FEMEN is not a group that benefits women.
The NATO media calls them a 'protest' group. They are not.
Sometimes the media calls them a feminist group. I can go along with that if we agree the 'feminist' movement which had it's origin with Gloria Steinam & the CIA, was created to weaken/destabilize our society. I can agree with the term 'feminist' in that context. Any other distortion of reality- empowering women or freeing women is pure delusion
You can read about Ms Steinam's involvement with the CIA in any number of books. The Mighty Wurlitzer for one
Of course Ms Steinam, so called woman's liberator, was not above using sexual imagery to promote a state sponsored destructive agenda either.
FEMEN is the offspring of this type of covert ops against society both local and global. FEMEN is a titties and beer distraction. Every war/globalist stunt they produce uses 'sex' as the enticement.
Even their name FEMEN- evokes the word 'men'. The breast baring stunts are done to attract/distract men and reduce women from equal sentient beings on par with men to play things, mammary glands and objects- This is, in my opinion extremely demeaning to all women, everywhere.
You can look at the highly charged, very staged psyop imagery for yourself- here
Notice the fempsycho doesn't stab any of the NATO leadership- the worst tyranny on the planet?
Now everyone who reads here will know exactly where I stand on this group of whores and the agenda they promote and who is behind them in funding etc.,
It is high time we all stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the leaders that shouldn't be.
Follow up to psyops abusing humanity Torches of Freedom- Women manipulated massively.
The NATO media calls them a 'protest' group. They are not.
Sometimes the media calls them a feminist group. I can go along with that if we agree the 'feminist' movement which had it's origin with Gloria Steinam & the CIA, was created to weaken/destabilize our society. I can agree with the term 'feminist' in that context. Any other distortion of reality- empowering women or freeing women is pure delusion
You can read about Ms Steinam's involvement with the CIA in any number of books. The Mighty Wurlitzer for one
Of course Ms Steinam, so called woman's liberator, was not above using sexual imagery to promote a state sponsored destructive agenda either.
FEMEN is the offspring of this type of covert ops against society both local and global. FEMEN is a titties and beer distraction. Every war/globalist stunt they produce uses 'sex' as the enticement.
Even their name FEMEN- evokes the word 'men'. The breast baring stunts are done to attract/distract men and reduce women from equal sentient beings on par with men to play things, mammary glands and objects- This is, in my opinion extremely demeaning to all women, everywhere.
You can look at the highly charged, very staged psyop imagery for yourself- here
Notice the fempsycho doesn't stab any of the NATO leadership- the worst tyranny on the planet?
Now everyone who reads here will know exactly where I stand on this group of whores and the agenda they promote and who is behind them in funding etc.,
It is high time we all stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the leaders that shouldn't be.
Follow up to psyops abusing humanity Torches of Freedom- Women manipulated massively.