Our country has been 'first in line' to participate in crimes against humanity, in each case to overthrow progressive and moderated regimes"
Around the world, military actions and regime's destabilization are becoming more and more frequent. Preventive war has become the rule. And today, in the name of democracy and the fight against terrorism our states grant themselves the right to violate the sovereignty of independent countries and to overthrow legitimate leaders. There has been Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars of the American lie. Came later, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya where thanks to your decisions, our country has been "first in line" to participate in crimes against humanity, in each case to overthrow progressive and moderated regimes and to replace them by Islamist regimes, and - isn't it weird?

 making solid point after point- I highlighted on of my faves below
"Fuck you" to the leaders, left and right

"Fuck you! - all the so-called do gooders, both left and right wingers or from the center who are today licking the boots of our corrupted powers and who will be pleased to ridicule me."
Noone dares to speak, but I will not shut up! And if my battle makes me look like an enemy of this system who flaunts the Human Rights in the name of financial, geo-strategic and neo-colonialist interests, so be it! Flaunting and exposting this regime is a duty and makes me proud. And honestly, I apologize for my low class speech, but fuck you, all the so-called do gooders, both left and right wingers or from the center who are today licking the boots of our corrupted powers and who will be pleased to ridicule me. Fuck you all, leaders who are playing with your bombs as kids do in a playground! Fuck you! - you who pretend to be democrats while you are nothing more than low class criminals. I don't have much respect either for the journalists who have the audacity to label the opponents as mentally retarded while basically, they know very well that these opponents are right. Finally, I despise at the highest point those who believe they are the kings of the world and who are dictating their laws because I am on the side of the truth, the side of justice, the side of innocent victims of looting at all costs.

divide to conquer, sychophants and compromised leaders- the ones we let rule us- the ones whose lies we are told to believe
Opposing the pro-war resolution

"We almost forget that this [Malian] president has no legitimacy and that he was put in place to ensure the transition following th coup of March 2012."
And it is for this reason that I have decided to clearly oppose this resolution. Since the beginning of the French operation, the lie has been organized. We are told that France is only answering the call for help of a Malian president. We almost forget that this president has no legitimacy and that he was put in place to ensure the transition following th coup of March 2012. Who supported this coup d'état? Who started it? For whom is this president of transition actually working? This is the first lie! The French president, François Hollande dares to pretend to wage this war to fight against jijadists who threaten (Ohhh do you realize!) who threaten the French and European territory! But what an ugly lie! By taking the official argument, while taking the opportunity to frighhten the population, increasing the terror alert level, implementing the Vigipirate plan our leaders and media are demonstrating an un-imaginable outrage! How dare they use such a point while France and Belgium have not hesitated to arm and support Jihadists in Libya and that these same countries continue to support these Jihadists in Syria. The pretext hides strategic and economic purposes.

You can read the rest of Laurent's speech at Axis of Logic.

Perhaps then you will understand why it is he was arrested? Perhaps the elites consider him a threat. Bursting the carefully crafted illusion bubble.

Gallier2, if you are about, do you know what the reasons were for this arrest?
Was he charged? Is he being held?
Does Louis have a lot of supporters? 
If you can fill in some blanks that would be great!

Citizens of Belgium get out those firehoses,again. The place is in need of a big enema!
Belgians blasted a courthouse with fire hoses, staged sit-ins and launched wildcat strikes Tuesday in spontaneous acts of outrage over the dismissal of a judge investigating a child-sex ring. Protesters demanded the reinstatement of Jean-Marc Connerotte, who was removed from the investigation by the Supreme Court. "He was the only person we trusted. The workers have no confidence in anyone else," said Hedwin De Clercq, a union representative who led a march on the Palace of Justice in Brussels by some 800 Volkswagen factory workers.
And finally in 2013 the perverted psychopath, linked to the elite political classes in Europe was denied parole
Dutroux denied parole

If the media and elites in the UK hadn't covered for Jimmy Savile his victims may have had some sort of justice, but sadly, compromised scum covers up for other compromised scum.

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