Covid cases keep breaking through despite or perhaps because of the“vaccine” ? There is the ADE possibility? Or the fact that these are leaky "vaccines" that do nothing to actually impede transmission. We're all aware of this reality. Or we should be? And if you're one of those that isn't? Have you avoided facing the truth?
What a great way to create a future market for "booster"vaccines and increased PROFITS!
Create vaccines that are leaky and prone to antibody dependence enhancement. And, boom, you've created demand for future vaccine boosters!
Marketing, marketing, marketing. That's what big pharma does!
Mr Bernays would be so very proud.
Ironically, speaking of ADE and leaky vaccines recent, anecdotal, news came to my attention of a fully vaccinated person dying of Covid, after vaccination. It happens. It's a reality. One need only check official stats to see Covid infections are occurring after "vaccination" and the injected are dying.
Not preventing illness:
Doctor infected with Covid despite Vaccinations warns of Breakthrough cases
"A doctor in California who received his Covid-19 vaccine six months ago has tested positive with the coronavirus. Dr. Eugene Choi, a Los Angeles based radiologist, has expressed his concern and warned the public of breakthrough cases.Not preventing illness or saving lives:
Choi got his second jab of the Pfizer vaccine six months ago, but the radiologist is currently in quarantine fighting off the virus he assumed he would be protected against. His wife has also tested positive months after she was fully vaccinated.
"It was very surprising that I got it and got sick from it," Choi said. "But on top of that, I gave it to her and she also got sick from it. So this is not a fluke."
Choi’s situation has left him with unanswered questions about the extent of protection the vaccine truly offers"
Officials: 413 fully vaccinated get covid and 106 of them die. That’s more then 25 percent!
A fairly substantial death rate for the vaccinated, wouldn’t you say?
"According to the latest data from the Illinois Department of Public Health, a total of 413 fully vaccinated individuals have been hospitalized because of COVID so far in 2021. Of those patients, 106 died either of COVID or from complications related to the virus."
Anti body dependent enhancement causing breakthroughs?
Of those 4.4 million people, more than 1,300 have tested positive for COVID-19 between mid-December and late-April, or about .06% of the total number of vaccinated.The doctor in the preceding story became infected six months after vaccination- which makes clear there will be many more breakthrough cases.
These are considered to be so-called “breakthrough cases.” State officials say that 92 people were hospitalized and that 14 people died.
Oregonlive covid-19 breakthrough cases
🍒- cherry picked data alert
In a 28 day period, 398 fully jabbed Oregonians contracted Covid and twelve of them died. In 28 days. One wonders if Oregon officials arbitrarily or selectively picked these dates in order to low ball the numbers of breakthrough cases
A total of 398 Oregonians who’d received their full recommended courses of vaccines were infected with the virus from May 3 to May 31, the Oregon Health Authority announced Thursday, in its monthly report. Officials identified them as “breakthrough cases.” Twelve of them died, according to rough numbers provided by the state.
Rough numbers? So was it actually 13, 14 or more?
As vaccine rollout continues in Central Texas, so do new questions about efficacy.Did you notice the intentionally misleading information in the above article?
“If you have people showing a COVID infection after those two weeks, then that’s typically defined as a breakthrough infection,” said Dr. Rodney Rohde, Professor and Chair of the Clinical Laboratory Science program at Texas State University.
Austin-Travis County health officials reported that out of over 1 million COVID-19 vaccines administered, they have seen 158 COVID-19 cases in people fully vaccinated, also known as breakthrough cases.
Most of those cases were among females.
“ over 1 million COVID-19 vaccines administered”
“158 COVID-19 cases in people fully vaccinated”
How many fully vaccinated? With two jabs? Came down with Covid? Because some, if not most, of those 1 million jabs are first dose shots? To make a true comparison, we need the numbers of fully vaccinated (2 shots) who then go on to contract the virus to understand how pervasive breakthrough cases may or may not be? Media trickery. Media deception. It sure keeps a person on their toes!