Continuing on from Part 1: Boston Bombing: NATO- Taking the fight to Russia via Georgia/Chechnya ??
Where I first introduce the premise of taking the battle to Russia to further the agenda of destabilization.
For multiple reasons. Bolstering that narrative with: Pt 2- Boston Bombing: NATO, Oil and the Battle for Chechnya
Hoping to make it very clear, here in this installment, the third, that the Boston bombing frame up has a clear beneficiary in the NATO global war, pipelines, control of resources and geopolitical destabilization.
We are going to start, again, with the words of Ariel Cohen, an individual who very clearly has a long time interest in this area: By Ariel Cohen, Ph.D. and Dr. Ariel Cohen January 25, 1996-
The New Great Game:Oil Politics in the Caucasus and Central Asia
The 'game' reference used in this title is so inhumane. People are dying. It is not a game. Nor is it a 'great game' This word use speaks to the mindset of the elite crowd. Sick.
Just excerpting because the article is large:
In order to ensure free and fair access to the oil reserves in Central Asia, the U.S. should:
(Again, why should the US do this?)
“Towards a Balkanized Russia”
It gives us some understanding of just how long it is Chechnya has been infiltrated with the NATO Islamic Jihad mercs who do not necessarily come from the geographic but they are sent to destabilize and terrorize.
Ringing any bells?
It is clear that the Chechen war lords, that have been busily terrorizing ordinary Chechens and many others including Russians are part and parcel of the NATO terror pipeline/Gladio/ Strategy of tension type stuff.
Digression over, historical background continues
A Holy War for Oil
The US and the Strategy of Terror
Pause: You should read the article, entirely. The briefest excerpt makes clear the war on terror is a war of terror. And just how cruel and vicious Major Finch's Islamic fighters are is clear when we think of Syria present day- PANKISI GORGE, Georgia
Before Syria, Libya and then we remember the Beslan school massacre.
How did CBS get this video?
Notice the reporting mentions the presence of Saudis, as claimed by Russia. The CBS talking head dismisses this claim. History tells us it is entirely realistic that Saudis were present and involved along with their Chechen NATO army brothers in terrorizing ordinary Russians going about their lives.
With all that history taking place in the sphere of Russia’s influence, for almost 20 years now, is it credible for Foreign Policy magazine to run a piece, called The Invisible War immediately following the Boston bomb incident
Opening the article:
How about this one?
Who are they trying to kid? And why? Does anyone think the Russian people forgot the Beslan school massacre? The wars? The bombings?
Remember the conclusion of the American Major Finch "the methods Basayev has employed are cruel and vicious but are also “courageous and praiseworthy” if employed for the right reasons.
The imperialist/NATO/destabilizing control reasons would, I am sure, be considered the "right reasons" to "employ such cruel and vicious" methods.
And finally: 45 minutes to get informed
There will be a part 4, that is going to bring us up to the here and now
Where I first introduce the premise of taking the battle to Russia to further the agenda of destabilization.
For multiple reasons. Bolstering that narrative with: Pt 2- Boston Bombing: NATO, Oil and the Battle for Chechnya
Hoping to make it very clear, here in this installment, the third, that the Boston bombing frame up has a clear beneficiary in the NATO global war, pipelines, control of resources and geopolitical destabilization.
We are going to start, again, with the words of Ariel Cohen, an individual who very clearly has a long time interest in this area: By Ariel Cohen, Ph.D. and Dr. Ariel Cohen January 25, 1996-
The New Great Game:Oil Politics in the Caucasus and Central Asia
The 'game' reference used in this title is so inhumane. People are dying. It is not a game. Nor is it a 'great game' This word use speaks to the mindset of the elite crowd. Sick.
Just excerpting because the article is large:
The vast expanses of the former Soviet Union harbor oil and gas riches which will be crucial in fueling the global economy in the next century. The huge oil reserves, estimated at over 25 billion barrels, under the Caspian Sea and in the Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are similar to those in Kuwait and larger than those in Alaska's Northern Slope and the North Sea combined.
Control over these energy resources and export routes out of the Eurasian hinterland is quickly becoming one of the central issues in post-Cold War politics. Like the "Great Game" of the early 20th century, in which the geopolitical interests of the British Empire and Russia clashed over the Caucasus region and Central Asia, today's struggle between Russia and the West may turn on who controls the oil reserves in Eurasia.
