The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel's favour. That is not a coincidence. That is long term planning
Ok, so much for my enforced break. After a lovely day in wine country.....
I am back! Continuing on with the situation in the ME.
Hope you all listened to that Max Igan interview?
During the first hour of the interview Max says something along the line of the Arab Spring changing the scenery for Israel.RIR- Max Igan- Zionist Terrorism in Gaza
Can't recall the exact wording, but, it was something like it appears the Arab Spring™ had to take place before Israel could launch this brutal attack on the Palestinians in Gaza. He says it about 3 minutes in.
Mr Igan believes this is because all the other nations are distracted. This is true enough, in the case of Syria.
Libya. Forget about Turkey. However, this is not true of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and UAE, Kuwait and Oman. The six countries known as the Gulf Council
They aren't 'distracted' They are complicit. Not the people. But certainly the governing bodies are completely embedded with Israel/US. And then there is Egypt. Also, not distracted. Not, really. Not enough to miss participating wholly & fully in assisting Israel in the destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Let's read some news together, shall we?
Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent
Originally posted with the headline, judging by the url, .../fighting-political-islam-arab-states-find-themselves-allied-with-israel.
Political Islam is a spin term, in this case. The term is supposed to represent ISIS. ISIS or IS the Islamic State- ISIS rebrands as IS" declared the establishment of a new Islamic state"
Of course ISIS, the NATO backed terror group, had to rebrand as IS the Islamic State so there could be a 'fight' against Political Islam- which is a scam! A complete and total scam!
Now, we have that rebrand out of the way.... there is NO Political Islam. State or otherwise. There is only ISIS taking territory and pretty much leaving it, or will be leaving it, to the Kurds. Coincidence? No!
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Israeli/US aided Kurdistan |
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The Arab States loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong- Bullshit!Land taken by ISIS so far, but, still in flux. Kurds already hold the territory bordering IranNotice the proximity of ISIS to Israel... and still Israel isn't afraid. Hmmmmm........
A cease-fire proposal by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt met most of Israel’s demands; Hamas rejected itAfter the military ouster of the Islamist government in Cairo last year, Egypt has led a new coalition of Arab states — including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — that has effectively lined up with Israel in its fight against Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip. That, in turn, may have contributed to the failure of the antagonists to reach a negotiated cease-fire even after more than three weeks of bloodshed.
“The Arab states’ loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy to Benjamin Netanyahu,” the prime minister of Israel, said Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Wilson Center in Washington and a former Middle East negotiator under several presidents.
The Arab states all mentioned above have been aiding, abetting, training, arming and paying our boys from ISIS/AQ the whole freakin' time!!! (Yah, I feel like swearing but, won't. I truly get fed up with the endless stream of lies, spin and utter garbage that is fed to the masses)
If the "Arab States" are so 'afraid of political Islam why have they have all been assisting IS/ISIS/AQ and every brand and rebrand of NATO's Islamist army in the killing, raping, beheading, plundering of the Syrian people instead of coming to their aid. As these same states aided in the destruction of Libya?
Obviously, these Arab states haven't had any allergy to Israel. None that I have seen for my more then 6 years of blogging on news and events.
Somewhere on my blog is a post covering this-Israel opens virtual embassy for Gulf States
Amongst multiple other examples of Israel and the GCC being all cozy together.
Breathe....back to NYT's
Hamas isn't being pummeled, as persons conspiring, they will linger on“I have never seen a situation like it, where you have so many Arab states acquiescing in the death and destruction in Gaza and the pummeling of Hamas,” he said. “The silence is deafening.”
Innocent people are being slaughtered. And more Palestinian land is being stolen- And the Gulf Council along with Egypt are aiding Israel in the theft of land and murders of humans
Cairo may have surprised some members of Hamas, but, not all members of Hamas were surprised
Israel's latest land grab- 'buffer zone' Although Egypt is traditionally the key go-between in any talks with Hamas — deemed a terrorist group by the United States and Israel — the government in Cairo this time surprised Hamas by publicly proposing a cease-fire agreement that met most of Israel’s demands and none from the Palestinian group. Hamas was tarred as intransigent when it immediately rejected it, and Cairo has continued to insist that its proposal remains the starting point for any further discussions.
