By BBC 'Investigations Correspondant" - Wow! That is impressive! Right?
Problem? I am not getting any sense of investigation?
Was it too risky a task to undertake because it would have been damn near impossible to sucker (extract) 100,00 Syrians in for this insane assignment.That's how I see it!
Which is why the NATO psychopathic militarized tyranny had to import into Syria vast quantities of multinational mercenaries. I have said here, on more then one occasion, that the NATO mercs are the UN of terrorists! Suckers from other countries, NATO trained to do their killing, torturing, raping, beheading, mutilating, launch chemical attacks, killing of children etc.,
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Problem? I am not getting any sense of investigation?
The UK drew up plans to train and equip a 100,000-strong Syrian rebel army to defeat President Bashar al-Assad, BBC Newsnight can reveal.
The secret initiative, put forward two years ago, was the brainchild of the then most senior UK military officer, General Sir David Richards.
It was considered by the PM and the National Security Council, as well as US officials, but was deemed too risky.Why was it deemed to risky? No explanation from the BBC's special investigator?
Was it too risky a task to undertake because it would have been damn near impossible to sucker (extract) 100,00 Syrians in for this insane assignment.That's how I see it!
Which is why the NATO psychopathic militarized tyranny had to import into Syria vast quantities of multinational mercenaries. I have said here, on more then one occasion, that the NATO mercs are the UN of terrorists! Suckers from other countries, NATO trained to do their killing, torturing, raping, beheading, mutilating, launch chemical attacks, killing of children etc.,
The UK government did not respond to a request for comment.
Lord Richards, as he is now, believed his proposal could stem the civilian bloodshed in Syria as rebels fought troops loyal to Mr Assad.
The idea was considered by David Cameron and Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, and sent to the National Security Council, Whitehall sources said.
Once the Syrian force was ready, it would march on Damascus, with the cover of fighter jets from the West and Gulf allies.
The plan envisaged a "shock and awe" campaign, similar to the one that routed Saddam's military in 2003, but spearheaded by Syrians.Wonder if they were going to attempt to create this army using a Syrian version of the Iraqi "Awakening"councils Or if UK/US did in fact attempt to do this prior to the destabilization campaign but couldn't drum up the internal Syrian support. -Hmmmm.....
Busy day today. Busy day
Post 1- Experts Challenge Israeli attempt to derail P5+1 Deal
Post 2-Not Hamas- Sinai based 'terror group' claims resposibility for student deaths
Post 3- Above