I have been working on this post for two, well really three, days now. It's long.
But worth reading entirely.
In this post- ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth a scenario was presented, to you, explaining how the stolen wealth of Iraq was used by NATO leadership, mostly US/UK, to create ISIS. We recalled the forgiving of odious debt, a request made by the US, which freed up Iraq's wealth to be used & abused, intentionally, under the watchful eye of L. Paul Bremmer.
Aside from the usual profiting off the misery of human suffering there was a bigger plan.
Let's use a gardening metaphor- Seeds were being sown, for later harvesting.
Brief excerpt from previous post
This cost a unified Iraq city after city. Province after province. Maliki was trying to be compliant with US wishes. Still, he was not compliant enough.
What are "Awakening Councils"?
Awakening Councils/ Movement/ Sons of Iraq- Whichever brand floats your boat- Never heard of this organization until a couple days ago. These groups most definitely piqued my curiousity? Of course, I spent an excessive amount of time reading up on these Awakening Councils also known as Sons of Iraq. Who they were, how they were formed and all the stolen Iraqi money the US bathed these thugs in. Through all this reading what became quite clear to me, my aha moment, the creation of these councils was the methodology for the madness. This was the methodology used for the creation of ISIS.
The year was 2009..............the author Dahr Jamail
Excerpting tidbits as follows-
In the "Construction Business"
Continuing with Dahr Jamail
The divide to conquer strategy is old and has been done many, many times by imperial powers long before Iraq. Including previously in the entire Middle East. History repeats.
The year is 2010- The Middle East Quarterly
Al Qaeda in other clothes... You see Al Qaeda was not subordinated in Iraq, they were simply infused/morphed/rebranded into the "Awakening Councils"
After much haggling the Americans persuaded Maliki? Haggling or threatening?
2010 again. Headline -Sunnis in Iraq Allied With U.S. Rejoin Rebels
Finally: 2007- ABC News-"Sunni Awakening: Insurgents are now allies
Of course it would!
One last final puzzle piece. The clincher. The linchpin.
From that ABC article as reported in 2007..... betcha you won't believe your eyes!
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi- the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, then, is now presently the leader of ISIS. The very same ISIS the US has no problem with today.
And why would they? ISIS is the stay behind Army created by the US to be used as needed as a control mechanism in Iraq
Abu-Omar al-Baghdadi ?
Must be the name of the Iraqi left behind leadership- no matter the face
In closing: it should be clear why we are reading descriptions of ISIS as including 'former Baathists', 'ex -military' and 'sunni extremists'. ISIS does contain all those elements.
But what is not mentioned is the ties that bind. Loyalty and support to and for the US/UK paymasters via the NATO tyranny machine.
Therefore ISIS= Stay Behind Army loyal to the NATO global war machine. Led by the US.
Don't Miss : Obama: push Maliki out!
But worth reading entirely.
In this post- ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth a scenario was presented, to you, explaining how the stolen wealth of Iraq was used by NATO leadership, mostly US/UK, to create ISIS. We recalled the forgiving of odious debt, a request made by the US, which freed up Iraq's wealth to be used & abused, intentionally, under the watchful eye of L. Paul Bremmer.
Aside from the usual profiting off the misery of human suffering there was a bigger plan.
Let's use a gardening metaphor- Seeds were being sown, for later harvesting.
Brief excerpt from previous post
"If we understand ISIS to be a left behind army, working on behalf of another master, then the application of pressure on Maliki & the collusion between the Kurds of Iraq and ISIS makes perfect sense."The money to create ISIS came from Iraq itself. Stolen by those that claimed to be freeing Iraq from tyranny. Via what mechanism? I believe this fighting army was created by the US and company through the US/UK created "Awakening Councils" rebranded as the "Sons of Iraq" morphing straight into to newly labelled ISIS. Or more accurately reverting back to it's origin?
Due to Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's refusal to fully integrate the Sons of Iraq into the Iraqi Security Services, "by 2013, the Sons of Iraq were virtually nonexistent". Sunnis formerly serving with the group either becoming unemployed or joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.This is where Maliki made his mistake- He partially integrated these thugs into the military.
