The VAERS Dead w Vaccine number is 5993.
From Canada’s official Covid Vaccine Statistics site.. Weekly report up to June 11/21 Which is not accurate as the data continues to lag for three weeks. Which really means this information is allegedly accurate up to May 21/21- Making it 4 weeks behind. Very evident and clearly stated in the graph below:
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Shaded area represents a time lag where there may be delays in receiving and processing reporting forms- clearly the information is up to date for May 21/21.
* Deaths
Up to and including June 11, 2021, a total of 109 deaths were reported after the administration of a vaccine.Since this is a weekly update, I’ve taken these figures to be weekly as well.
So 109 dead this week. Making the total week after week ( continuing from the previous report)
710 plus 109 = 819. You may think 819 is too high? Perhaps? But I’m confident that 109 is too low.
If I use the VAERS and calculate slightly higher then ten percent population/deaths- It would only be sensible that Canada’s death count is well over 600(Canada’s population is slightly larger then 1/10th of the US population) Being fully aware that deaths that should have been attributed to vaccines were missed early on in the jab campaign. Fully understanding, what is well known, adverse reactions including death are always under reported. 819 dead w vaccine is not beyond reality.
The weekly stats refer to 2,768,670 experimental jabs given
* No new safety signals (potential safety issues) have been identifiedThat’s the vaccine induced thrombosis- 4 new cases of that this week
(one continues to be monitored)
* Up to and including June 11, 2021, there were 55 cases of TTS in Canada with reports submitted to PHAC or to Health Canada.
Of the TTS cases:
52 cases received COVISHIELD/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines, and three received a Pfizer vaccine.
Though reporting on Myocarditis continues and is admittedly being monitored it's monitoring is not included as a 'safety signal' Language creates the reality.
* PHAC and Health Canada are also monitoring international reports (World Health Organization, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Medicines Agency, Israel) of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining around the heart) following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Clearly there are two, no, my bad there are 3 safety signals being monitored!
Yes, 3 safety signals
PHAC and Health Canada are aware of international reports and regulatory actions related to capillary leak syndromeand the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. One case has been confirmed in Canada. Health Canada is working with the manufacturers and international regulators to review information as it becomes available and will take appropriate action.What is Capillary Leak Syndrome?
The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine takes another hit to its safety profile as the European Medicines Agency adds a new side effect to the label of its shot.
The EMA identified a rare blood condition, capillary leak syndrome, as a potential side effect of AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria. The condition causes plasma leaks from blood vessels into neighboring body cavities and muscles. Blood pressure experiences a sharp drop as a result, and, left untreated, the disorder can lead to organ failure and death.
What next, eh?
* 28,156,222 Total doses administeredAdverse events reporting took a good jump up in this weeks report- nearly doubling (last weeks number was 192)
* 7,408 Total adverse event following immunization reports
(0.026% of all doses administered)
* 5,843 Total adverse event following immunization reports that were non-serious
(0.021% of all doses administered)
* 1,565 Total adverse event following immunization reports that were serious
(0.006% of all doses administered)
* 366 New adverse events following immunization reports since last update
(210 new non-serious and 156 new serious)
This is not up to date to June 11/21 because of the data lag- this is up to date to the information that has been processed to the date above- nothing more
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All Previous Weekly Reports
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Injury and Death Report- Data Lag Continues- Deaths Up
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Injury And Death Report- More Death/Less Data
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Harm & Injury Update- Deaths Climb/Data Lag Worsens.
Pt 1:Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Death and Injury Report- As Deaths and Injuries Increase
Pt 2: Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Death & Injury Report: Saskatchewan Confirms 1st VITT, BC & Alberta Men Vaxx Injured. Vaxx Injured Royal
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Harm & Injury Report: 50 Deaths This WEEK - Health Canada Okay's Child Experimentation
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Harm and Injury Report- More VITT’s and Deaths. Plus additional news..
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Harm and Injury Report- 38 Dead/3 (actually 5) cases of VITT
Canada’s Covid Vaccine Weekly Harm and Injury Report: 31 Reported Deaths & 2 Brain Clot Cases
Canada's Covid Weekly Harm and Injury Report- 27 Deaths: Health Canada's Bought and Paid For Influence Peddling
Canada’s Covid Weekly Harm and Injury Report- 26 Dead with Vaccine
Canada’s Weekly Harm And Injury Covid Vaccine Report- 24 Dead With Vaccine
Canada’s Weekly Covid Vaccine Harm and Injury Report- 22 Dead with Vaccine
Canada's Weekly Covid Harm & Injury Report- 15 Dead with Vaccine
March 12/21- Canada's Weekly Covid Harm & Injury Report- 15 Dead with Vaccine
March 7/21- Canada's Covid-19 Weekly Vaccine Harm/Injury Report- 9 Dead With Vaccine
Feb 27/21 -10 Dead With Vaccine in Canada- Adverse Reactions Continue Their Higher then Norm Pattern
Feb 20/21: 8 Deaths With Vaccine in Canada- Contradiction from Prior Death Reports
Canada's Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Site Updated- 6 Dead With Vaccine
Feb 8/21 : 3 Deaths With Covid Vaccine in Canada- Rates of Anaphylaxis more then 70X the usual
No Updates To Canada's Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Site For 3 Weeks- What Is Being Hidden