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It's Official The US Omits Turkey From F-35 program due to S-400 purchase- Montreaux Accord Hand Wringing Continues

US, 8 other countries sign new agreement on F-35 program (excluding Turkey)

 The United States and eight other countries have abolished the 2006 deal regarding the F-35 program and signed a new agreement that has excluded Turkey, Anadolu Agency (AA) cited a Pentagon official as saying late Wednesday.

Washington removed Turkey from the F-35 Lightning II jet program in 2019, arguing that S-400 air missile systems acquired by Turkey could be used by Russia to covertly obtain classified details on the Lockheed Martin F-35 jets and is incompatible with NATO systems.

Turkey, however, insists that the S-400 would not be integrated into NATO systems and would not pose a threat to the alliance.

New MoU signed

The United States terminated a 2006 memorandum of understanding (MoU) that had been signed by nine partner countries, including Turkey, the Pentagon official reportedly said. 

The remaining eight partners signed a new memorandum of understanding and the new situation was conveyed to Ankara. 

The U.S., U.K., Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Denmark and Norway are the signatories of the latest MoU.

Ahval- Which is a very pro-NATO biased outlet Erdoğan risks kicking the hornet’s nest as he threatens the Montreux Convention based on a think tank piece from here

 The threat to the Montreaux Accord, doesn't come from Turkey.  Or Erdogan. The "perception" of threat is being created by US led NATO. An entity that wishes to maintain the agreement and waterway as is, so that can be used against Turkey on a whim and a whimsy. 

The real problem for NATO is Montreaux does not apply to the Istanbul Canal. 

"Now, however, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched the construction of a canal that he says will operate outside the convention"

As I've pointed out.. many other parties are on board with the construction of this new waterway. 

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