First, a brief digression.
Another individual who plays a role similar to that of Cristiano Tinazzi & Marie Colvin is Wisam Tariff, who reappeared in this post US leads world in “humanitarian” assistance to Syria after first portraying himself as a 'humanitarian activist', 18 months ago. Though he was and is still obviously involved in moving guns and mercs from Libya into Syria via Turkey. As is Cristiano. As was Marie Colvin.
It looks as if we have individuals operating under the umbrella of NATO war machine who pass themselves off, on the surface, as journalists and humanitarian workers. Just below the surface lies the reality of the roles these individuals are truly playing. Under the cover of journalism & humanitarianism are individuals who aid not just in the destruction of nations but also in the psychological warfare conducted by authorities or those in power against the masses via the corrupt corporate media.
Getting back to Nikola and the saga at hand:
Some more digging finds this gem: Enough weapons to start a small war missing from Italian Navy Yard
And my response to Nikola.....
You have simply got to read this tale of intrigue & duplicity. Yet behind it all it appears quite simply that two of the exiled Russian Oligarchs purchased weapons, that British intelligence allegedly “tracked”.
Tipping Italy off, resulting in the weapons were confiscated. Enough weapons to start and win a small war, the Italians were supposed to destroy them, but didn’t. Keeping them for a rainy day, I guess? Somehow these weapons were spirited out of Italy and straight into Libya in March 2011.
I believe NATO is already bombing the Libyans out of their homes, future and lives at this time...So the weapons were set to sail elsewhere. It seems that once these weapons were shipped to Libya from Italy, these same weapons made their way from Libya to Turkey and into Syria . Pause and think of Ambassador Stevens... and his roll in all this. (The linked post will take you back to Libya & Stevens)
It appears that Cristiano Tinazzi may just be an Italian intel operative that is involved with arms and merc transfers between Italy, Libya and Turkey to Syria.
Rather then using the 'mysteriously going missing" narrative , provided by the as corporate NATO media, we have identified the destination and a coordinator from Italy, Cristiano.
Really, you don’t have to wonder too hard???
Recapping briefly; Weapons confiscated from a ship called the Jadran Express. Weapons disappear, "spirited away" allegedly. But appearing in Libya then making their way to Syria.
Here is where we get to our kidnapped journalists and intelligence mouthpiece er..journalist Cristiano Tinazzi
The Jadran Express and four journalists kidnapped in Syria
Translated from Italian; So it is going to have it's shortcomings but you will get the idea.
Read it entirely
Gladio!!! Gladio!!!! This fits the Gladio modus operundi ..Stashing weapons caches for future usage...
Related;Syria: Massive CIA arms shipments, Israel &Turkey "sittin' in a tree" .
Wow! Thanks so much to Nikola for bringing this all to my attention. I could not have done it without you!
Another individual who plays a role similar to that of Cristiano Tinazzi & Marie Colvin is Wisam Tariff, who reappeared in this post US leads world in “humanitarian” assistance to Syria after first portraying himself as a 'humanitarian activist', 18 months ago. Though he was and is still obviously involved in moving guns and mercs from Libya into Syria via Turkey. As is Cristiano. As was Marie Colvin.
It looks as if we have individuals operating under the umbrella of NATO war machine who pass themselves off, on the surface, as journalists and humanitarian workers. Just below the surface lies the reality of the roles these individuals are truly playing. Under the cover of journalism & humanitarianism are individuals who aid not just in the destruction of nations but also in the psychological warfare conducted by authorities or those in power against the masses via the corrupt corporate media.
Getting back to Nikola and the saga at hand:
Nikola:“In March 2011, Italy gave to TNC's terrorists a big amount of weapons and ammo from military intelligence's depots, in Sardinia. This shipping is today under Top Secret by Italian gvt. Probably, this weapons were shipped to Syria, with the lybians terrorists.”
Some more digging finds this gem: Enough weapons to start a small war missing from Italian Navy Yard
And my response to Nikola.....
What an absolutely sly way to cover up the diversion of weapons, purchased by the oligarchs with the 'tip off' from British intel. Having Italy confiscate and store them at Sardinia, only to have them mysteriously 'disappear'
You have simply got to read this tale of intrigue & duplicity. Yet behind it all it appears quite simply that two of the exiled Russian Oligarchs purchased weapons, that British intelligence allegedly “tracked”.