This cost a unified Iraq city after city. Province after province. Maliki was trying to be compliant with US wishes. Still, he was not compliant enough.
What are "Awakening Councils"?
Awakening Councils/ Movement/ Sons of Iraq- Whichever brand floats your boat- Never heard of this organization until a couple days ago. These groups most definitely piqued my curiousity? Of course, I spent an excessive amount of time reading up on these Awakening Councils also known as Sons of Iraq. Who they were, how they were formed and all the stolen Iraqi money the US bathed these thugs in. Through all this reading what became quite clear to me, my aha moment, the creation of these councils was the methodology for the madness. This was the methodology used for the creation of ISIS.
We know about the money. If you don't, you need to read the previous post linked right at the beginning. Now, let's check out the manner in which ISIS was created. How the roots of the Sunni Sons of Iraq grew into the shrub (GWB pun) of ISIS.a. A body of practices, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry; a set of working methods:
The year was 2009..............the author Dahr Jamail
Excerpting tidbits as follows-
In the "Construction Business"
In late 2006, roughly speaking, months before George W. Bush's "surge" strategy sent 30,000 more American troops into Baghdad and surrounding areas, the U.S. began making down-payments on the cooperation of local al-Anbar tribal sheiks and started funding and arming the Sunni militias they were then organizing
So, the ' Sunni Sons of Iraq", former Baathists & resistance fighters (AQ) were one and the same as the Awakening councils. It was the usual sleight of hand/rebrandThe program was soon hailed as a success, and the groups were dubbed anything from The Awakening, to Sons of Iraq (al-Sahwa), or as the U.S. military preferred for a time, Concerned Local Citizens. Whatever the name, most of their members were former resistance fighters (AQ in Iraq) many were also former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party; and significant numbers were -- and, of course, remain -- both.
"As a result, these men obtained backing for their private militias, renamed Awakening groups, and in addition, signed"construction" contracts with the Americans who put millions of dollars in their pockets, even if not always into actual construction sites.
Construction contracts? Plundered Iraqi wealth for 'reconstruction' Reconstruction of what? Why, stay behind armies, of course! Ties right back to the post from the other day- ISIS a US created stay behind army. I do so love when everything falls into place.As early as April 2006, the Rand Corporation released a report, "The Anbar Awakening," identifying America's potential new allies as a group of sheiks who used to control smuggling rings and organized crime in the areas"
Continuing with Dahr Jamail
Think of it this way: Every dealer needs a front man. The U.S. bought the sheiks off and it was to their immediate advantage to be bought off. They regained a kind of power that had been seeping away, while all the money and arms allowed them to put real muscle into recruiting people in the tribes they controlled and into building the Awakening Movement.The Awakening Movement, as I am calling it from here on in, was such a rousing success the US expanded it to other Iraqi provinces I bet you're surprised. Really, you are. Because you are one of those people who have never read of this type of seed being planted by the imperial powers. Kidding!
The divide to conquer strategy is old and has been done many, many times by imperial powers long before Iraq. Including previously in the entire Middle East. History repeats.
The year is 2010- The Middle East Quarterly
Initially known as al-Anbar Awakening (Sahwat al-Anbar), the movement made its appearance in the summer of 2006I don't believe the Sunni tribesman/AQ fighters were ever loyal to the new Iraqi government. They were paid and trained by the US. They were carrying on their criminal activities and as a point of fact were aided and abetted in doing so by all the stolen Iraqi dollars directed there way via arms, training etc. They had nothing to gain by being loyal to the Maliki government. Maliki knew this. It's obvious enough, anyway
While some of this sectarian violence was perpetrated by Islamist Shiite militias that sprang up in southern Iraq in the immediate wake of the invasion, the main instigator was the minority Arab Sunni community, about 20 percent of the total population, which had dominated Iraqi politics for centuries.
What motivated these Sunni tribesmen to sign loyalty oaths to fight for an Iraqi government with whom they had only recently battled viciously? What were U.S. officers thinking when they provided military training and money for arms and equipment to men who, more often than not, had been their enemies just a short time before?
