Don't Miss: Covid in Canada- A Rational Perspective & Blood Clots as Prevalent with Pfizer & Moderna as with AstraZeneca: Blood Clots and Covid link? Questionable. Also Perspective on Pandemic: "Blood Clots and Beyond"
I find the language deployed (weaponized) by "health officials" deeply disturbing since the reality of this virus is fully understood by myself and my readers. I'm wondering if the family feels her life, sacrificed, for an experimental mass vaccination campaign was justifiable?
"MONTREAL -- A 54-year-old woman has died in the province after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, Quebec's public health director Horacio Arruda confirmed Tuesday.
“We just had our first patient who has died of a thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis, following vaccination from AstraZeneca," said Arruda in a news conference. "This is an event that is rare. We knew that it might happen. We have a risk of default one in every 100,000 doses today."
Arruda said it was a risk the province knew it was taking, and that the benefits outweigh the risks.
So the province knew the risk. Did this woman? Did her family understand? Is it okay that the province deems the risk acceptable? Did she make her decision fully informed? This has been a problem...
“We just had our first patient who has died of a thrombosis, cerebral thrombosis, following vaccination from AstraZeneca," said Arruda in a news conference. "This is an event that is rare. We knew that it might happen. We have a risk of default one in every 100,000 doses today."
Arruda said it was a risk the province knew it was taking, and that the benefits outweigh the risks.
"It puts a face on a statistic and for us, statistics are always people, and there's no way of knowing who the person is who is going to react that way," he added. "People don't get vaccinated to die. It's rare, and we can't predict it. But for the population at large, vaccination remains beneficial."
"I'm very sad to know that a 54-year-old woman in good shape... died because she was vaccinated," added Quebec Premier Francois Legault.
A healthy woman, with many years ahead of her. Dead. For an experimental vaccine. This is not an 80 yr old with multiple comorbidities. Perhaps she had children she wanted to see graduate from university? Perhaps she hoped to have grandchildren? Or perhaps she did already? Maybe she planned to grow old with a special someone in her life?
“Unfortunately these cases happen... I think people will still continue getting vaccinated," he added. “It’s very unfortunate and we’re sad about it, but unfortunately, that’s the price of vaccination.”
So this is where informed consent is so crucial. Did she understand that this is the price of vaccination? Did she?
Health officials said there are two or three people still under surveillance for blood clotting, though its not confirmed whether those cases are a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Because they could be from any of the vaccines.
"There's probably been two cases that are confirmed. Unfortunately (there is) the case that I just announced of the person who died," said Arruda. "Another person who had a thrombosis, but who had treatment and who is recovering. And the other two people as well, for whom were waiting for confirmation."
But he added that the death was the"unfortunate price of protecting the health of the large population. The vaccine, we know, has done a very good job at keeping many people from getting severely sick and often from having long-term complications and dying from this disease, as well."
Sacrificial lamb metaphor aside, we don't know that this vaccine has done a very good job of anything- except causing death and harm.Everything else is speculative.