Tipping Italy off, resulting in the weapons were confiscated. Enough weapons to start and win a small war, the Italians were supposed to destroy them, but didn’t. Keeping them for a rainy day, I guess? Somehow these weapons were spirited out of Italy and straight into Libya in March 2011.
I believe NATO is already bombing the Libyans out of their homes, future and lives at this time...So the weapons were set to sail elsewhere. It seems that once these weapons were shipped to Libya from Italy, these same weapons made their way from Libya to Turkey and into Syria . Pause and think of Ambassador Stevens... and his roll in all this. (The linked post will take you back to Libya & Stevens)
It appears that Cristiano Tinazzi may just be an Italian intel operative that is involved with arms and merc transfers between Italy, Libya and Turkey to Syria.
Rather then using the 'mysteriously going missing" narrative , provided by the as corporate NATO media, we have identified the destination and a coordinator from Italy, Cristiano.
*A massive arsenal of weapons seized by the Italian navy following a tip off from British secret agents has mysteriously ‘gone missing’, it emerged today.*The Jadran Express was tracked by an intelligence officer working for MI6 “
*The haul, which was described by one military expert as ‘enough to start and win a small war,’ included 400 missiles, 30,000 AK47’s, 5,000 Katuscha rockets, 11,000 anti-tank rockets and 32million rounds
*Prosecutors opened a criminal investigation and eight people were put on trial in Turin accused of arms trafficking but they were eventually cleared – among them was Russian oligarch Alexander Zhukov whose daughter Dasha is the partner of Chelsea supremo (Russian Oligarch) Roman Abramovich.
* Both Oligarchs are based in London and both were cleared of weapons trafficking. Shocking, right?
*Following the trial an order was signed for the weapons to be destroyed but it has now emerged that they were shipped to a secret naval bunker on the Italian island of Sardinia, which was formerly (??? really, formerly???) used by the American navy.
* Two months ago the weapons were shipped to the Italian mainland on commercial passenger ferries – a massive risk – with the final destination rumoured to be Libyan rebels.
*A spokesman at the Ministry of Defence in Rome said: ‘Sorry, we cannot talk about that - there is an embargo of secrecy from the Prime Minister's office which forbids any information.’
*One Italian military expert who asked not to be named said: ‘With that amount of weaponry you could start and win a small war. It is very odd that they were kept despite an order for them to be destroyed.‘The fact that an order of secrecy has been placed on the whole affair is also very intriguing - you have to wonder if the government has spirited these weapons out of the country.’
Really, you don’t have to wonder too hard???
Recapping briefly; Weapons confiscated from a ship called the Jadran Express. Weapons disappear, "spirited away" allegedly. But appearing in Libya then making their way to Syria.
Here is where we get to our kidnapped journalists and intelligence mouthpiece er..journalist Cristiano Tinazzi
The Jadran Express and four journalists kidnapped in Syria
Translated from Italian; So it is going to have it's shortcomings but you will get the idea.
Read it entirely
On 10 June 2011 it was discovered that in the previous month of March/11, war material seized in 1994 aboard the freighter Maltese Jadran Express, directed to the Croatian port of Rijeka, consisting of 2,000 tons of weapons stowed in a container 133 and the value of 30 million U.S. dollars, and stored in underground storage of the island of Santo Stefano, Cave Guard Moro, controlled by the Ministry of Defence, had been secretly boarded a ferry to Civitavecchia. This would be 30 thousand assault rifles AK-47, 150,000 magazines, 32 million bullets caliber 7.62 mm, 50 rocket launcher BM-21 Grad rockets and their 5 thousand 122mm, 400 anti-tank rocket launcher RPG anti-tank rockets and related 11,000. The weapons, once arrived in the port of Civitavecchia may be been stored temporarily in two centers of Marina Marina: the CIMA Advanced Ammunition Interagency Center of Batesville, in the province of Massa and Carrara but under the direction of Maridipart La Spezia, and the ' Workshop Missiles Directorate of Ammunition 'Quarry Sorciano', dependent on MariSicilia and Maribase Augusta, near Priolo Gargallo about ten kilometers from Syracuse and Augusta. Probably the implements of war, remained in storage for 17 years, needed to be reviewed at these centers, and reconditioned for a new job. For example, the CIMA "in addition to carry out a conservation and storage of explosives manufactured, became ... the only Italian Polo integration gunpowder missiles and torpedoes in the field of joint and private companies."