The U.S. needs to ensure free and fair access for all interested parties to the oil fields of the Caucasus and Central Asia. (why does the US need to ensure anything in this region?)
In order to ensure free and fair access to the oil reserves in Central Asia, the U.S. should:
(Again, why should the US do this?)
*Strive to preserve the independence and economic viability of the Newly Independent States in Central Asia.
Bare bones background from the above link
*Ensure that Russia is not a dominant, (subordinate?) but rather an equal partner in developing the oil resources of the Caucasus and Central Asia. (Keep in mind this was written in 1996)
*Strengthen secular Muslim societies, notably Turkey and Azerbaijan, against Islamic militant groups. Both Russian geostrategic ambitions and Iranian-style religious militancy pose long-term threats to the Muslim societies of the region.(Interesting because Turkey is not secular, though it is presented as such, despite being dominated by Muslim Brotherhood. Contrast that with the destruction of secular and tolerant Libya and Syria)
*Support the Western oil route through Turkey to reduce oil transportation hazards in the Bosphorus Straits.
The War in Chechnya
One of the main goals of the Russian attack on Chechnya in December of 1994 was to ensure control of the oil pipeline which runs from Baku, via Grozny, the Chechen capital, to the Russian city of Tikhoretsk..
The Drama in Georgia
Another conflict affecting potential oil routes is occuring in the Caucasus republic of Georgia. Russia wants to prevent oil from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan from going the "Western" route through Georgia to Turkey.
The Fighting in Abkhazia
Another dangerous conflict is smoldering in Abkhazia, a breakaway region in Georgia.
The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
Yet another bloody war affecting potential oil pipeline routes is occurring in Nagorno-Karabakh, a small, largely Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan
“Towards a Balkanized Russia”
On October 7 /99 the Chechen president Maskhadov sent a letter to the new Nato secretary-general George Robertson. The president of the rebellious Russian republic called upon him "to intervene in accordance with the new world order established by Nato"Article is from 1999; keeping this in mind author gives us a background:
* In 1918 the 'White' general Denikin occupied Chechnya. He formed part of an international coalition trying to undo the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.
*In 1942 the German Nazis occupied part of Chechnya
*In 1989 the American press demanded the Soviet Union be dissolved and opened up to the free market and western multinationals. The first republics to secede were Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The 'Popular Fronts' that organised the secession received help from a general of Chechen origin, Diokhar Dudaev. In August 1991 Dudaev supported Yeltsin's coup d'état and the end of the Soviet Union. In December 1991 he proclaimed the independence of Chechnya and designated himself as its president. Chechnya no longer recognised the authority of Moscow and appropriated the petroleum transported through its territory.
*In August 1999 the war lords Shamil Basayev and Imin Khattab invaded the neighbouring Russian republic of Daghestan. They murdered police officers, hoisted the green flag of the 'Islamic republic' and advanced on the capital Makhachkala.FLASHBACK!: Who are these warlords? Are they Chechens that were resident in the Chech/Dagestan area at that time? Or, did they hail from elsewhere? Read this articlefrom the BBC/1999.
It gives us some understanding of just how long it is Chechnya has been infiltrated with the NATO Islamic Jihad mercs who do not necessarily come from the geographic but they are sent to destabilize and terrorize.
Khatab is a professional Islamic revolutionary. : He, Khatab, comes from the Bedouin region of north-west Saudi Arabia. The region he comes from borders Jordan and it's possible that Khatab spent some time in Jordan, alongside Jordanian Chechens, creating some confusion about his origins.
According to one Russian newspaper journalist who met him, Zamid Ayubov of Trud, Khattab comes from a wealthy family and spent some time at an American university
Ringing any bells?
“It is possible that Khatab's arrival was arranged through the Saudi-Arabian based Islamic Relief Organisation, a militant religious organisation, funded by mosques and rich individuals which channelled funds into Chechnya.”
It is clear that the Chechen war lords, that have been busily terrorizing ordinary Chechens and many others including Russians are part and parcel of the NATO terror pipeline/Gladio/ Strategy of tension type stuff.