The Iraqi government ( Maliki) was slow to acknowledge the merits of the Awakening movement.
In fact, as the coalition accelerated recruitment and institutionalized regular salaries to its members, the government remained wary of this large and predominantly Sunni force—which had grown to some 80,000 members by early 2008—and its future political intentions. A senior Iraqi advisor to the coalition forces recalled the situation:Like I said these fighters has nothing to gain via loyalty to Maliki. They were bought and paid for by the coalition of the killing
The Shiites thought, it is a conspiracy. That is: al-Qaeda cannot be tolerated, so now they came in other clothes [sic], and they are trying to surround Baghdad. And maybe the Americans, because of the violence, are desperate, and they want to bring the Sunnis back and that is why they support them. So this theory of conspiracy controlled the minds of the Shiites inside the government and popularly.[23]After much haggling, the Americans managed to persuade Nuri al-Maliki's government to take over the Awakening program and to incorporate it into the newly established security and state structures.
Al Qaeda in other clothes... You see Al Qaeda was not subordinated in Iraq, they were simply infused/morphed/rebranded into the "Awakening Councils"
After much haggling the Americans persuaded Maliki? Haggling or threatening?
2010 again. Headline -Sunnis in Iraq Allied With U.S. Rejoin Rebels
-Members of United States-allied Awakening Councils have quit or been dismissed from their positions in significant numbers in recent months.The Awakening Councils have always been a destabilizing force allied with the US. There is no "switch in loyalties" That is perception management. Since they were created to be allies of the US, they benefit the most from their relationship with the US, they will serve US interests. And that is exactly what they are doing today!
-The Awakening members’switch in loyalties (no switch in loyalties) poses a new threat to Iraq’s tenuous social and political balance during the country’s ongoing political crisis and as the United States military prepares to withdraw next year.
- “At this point, Awakening members have two options: Stay with the government, which would be a threat to their lives, or help Al Qaeda by being a double agent,” he said. “The Awakening is like a database for Al Qaeda that can be used to target places that had been out of reach before.”
Finally: 2007- ABC News-"Sunni Awakening: Insurgents are now allies
Sunni's who once fought alongside al Qaeda? Wouldn't that make the Sunni awakening Al Qaeda?-The fighters of Iraq's "Sunni awakening" have become as controversial as they've been successful.-Nearly 80,000-strong, paid by the Pentagon, and independent of the Iraqi government, these Sunni "awakening councils" are largely made up of former insurgents. aka AQ-President Bush has called them the hope of the future Iraq. "In Anbar, you're seeing firsthand the dramatic differences that can come when the Iraqis are more secure," Bush said during a visit to Anbar province in September.-"You see Sunnis, who once fought side by side with al Qaeda against coalition troops, now fighting side by side with coalition troops against al Qaeda," Bush added.-The militiamen are being lionized on Iraqi television.
Of course it would!
The Shiite-led government has dragged its feet on promises of government security jobs. They fear a civil war, in which the taxpayer(?)-armed Sunni gunmen will one day array themselves against the central government.Maliki has seen the dawn of that dreaded day.
One last final puzzle piece. The clincher. The linchpin.
From that ABC article as reported in 2007..... betcha you won't believe your eyes!
A new audiotape by a man claiming to be Abu Omar al-Baghdadi — the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq — urges more violence.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi- the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, then, is now presently the leader of ISIS. The very same ISIS the US has no problem with today.
And why would they? ISIS is the stay behind Army created by the US to be used as needed as a control mechanism in Iraq
Abu-Omar al-Baghdadi ?
Must be the name of the Iraqi left behind leadership- no matter the face
In closing: it should be clear why we are reading descriptions of ISIS as including 'former Baathists', 'ex -military' and 'sunni extremists'. ISIS does contain all those elements.
But what is not mentioned is the ties that bind. Loyalty and support to and for the US/UK paymasters via the NATO tyranny machine.
Therefore ISIS= Stay Behind Army loyal to the NATO global war machine. Led by the US.
Don't Miss : Obama: push Maliki out!