Adults who have received at least one dose are less likely to eat in a restaurant, travel abroad or go to the gym than their unvaccinated peers
You know what the difference is between the two? Vaccinated irrational and fear ful.
Unvaccinated- Rational. Fear less
Both groups lack confidence in the vaccine. For different reasons of course.
“It is ethical to ask if someone is vaccinated?” The Philadelphia Inquirer inquired. “That would be a hard no, says Sally Scholz, chair and professor of philosophy at Villanova University. … This is a medical issue and, ethically, it’s never OK to ask someone about their health status; in essence, you are asking someone to divulge sensitive information about their medical history that they may be uncomfortable sharing.”
Quite right.
The coronavirus has changed all that. Fear and ignorance driven by a politically exploitative class of political exploiters have changed all that. How else to explain the poll findings of the very class of people who are supposed to be safe from catching the coronavirus, who the scientists said would be safe from catching the coronavirus — that these people are the very ones afraid to do anything? Even worse are the vaccinated who still doggedly insist on wearing face masks — along with you and your dog, Toto, too. Meanwhile, it’s the supposed “unsafe” — the unvaccinated — who want nothing more than to get back to living, and who are, in fact, following that desire with real action.
“Unvaccinated respondents,” Morning Consult wrote in early May, “were more than twice as likely as vaccinated people to feel comfortable traveling abroad or going on a cruise given the state of the pandemic. Other activities that unvaccinated people were significantly more open to included dating, attending a work conference, going to a gym or exercise class, riding on a train or bus and visiting an amusement park.”
Why bother getting the vaccine then?
That’s a good question. And the answer has nothing to do with science or medical truth. It has to do with fear.It has to do, too, with feel-good virtue signaling and the chance to wallow in some good old-fashioned self-righteous indignation.
“As we rush to reconnect,” wrote one at The Philadelphia Inquirer, “I want to know people’s vaccination status. I know. I know. I’m being overly cautious. … [But] the only way I’m going to feel comfortable socializing in intimate settings is if my peeps are vaccinated.”
This is the mark of the modern-day self-righteous beast, the one that says, “I know better than you what’s right for you.” The one that says, “You’re making me feel uncomfortable so it’s up to you to change so I feel comfortable.”
Wow it's the always hypocritical "woke culture" on steroids! Woke is supposed to be anti discriminatory- It's just a new spin on the always divisive identity politics.
Vaccine Passport- Gold Stars for the Pliant People. Sowing Division
From earlier today!