Why do I say this? Well, let's see? As I have said on more then one occasion here at the blog over these many years- Jordan will be the solution to Israel's Palestinian "problem". The Palestinians that make it out alive
Hamas opened an office in Jordan and there is a plan to make Jordan into Palestine without the historical name
Jordan offers Hamas new home-2011
The thinking in Jordan is that when Assad's regime falls, (as if it is a foregone conclusion?) Hamas will need a new home - this is likely to be an excellent chance for Jordan to return to the center of Palestinian politics, from which it has been excluded for a decade.
Jordan and the Israeli/ Palestinian peace plan
Surely, Western officials say, for the right price, currently estimated in the tens of billions of dollars, the Jordanians will help John Kerry, America’s secretary of state to fix a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian
The Jordan Option
The "Jordan option" is deeply rooted in the idea that the eastern part of Jordan is part of the historic land of Palestine. Consequently many Israeli leaders, mostly but not solely from the Likud party, argue that the Palestinian population should be transferred "to that part of Palestine".
Back to NYT's
el- Sisi cast no blame on Israel?! It is Israeli bombs, bullets etc that are killing Palestinian children!But as commentators sympathetic to the Palestinians slammed the proposal as a ruse to embarrass Hamas, Egypt’s Arab allies praised it. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia called President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt the next day to commend it, Mr. Sisi’s office said, in a statement that cast no blame on Israel but referred only to “the bloodshed of innocent civilians who are paying the price for a military confrontation for which they are not responsible.”
How could el Sisi say such a thing?
Only a complete and utter fool could not see or understand that the entire Arab spring was undertaken to weaken all of Israel's neighbours and redraw the borders of the ME. One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not understand that the entire Arab Spring benefited Israel, intentionally so, more then any other single nation in the Middle East!
Get ready for a paragraph of utter nonsense, lies and pure grade A excrementThe dynamic has inverted all expectations of the Arab Spring uprisings. As recently as 18 months ago, most analysts in Israel, Washington and the Palestinian territories expected the popular uprisings to make the Arab governments more responsive to their citizens, and therefore more sympathetic to the Palestinians and more hostile to Israel.
Now I am not trying to offend anyone with the above statement, I am just frustrated and angry. Disgusted also.
The Arab spring did not benefit- Syria or Libya- Egypt is going to hell in a handbasket- rife with division amongst the people which is no good for a nation, anywhere.
And the countries where a real 'spring' or renewal is necessary like Saudi Arabia? No spring there.
How about Bahrain? The people tried. And the Saudi army crushed the Bahrain spring.
“There is clearly a convergence of interests of these various regimes with Israel,” said Khaled Elgindy, a former adviser to Palestinian negotiators who is now a fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
Instead of becoming more isolated, Israel’s government has emerged for the moment as an (NOT) unexpected beneficiary of the ensuing tumult
Egyptian officials have directly or implicitly blamed Hamas instead of Israel for Palestinian deaths in the fighting, even when, for example, United Nations schools have been hit by Israeli shells, something that occurred again on Wednesday.
And the pro-government Egyptian news media has continued to rail against Hamas as a tool of a regional Islamist plot to destabilize Egypt and the region, just as it has since the military ouster of President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood one year ago. (Egyptian prosecutors have charged Hamas with instigating violence in Egypt, killing its soldiers and police officers, and even breaking Mr. Morsi and other Brotherhood leaders out of jail during the 2011 uprising.)
The diatribes against Hamas by at least one popular pro-government talk show host in Egypt were so extreme that the government of Israel broadcast some of them into Gaza.
“They use it to say, ‘See, your supposed friends are encouraging us to kill you!’ ” Maisam Abumorr, a Palestinian student in Gaza City, said in a telephone interview.
Some pro-government Egyptian talk shows broadcast in Gaza “are saying the Egyptian Army should help the Israeli Army get rid of Hamas,” she said.
Egypt has infuriated Gazans by continuing its policy of shutting down tunnels used for cross-border smuggling into the Gaza Strip and keeping border crossings closed, exacerbating a scarcity of food, water and medical supplies after three weeks of fighting.
Egypt and other Arab states, especially the Persian Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are finding themselves allied with Israel in a common opposition to Iran.
The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel’s favor, just like it had earlier swung in the opposite direction,” said Mr. Elgindy, the former Palestinian adviser.That is a lengthy article and there is more to read at the link. The same article is at Irish Times“But I am not sure the story is finished at this point.”
Eventually. Israel will carry out the Jordan option and the Hashemite kingdom will go along for the right price? Or as a result of a new Arab spring of sorts?