On 7 March 2011, the patrol Libra ( P402), embarking perhaps part of the war material in question, it would be traveling to Benghazi to deliver the cargo to the coup-terrorists of the CNT, and then returned to Augusta March 9 next. Larussa's Italy, Frattini and Berlusconi was thus arming the coup triggered by Paris, London and Doha against the Socialist People's Republic of Libyan Jamahiriya.
According to the intelligence expert Gianni Cipriani "Italy has provided weapons to the rebels in Benghazi illegally. The shipment of arms was made in early March, just during the Libyan conflict, about two weeks before the start of air strikes against Gaddafi. The Italian government has sent rifles, machine guns and ammunition taken from the former SISMI deposits in Sardinia: the weapons were part of the old American supplies used by institutions that have inherited Gladio.
Gladio!!! Gladio!!!! This fits the Gladio modus operundi ..Stashing weapons caches for future usage...
The weapons have arrived in Cyrenaica aboard a Navy unit that officially brought only 'humanitarian aid'. Along with many of the actions diplomatic and intelligence services which covered Libya and support for the insurgents, has played alongside a guerrilla underground in Italy, France and the United Kingdom, which aim to positions of greater political and economic influence in Libya after Gaddafi. "
A spokesman for the prosecutor Sardinian Riccardo Rossi, who followed the story, said: "All attempts to get any information from the Ministry of Defence have been unsuccessful, as there has been reported that the story is covered by state secrecy. All I want to know is where the weapons are now, if removed safely and if there had been no risk to the passengers and crew of the ferry that have on board. ' In addition, the three members of parliament Gian Piero Scanu, Giulio Calvisi and Elio Lanutti have requested information on the weapons, without any response. A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence had said: "I'm sorry, we can not talk about it, the secret has been placed by the office of prime minister, which prohibits any information." An expert Italian military had said: "With the amount of weapons you could start and win a small war. It 'very strange to have been held despite should be destroyed. The fact that the order of secrecy has been imposed on the whole story is very intriguing, the question is whether the government has sent these weapons abroad. "
In the days when the Berlusconi government was smuggled weapons to the coup bengasini, Foreign Minister Frattini stated that "Italy has begun discreetly contact with Libyan opposition figures and believes that doing it this way is the best solution. There is almost a race meeting with the Transitional Council in Benghazi. Our English friends have tried and the Council said, 'We refuse to meet them.' We have the knowledge better than others, we are often required at this time knowing those who are there. We know some former Libyan Justice Minister now head of the board of Benghazi, for relations with Libya. We know that network of Libyan ambassadors who said that now they are at the service of the Libyan people and not the regime. Some of them are exerting an important action to coagulate a consensus. "
During the hours when released this statement Frattini, the Italian Government sent to the Islamists of the CNT speakers "humanitarian" loaded with weapons, deceiving to earn the top spot of the favorites of coups Anglo-Qatari in Benghazi.
In January 2013 it was discovered that other war material, this coming from Croatia, was bought by the Saudis and Qataris to arm the mercenaries and terrorist gangs that infest Syria since March 2011. Hugh Griffiths, who is in charge of illegal arms trafficking at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), states that the routes followed by aircraft, ship to transport weapons to Croatia in the Middle East, indicate the existence of a covert operation to arm fundamentalist terrorism active in Syria. "There are three major streams from Croatia to Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to Turkey. This is the trend and these routes are highly unusual. " Griffiths said that there were at least 160 flights to deliver the weapons bought from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, including a recent shipment of unidentified material from Qatar to Turkey. In addition, flights from Croatia to Jordan have diplomatic permission to fly over airspace, thus confirming a traffic of dangerous goods and munitions of war. This suggests the existence, in months, of a clandestine operation to arm the so-called 'opposition' army in Syria. "It 's fair to say that the level of coordination that involves so many U.S. allies, also suggests the involvement of Washington." "Nothing compares, in terms of intensity, this air traffic over the last few months." Eliot Higgins, an investigator following the trafficking of arms on his blog Moses Brown , pointed out that terrorist organizations taqfirite Jabhat-Salafi al-Ahrar al-Sham Nusra and use weapons from Croatia.
The New York Times had confirmed reports of arms shipments Croatian, adding to the evidence of the involvement of the United States citing officials that CIA agents help the Gulf countries to buy arms from Croatia and send them to terrorist brigades 'carefully screened'. According to a senior Arab official, a diplomat and two military experts, so operation is in progress secret and carefully prepared time to arm the mercenaries Islamist terrorists in Syria, and this involves Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, United States and several Western governments. The Arab official said that the number of flights to transport the weapons has doubled in recent weeks. Jordan had opened a new route, specifically dedicated to the trafficking of arms of Croatia, at the end of 2012. In fact, the Croatian daily Jutarnji List reported that in recent months there has been an unusually high number of sightings of aircraft Iljushin-76 owned by the International Air Cargo Jordan (a company controlled by the Air Force Jordan), at the ' Pleso airport in Zagreb, Croatia, and always according to the newspaper, the United States, the main political and military ally of Croatia, it would be the intermediaries. Ivica Nekic, director of the agency in charge of arms exports in Croatia, had called these claims pure speculation. However, according to the data of 'Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), in December 2012 Jordan had suddenly started buying Croats 230 tons of weapons and ammunition, for a value of $ 6,500,000. Previously, in 2001, Croatia had sold only 15 guns in Amman for a total of $ 1053. In an interview with the AP, Jordan's King Abdullah II said that the days of President Bashar al-Assad were counted, and the open channel from Amman to supply new weapons the terrorists turned mercenaries in Syria, indicating the full Syrian involvement in the tragedy. According to Shashank Joshi, a military expert who has monitored the flow of arms on behalf of the British think tank the Royal United Services Institute, "This will open a new front in the south of Syria, freeing the intermediaries of the Saudis and Lebanese in Turkey, ensuring the weapons to the rebels arrive ELS, rather than jihadists. "
Islam al-Lush, spokesman for the Islamist brigade Liwaa al-Islam, who works at the Syrian-Jordanian border, denied receiving weapons from Jordan, "If you bring weapons, which would take place from the north," even though he said that ' rebels' prepare for yet another battle for Damascus. "We have been preparing for this for a long time. We have our own strategy. God willing, we will soon begin the battle for Damascus. " Although other sources claim that in the Syrian province of Daraa, on the border with Jordan, from 1 January 2013 appeared large number of weapons produced in the former Yugoslavia, such as the M60 recoilless cannon, rocket launchers Osa M79 and RPG-22 , and the grenade launcher MGL/RBG-6 Milkor. According to analyst James Miller, the terrorists "do not seem to care to preserve the ammunition for these weapons. The rebels tend to grab the bullets for their Kalashnikovs, and the fact that they wasted ammunition more powerful weapons and more recent noteworthy. In addition, unlike the more recent attacks on installations of the system, the attack on the Syrian base Busr al-Harir was conducted primarily by the Free Syrian Army units. " From Daraa, these munitions have appeared in other provinces, in Idlib, Hama and Aleppo. This process of proliferation of new weapons to the north and south of Syria, seems to have begun in late November and ends in late December 2012, indicating that these new weapons came from Jordan and Turkey. But a more plausible scenario than the direct involvement of Zagreb, (which still supports the Istanbul Action against Syria), is that these weapons come from Libya of the CNT, which powers the weapon and terrorists operating in Syria. The former Yugoslavia, which produced the M60 and M79, had close ties with the Libyan Jamahiriya, as well as Croatia. Thus, it is possible that the M60, M79, RPG-22 and RBG-6 have been sold to Libya by Yugoslavia and Croatia, and in turn the CNT has sold to the Libyan mercenaries on the orders of Salafis Washington and London who, seeing the failure of the offensive of the Islamic brigades and the heavy losses incurred by the reaction of the Syrian army, they decided to increase the supply of arms and ammunition to the opposition Islamist mercenaries active in Syria. But a senior U.S. official said that the 'opposition' remains fragmented and inconsistent operationally, adding that the recent acquisitions of the Saudis and Qataris "by itself does not make a breakthrough. I remain convinced that we are close to the turning point. "
In all this, Italy is playing its part. The load of the Jadran Express was only one of the eight who have reached the starting Croatia Ukraine in 1992-1994. Thus, the war material available to armed groups operating in Syria, remains significant. There is always considerable material available in Rome for this type of transaction. Italy via Libya, send war material to terrorists operating in Syria? And maybe the Italian special forces and intelligence not only involved indirectly in the Syrian conflict. On 21 December 2011, a Lebanese official said that an airplane Italian Air Force had landed at the airport of Beirut, 'aid' to the insurgent anti-Syrian forces. The Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Movement Nasser independent Lebanese Mustafah Hamdan, had also said that military aircraft had arrived at Beirut airport in the "attempt to provide help to those who are described as Syrian refugees", but neither the Prime Minister of Lebanon Najib Miqati, nor the ministers of health and Lebanese Foreign knew nothing. Had only been reported that unknown individuals were present at the airport, waiting for the plane Italian. According to Hamdan, these elements wanted to create instability in Lebanon, in line with the action of the assistant for Near Eastern Affairs of the U.S. Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman, aimed at creating bases in Lebanon in which food aggression Islamic- Atlanticist Syria.
Remember now the work of the four 'journalists' Italians who were kidnapped in the north of Syria, on the border with Turkey, April 3, 2013. This is a reporter for RAI and three freelance known to be supporters of Islamist aggression against Syria and the destruction of the pan-Arab socialist government and Damascus. The four of them would be infiltrated through Syria to the turkish border-Syrian Atme, only to be reported in the village of Yaqubiya, north of Idlib, where they would be 'stopped' because "they had filmed and photographed sensitive military installations." According to sources 'local', or the militant anti-Syrian factions in sequestrarli would be the Salafist terrorists of al-Jabhat Nusra, a subsidiary of al-Qaida.'s "Sources close to the Syrian activist groups" ensure that it would of a simple latch. In short, a mere formality that would take "a few days" to be carried out.
The reporter in question (Cristiano Tinazzi) had already distinguished themselves above for their 'reportage' in Aleppo, on behalf of the RAI. Obviously in 'journalists' have infiltrated Syria from Turkey starting with the Islamist terrorists and mercenaries participating in the plan of NATO aggression against the army, the government and the Syrian people. "The Italian journalists entered the rebel-controlled Syria on April 2, in the Guvecci, visiting, among other things, to the field hospital of Yamadiye, opposite the Turkish resort of Yayladagi. The program was back every night in turkish territory and, therefore, stay always close to the border strip between the two countries. "That is, the RAI participated in military aggression against Syria, spreading their propaganda and their strategic disinformation in support of troops Islamist mercenaries who torment Syria. His 'journalists' are involved, as in the past in Libya, in a double role: on the first line, taking part in the fighting against the Syrian army, and on the home front / propaganda, spreading propaganda and media disinformation against the legitimate government of Syria . Just as in Libya. And just as in Libya, it is impossible to rule out espionage activities against the Syrian defenses. It is no secret that a number of 'journalists' in Libya have reported NATO stations and gatherings of Libyan troops to bomb them, while carrying out their so-called 'reportage', just as it is no coincidence that a number of 'journalists' at the time defendant, have thrown microphones and cameras to take up arms fighting alongside the coup leaders of the CNT and other mercenaries sent to overthrow the Libyan Jamahiriya. Several events have shown a similar dynamic in Syria.
Some of the different bands 'freedom fighter' of the moment, trying to divide the 'humanitarian aid' of the West and the petro-monarchies, did not like favoritism accorded by the Italians? Not surprisingly, the Foreign Ministry said "we need to maintain the confidentiality of" why "the safety of nationals remains the absolute priority." Why the secrecy? The terrorists and their seized would be in Syria, not Italy. Probably should not follow the Italian media, and hardly consulterebbero internet, as long as they know Italian, in a war zoneTo conclude: The Italian 'journalists' were acting as weapons distributors and more. Someone or a whole bunch of someones got angry. That angry person or persons kidnapped Italy's weapons distributing, terrorizing journalists
Related;Syria: Massive CIA arms shipments, Israel &Turkey "sittin' in a tree" .
Wow! Thanks so much to Nikola for bringing this all to my attention. I could not have done it without you!