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Obama "urgently" considering airstrikes on Syria as well as Iraq

 Well wasn't that "unexpected" attack on Mosul very fortuitous for NATO's designs on Syria?

Of course, I am being facetious. If you can't get to your destination via one path there are many other roads that can be travelled

The Obama administration is urgently considering an air assault on Islamic extremists that officials told the Guardian could be directed at targets in Syria as well as Iraq.
President Obama announced on Friday that in the "days ahead" he will decide on a package of military and diplomatic options to halt the rapid advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), as the jihadist army's march from Syria through Sunni Iraq has upended Obama's achievement of extricating the US military from the Iraq conflict.
Obama has had so many opportunities to stop the advance of ISIS. He could have, if he ever really would have wanted to? Instead.... he bolstered them at every turn. One could easily say that ISIS was birthed by the US in Iraq.

Obama has ruled out sending US soldiers and marines back to the Iraqi streets they patrolled from 2003 to 2011, but signalleda new, reluctant openness to returning the US to war in Iraq.
Reluctant? Openness? Bovine! Excrement!
 Obama the peace prince ( of darkness) and I ain't talkin' skin colour has been makin' war the world over. He picked up the scepter from his evil predecessors and ran with it.

*Isis "could pose a threat eventually to American interests as well"

 *Options under discussion include an air campaign, using either or both air force or navy warplanes, the potential duration of which has yet to be determined.

* Two officials said that a strike at Isis in Iraq and Syria was under consideration.

* Isis "is now across the border," said a Pentagon official, who requested anonymity. "It is possible to take out the head, you've got to take out the heart … Everything is being looked at."

*Officials pointed to the extensive military planning last summer for what looked like an imminent air attack on Syria that ultimately did not come to pass. While that planning targeted the regime of Bashar al-Assad, they said it formed a basis for modification against the current cross-border threat from Isis.

Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, D and E

*Any potential military strikes in Syrian territory would be complicated by the potential repercussions for the country’s three-year civil war.

*"The Pentagon has been considering targets in Syria for 18 months, but everything they're looking at is Assad," Harmer said. "Isis is just something we haven't looked at closely or not closely enough."


 The prison break freed up lots of fighters- Weapons cache- Humvees to Syria
Mosul has a US consulate and lots of mercs. Reportedly 1000 at least in 2011.
 How many in 2014? No doubt, substantially more

 Everything there for the pickin's though the US knew full well that ISIS was on the move and growing stronger. Maliki had asked for help. The US had been surveying the area

I take Fisk with some reservations but find this intriguing-

The Croesus-like wealth of Qatar may soon be redirected away from the Muslim rebels of Syria and Iraq to the Assad regime, out of fear and deep hatred for its Sunni brothers in Saudi Arabia (which may invade Qatar if it becomes very angry).
Interesting- Saudi Arabia may invade Qatar? 
I am going to refer you to a comment left by 
 AnonymousJune 13, 2014 at 12:22 PM
11 points and more info that is worth considering- Read it!
We all know of the“deep concern” of Washington and London at the territorial victories of the Islamists – and the utter destruction of all that America and Britain bled and died for in Iraq. No one, however, will feel as much of this “deep concern” as Shia Iran and Assad of Syria and Maliki of Iraq, who must regard the news from Mosul and Tikrit as a political and military disaster. Just when Syrian military forces were winning the war for Assad, tens of thousands of Iraqi-based militants may now turn on the Damascus government, before or after they choose to advance on Baghdad.
That works out so well for NATO- Swimmingly, really. Couldn't have gone better if they would have planned it themselves.........Planned it themselves? Planned it for themselves?
Since there were already plans of attack that included cross border modifications

And one last helpful image. Cause it's time to sign off for the night

ISIS; Origin Iraq! With much US/NATO assistance
 In London, the US secretary of state John Kerry told reporters Obama would move swiftly. "Given the gravity of the situation, I would anticipate timely decisions from the president regarding the challenge," he said. "I am confident the US will move rapidly and effectively to join with our allies in dealing with this challenge."

Background info-

How can the US help Maliki when Maliki is the problem- But ISIS isn't?!

The US Departure from Iraq was all Illusion!

Very Telling! US REBUFFED multiple prior Iraq requests to quash ISIS

The fall of Mosul. Who benefits and who does not. Updated!

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