Even though they did not have the virus.
When the "pandemic" panic started in early 2020- I recall reading on a discussion forum claims similar to what you will read below. Since it was talk among persons with information that couldn't be verified, it wasn't published here. Instead it was kept "under my hat" because it seemed entirely plausible. Not only was is plausible. It was the reality!
Not using the bull$h*t Globe and Mail Headline because it does NOT represent actuality. Not all the persons given morphine had the virus- making the G&M headline, misleading, intentionally so, of course. You will read that for yourselves in the msm article.
Briefly, I am quite comfortable in stating that actions taken regarding multiple LTC/Nursing homes, globally, were done knowing, with full awareness, that the outcomes would be detrimental/deadly to the residents of these homes.
* The DELIBERATEmovement of the sick from hospital to LTC.
* The refusal to send the ill from LTC to hospital.
* The gross neglect.
*The ever present, consistent problematic situations in these homes. Always left unremedied.
*The dangerous increase in black box drugs that were used to quiet unhappy residents.
* And now the use of morphine to end the life of these persons.
I don’t think it’s too inflammatory to suggest this was at the very least manslaughter if not murder. That's my opinion. Based on information widely available in the main stream media.
"Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves"
I will include the no spin FACTS below:
"As the pandemic struck a Quebec nursing home last year, officials made it harder to send ailing residents to hospital and repeatedly provided morphine rather than treat those with breathing problems, a coroner’s inquest heard Wednesday.
A nurse testified that the Sainte-Dorothée long-term care facility consistently administered morphine instead of attempting to prolong the life of elderly residents who were believed to have COVID-19.
“They didn’t all die but most did,” Sylvie Morin said.
Ms. Morin was an assistant chief nurse at Sainte-Dorothée, an LTC home north of Montreal where more than 100 residents died during the first wave of the pandemic last year.
“They made us put them all on the respiratory-distress protocol,” she testified.
She was alluding to a medical assessment tool where morphine, the sedative Ativan and scopolamine, an anti-nausea drug, are administered if a resident’s breathing troubles meet a number of criteria.
It was like, they have respiratory distress, ‘Okay, we put them on the protocol.’ Morphine, scopolamine, Ativan,” Ms. Morin said.
“Which leads to death?” asked Patrick Martin-Ménard, a lawyer for the family of a deceased resident.
“Yes,” Ms. Morin replied."
Not all of these individuals had the virus
"Mr. Martin-Ménard represents the family of Anna José Maquet, a 94-year-old who died suddenly at Sainte-Dorothée in 2020. According to her children, on the evening of April 2, she told them on the phone that she was feeling fine.
The inquest heard that, early the next day, she gagged while drinking a liquid, then threw up her medication at mid-morning. By 12:45 p.m., she had been put on morphine and died in the evening.
There is no evidence that Ms. Maquet contracted COVID-19. She was tested but the result has been lost, the inquest heard."
The result has been lost? Because she didn’t test positive? Smart money says correct!
"The testimony underlined the impact of provincial directives issued when the pandemic started. Under one of those directives, patients were transferred from hospitals to nursing homes and it was harder for them to be sent back.What’s it going to take people? What’s it going to take? How long will it take for you to realize this was all done intentionally. The LTC homes were set up to fail for the express purpose of increasing deaths within. And selling the pandemic. These outcomes were knowable. And in my opinion they were desirable.
The rules were aimed at protecting hospitals from being swamped with COVID-19 patients but instead made it more challenging for nursing homes. More than 4,000 seniors died in Quebec elder-care homes during the first wave.
A document filed at the inquest shows that the provincial Health Department sought to offload 80 per cent of hospital patients who didn’t need acute care, either by discharging them or sending them to LTC homes.
At the same time, families of LTC residents were contacted to revise their love ones’ level of care. “Should move towards C and D levels,” said a health-board planning document filed at the inquest.
Unlike care levels A and B, where patients receive medical attention to prolong life, at C and D levels, the priority is dispensing comfort care to relieve pain as a person approaches death.
Ms. Morin testified that her floor supervisor was readying for a large number of deaths.
“My unit leader, in early March, was agitated,” Ms. Morin said.“She was saying if we have COVID, it’s going to empty the LTC. She had 250 death certificates, 250 forms for the respiratory-distress protocol.(pre meditated? planned in advance. Looks to be the case) I looked at it and I said, ‘come now, they’re not all going to die’. But it was all set up ahead of time.”
Another nurse, Agnieska Mroz, testified that she witnessed a Sainte-Dorothée resident struggling to breathe while staff couldn’t send her to hospital because of the care-level restrictions.
The resident’s family eventually called 9-1-1 themselves to get an ambulance to take the woman to hospital."
Think about the planning for this outcome in this manner?
A seed is sown, a plant is grown, the fruit is harvested. The conditions (soil prepared, seeds planted, watered, fertilized) were created to guarantee the desired outcome.To sow what had been reaped. That is exactly what took place! Face it. Face the f’n reality! Stop making excuses for this massacre of our beloved elders. And relevant to the here and now stop allowing yourself to be injected with an experimental gene therapy with horrendous outcomes- deaths- blood clots- strokes- paralysis- spontaneous abortions inflamed hearts and on and on.
You, just like the inhabitants of LTC homes have been set up to fall and to die if need be as long as the experiment goes forward.
I’m struggling with a level of disgust that is sometimes quite prodigious. And is, sadly, directed at a good portion of my fellow humans.Those who have taken leave of what ever senses they might have had?"Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them back together in new shapes of your own choosing"
Those who have intentionally impeded their ability to think and process rationally. Allowing themselves to succumb to the fear brought to them by a calculating and contrived media campaign. Created solely to manipulate, control and dominate YOU.
Related previous reports:
Deaths in Long Term Care Homes Linked to Increased Prescriptions of Dangerous (Black Box) Medications, not Covid?
Lack of Medical Care Contributed to LTC Deaths in Canada
Part 1: Ontario & Quebec Killed Their Seniors In Long Term Care In a Manner Suspiciously Similar to Other Places
Part 2: Ontario & Quebec Killed Their Seniors in Long Term Care in a Manner Suspiciously Similar To Many Other Places
Part 3: Ontario, Quebec and the UK's Uncanny Similarities in Killing their Elders in Long Term Care
Part 4: Uncanny Similarities in LTC/Nursing Home Deaths That Span Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean-Canada, UK, US
- The 'Massacre' of Italy's Elderly Nursing Home Residents
From earlier today: