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Boston Bombing- Blame Russia (Hate to say I told you so, but......)

Last year around this time we had the Boston bombing incident, remember? If you don't you are about to get a reminder served up with a heaping side of perception management.


April 16/2013-Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-raceAt that time, in fact in that very post, I typed these words

With all the tit for tat going on between the US and Russia. And the obvious intent of the US to destabilize Russia.... Let me put it this way, if Russia got the frame/ blame, I would not be the least bit surprised. Even expecting some type of Chechen angle.

I was not off base at all. Not at all.

Afterwards I did an extensive series of postings

Wow! Chechens in Boston. Framing Russia? Not a surprise.
First clarifying my non seer status. Then explaining why I suspected Russia was going to be framed.
As I said, right here, on this blog. If the fingers are pointed at Russia regarding the explosion in Boston......  Don’t be surprised.
Followed up with a 3 part series explaining the reasoning behind my thoughts

*Boston Bombing: NATO- Taking the fight to Russia via Georgia/Chechnya ?

* Pt 2- Boston Bombing: NATO, Oil and the Battle for Chechnya

 My mistake at that time was in not considering Ukraine, though Georgia was included. And it appears  Georgia may be coming into play. We shall see.

With Ukraine in mind now let's recall this map from Part 2 linked above?

Ukraine = Top Left
Caspian Sea = Far Right
Black Sea = Bottom Left
Chechnya (Capital Grozny)  = Red
Dagestan =To east of Chechnya
* Part 3- Boston Bombing : NATO, Oil and the battle for Chechnya

There was going to be a Part 4, fortunately for everyone concerned I ran out of steam.;)

No matter, there is more then enough background information contained in all those posting to understand, at least a bit more indepthly why the NATO, war for peace crowd, would target Russia for destabilization and why I suspected at some point in time the false flag Boston bombing would be tied back into a blame Russia scenario

Imagine my absolute non-surprise to see the beginnings of that exact scenario being reported on in the NATO media today. Less then a year after the bombings & subsequent blog postings! Not coincidentally either, this 'blame Russia' meme is being presented just in time for the 1 year anniversary of the marathon bombing, guaranteeing lots of media play and plenty of demonization. It’s perfect for propaganda purposes. Simply ideal!

I should mention there has been noise about Maidan type 'protestors' moving into Georgia
An anonymous commenter left that info here previously, thanks.
Surprised that Maidan protestors are Georgia bound? Don't be. The Georgians may well have originated in Georgia.

*Georgian division on Maidan will fight till the end
Georgian division did fight till the end and are now going home?- A real NATO effort in Ukraine, no doubt about it!
Georgian in camouflauge at Maidan.
Among the many colorful tents of the protesters at Maidan, one stands out. It bears the Georgian flag on a high staff. Upon recognising our interest in the flag, men in camouflage suits immediately invite us in. “Gamardjoba,” we greet them in Georgian. Inside are around ten men, but in total there are 28 Georgians constantly supporting Euromaidan in Kyiv at the moment. Some live in Ukraine, but even more have come from Georgia.

Finally on with today’s news perception management for the war agenda.  I was waiting for it

Blame Russia!- Russia Didn’t Share All Details on Boston Bombing Suspect, Report Says

Blame Russia!-Boston Marathon bombs: Russia 'withheld' information on Tsarnaev

Blame Russia! US Blames Russia for Concealing Details on Boston Bombing Suspect – Report
A new US government report largely exonerates the FBI for its failure in thwarting the deadly bombing at the Boston marathon last year, instead laying the blame on Russian law enforcement agencies, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Totally absurd! Completely absurd! Absurd, absurd, absurd!!! But what else to expect from the US government?

Do not blame Russia- If Boston was anything but a false flag, the responsibility lies with the failure of the US to keep their territory safe. Since, in my opinion, it was a false flag, as stated a year ago- the blame Russia meme was inevitable for broader geopolitical reasons

Don't miss............  Tamiflu wasted 100's of millions (UK)- Pehaps billions? Globally
 state sponsored terrorism takes many forms

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