Digression over, historical background continues
A Holy War for Oil
The two thousand soldiers mustered by Shamil Basayev to invade Daghestan were remarkably professionally trained, supplied, and armed. They had at their disposal Stinger-2 rockets, reserved by Nato for its most loyal member states. With these rockets they destroyed three helicopters in front of the TV cameras. During the invasion in Chechnya they used them to bring down a Sukhoi-25 warplane as well as a Sukhoi-25 bomber, one of the best in the world. It recalls the period when the CIA overtly supplied Stingers to the Afghan resistance opposing the Soviet troops.
The US and the Strategy of Terror
In the magazine Military Review (6) the American major Raymond C. Finch describes the use of terrorists in the military strategy of the United States.
"The future war", Finch writes, "is most likely not the son of Desert Storm [the war against Iraq], rather it will be the stepchild of Somalia and Chechnya. In Somalia, despite overwhelming superiority in firepower and technology, a group of lightly-armed 'rebels' effectively forced the US military out of the country. For the time being at least, the Chechens, under the courageous leadership of Shamil Basayev, have won their independence and freedom.
"In August 1991 Basayev was in Moscow, and, armed with a couple of hand grenades, went to help defend Yeltsin in the Russian Parliament. In 1992 he hijacked a passenger plane in the nearby city of Mineralnye Vody demanding the Russians lift the state of emergency or the plane would be blown up.
"Conventional military prowess is no match against rebel forces, led by skilled and committed leaders. The notion that the battlefield is isolated and that fighting is restricted to those who wear uniforms is absurd. As we move into the 21st century, the structure of the game appears to be changing.
The conclusion of the American Major Finch reaches is that "the methods Basayev has employed are cruel and vicious, and have often been in violation of recognised laws of warfare. At the same time, however, his actions, when cast in the light of Chechen independence, are courageous and praiseworthy." (6) Thus it is brazenly admitted that support to terrorists like Bin Laden or Shamil Basayev poses no problem, in so far as they take action against the adversaries of America.
This is the same attitude with respect to terror that the US assumed in Kosovo.
Pause: You should read the article, entirely. The briefest excerpt makes clear the war on terror is a war of terror. And just how cruel and vicious Major Finch's Islamic fighters are is clear when we think of Syria present day- PANKISI GORGE, Georgia
Abu Hamza, 29 years old ,has been crossing back and forth across the border between the two countries (Russia and Georgia) for most of his 29 years, followed his brother-in-law to Syria, to fight for the NATO Islamist mercenary army.
"I went there because I saw videos on the Internet of innocent women and children being killed by the regime. I wanted to fight the [Syrian] government and help the opposition; I wanted to kill Bashar," he said. “

Chechen fighter- Syria
Before Syria, Libya and then we remember the Beslan school massacre.
How did CBS get this video?
Notice the reporting mentions the presence of Saudis, as claimed by Russia. The CBS talking head dismisses this claim. History tells us it is entirely realistic that Saudis were present and involved along with their Chechen NATO army brothers in terrorizing ordinary Russians going about their lives.
With all that history taking place in the sphere of Russia’s influence, for almost 20 years now, is it credible for Foreign Policy magazine to run a piece, called The Invisible War immediately following the Boston bomb incident
Opening the article:
"Russians weren't paying much attention to their own war on terror. But that was before the attacks in Boston."Closing the article:
Few seemed to accept the more obvious conclusion: That the traumas caused by the lingering war in the North Caucasus have now reached all the way to the United States.
How about this one?
It took a bombing in Boston to wake Russians up to the crisis in their own back yard, writes Anna Nemtsova.Really? The Russians weren’t paying much attention to their own war on terror?
Who are they trying to kid? And why? Does anyone think the Russian people forgot the Beslan school massacre? The wars? The bombings?
Remember the conclusion of the American Major Finch "the methods Basayev has employed are cruel and vicious but are also “courageous and praiseworthy” if employed for the right reasons.
The imperialist/NATO/destabilizing control reasons would, I am sure, be considered the "right reasons" to "employ such cruel and vicious" methods.
And finally: 45 minutes to get informed
There will be a part 4, that is going to bring us up to the here and now