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Killers & their inspiration in Syria. Elections called. US debates 'game changer' weapons

Syria- can't forget Syria. 
And now there are two updates!!!!
Hoping you did not miss the fact that  Syria has removed or destroyed 80% of it's chems
and all expectations are that Syria will have 100 percent removal in short order.
A bit of a round up-

The NATO media wants us to believe Syria is locked into a civil war... The situation in Syria has never been that simple. To define what has been going on in Syria as a civil war is newspeak. Double talk. In Syria there has been a destabilization. Backed, aided, supported, abetted, nurtured, created by NATO.
And  just recently studied by those that brought these fighters into play- This study was funded in part by Canadian taxpayer dollars- Probably trying to figure out if the taxpayer expenditure was getting good results in spreading extremist ideology, globally. Canadian-funded study explores how foreign fighters in Syria use social media And if not how to improve the situation.
More on the study in this article: Two Thirds of (foreign) Rebel Fighters In Syria Are European Citizens
Two thirds of the rebel fighters in Syria are citizens of European countries, says a report of the London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation.
According to the report, entitled "Greenbirds: Measuring importance and influence in Syrian Foreign Fighter Networks'", around 10% of the foreign fighters are from Eastern Europe, Bulgaria included.

The largest share of foreign fighters comes from the UK - 17.9% of fighters in Syria were from the UK, based on their database of 190 fighters identified from their social media accounts.

There is also a considerable number of citizens of France – 11.6%, Germany – 11.1%, Sweden – 10%, 8.9% from Belgium and 6.3% from the Netherlands. The report claims that there is a total of 5.3% citizens of Australia, Canada and the US.
The investigation said that they created a database of the social media profiles of 190 Western and European foreign fighters. More than two thirds of these fighters are affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusrah or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, according to the report.
 The database revealed that more than two-thirds of the fighters are affiliated with Jabhat al-Nusrah or the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) – two groups that are said to have connections to al Qaeda.
***Keep that Al Qaeda connection in mind when you read the final story in this post!

So, it really is a global army of mercs drawn from every corner of the world
And what is very interesting is that the inspiration for this global army of fighters comes from the West.
Which seems strange, on the surface, but  maybe not so much?
Here is the report/study I am quoting from- PDF format
Take the time to look through that report.. interesting
The two inspirational leaders?
Ahmad Musa Jibril

Ahmad Musa Jibril is a Palestinian-American cleric
born in Dearborn, Michigan, in the United States
in 1972. He spent a portion of his childhood in
Madinah, Saudi Arabia, where his father was
a student at the Islamic University.
Jibril then returned to the United States and completed high
school before also enrolling at the Islamic Universiy
in Madinah, reading for a degree in Shariah. He later
completed a JD and LLM at Michigan law school.
In 2004, Jibril and his father were convicted on a string of federal
offences, including ‘42 charges of conspiracy, bank fraud, wire fraud,
money laundering, failure to file income tax returns and felon-in-
possession of firearms and ammunition.’

 Musa Cerantonio

Musa Cerantonio is a 29 year old Australian cleric of
Irish and Italian heritage. He converted to Islam from
Catholicism at the age of 17 and has spent time
studying Islam in the Middle East. He has hosted
numerous English-language shows on Iqraa TV
which is based in Egypt and broadcasts via satellite
around the world.
Two of his most important shows are ‘Our Legacy,’ which covers Islamic
history and civilisation, and ‘Ask the Sheikh,’ a live call-in show where viewers are able to ask him questions relating to Islamic jurisprudence.

Although he has an account on Twitter, Musa Cerantonio is not an
active user of the platform.

Hmmmmm a Saudi with a dirty past and and Italian/Irish convert? Strange.

Syrian election date set

A June 3rd/14 election date for Syria has been set- No word yet on if Assad will run.
But let’s put it this way, his popularity is so high in Syria who could run against him and win?
Syria announces presidential election for June 3
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (centre L) talks to soldiers during his visit to Maaloula town, northeast of Damascus April 20, 2014, in this handout photograph released by Syria's national news agency SANA. Assad on Sunday visited Maaloula, an ancient Christian town recaptured from rebels last week, state media said, as he seeks to persuade minorities that the government is their best protection against hardline Islamists.

Last but not least- White House Debates ‘Game-Changer’ Weapon For Syria
“The introduction of manpads could be a game-changer in Syria, like it was in Afghanistan in the 1980s with Stinger missiles,” an Arab official tells TIME, adding that he believes the Obama Administration has begun discussing the idea more seriously. Other sources say the issue is being debated at the White House, but that strong doubts remain about the wisdom of providing missiles to the rebels.
The issue is newly relevant amid recent reports that Syrian fighters are now using U.S.-made anti-tank weapons against Assad’s forces. Experts say it’s unlikely those weapons could have wound up in Syria without U.S. approval.
 Al qaeda with manpads! Why not Obama, been there done that before!

Updates begin:

1st: State Department nonsense via Fox news- Obama administration: 'Indications' chemical weapons used, again, in Syria

I went through this latest chemical weapon use more then a week ago:

First on April 11-  4 alleged chemical attacks being investigated by US/UK/Israel in Syria

Then again on April 13 - US is looking into new Syria chemical weapons claim

I suspect the US is pushing this psyop because Syria is going to hold an election June 3rd/2014
See above (highlighted) Obviously Mr Assad is going to win, hands down, because the Syrian people are fully supportive of him and their military.

What I really want to point out is the statement from the  ill informed Jay Carney and I quote

Jay Carney - noted that under last year's deal, 65 percent of Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles have been removed for destruction, and "that process continues."

Mr Carney- 80 percent have been removed( see top of this post) Get your facts straight, please.

The Armenian community in Syria support Bashar Assad and the Syrian army

In his opinion, Bashar Assad is the preferred candidate of the Armenian community in Syria.
“The Syrian government troops have recently achieved serious success. The chemical weapons destruction process is expected to finish by the end of the month.80% of chemical weapons have been destroyed as of today,” Hayk Kocharian said.
 Gosh, even Hayk knows 80 percent of the weapons are gone and it should be 100 percent by month's end
Quick someone tell Jay Carney ;)

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