Here are a bunch of comments, posted by myself, that the CBC has not allowed to pass through regarding the incident on Parliament Hill yesterday-
CBC is Canada's national "broadcaster". Which means Canadian taxpayer dollars subsidize this outfit. I laugh every time I read that or hear it said that this place is for Canadians...
What a farce. CBC is Canada's national tool of propaganda, indoctrination and war mongering.
It's the state's fear tool.
These comments have beem left to rot for hours now.
When I reposted them I included the header- My Canada is free of Censorship.
And those reposts have been left unmoderated /censored, also
There are a total of 9 comments that have been waiting for moderation for as long as two hours now
Do you think the mods at CBC are doing this intentionally to control the narrative in Canada?
Here are the comments:
Clearly my comments are not acceptable discourse in free Canada. Because, Canada isn't freedom loving. Or freedom believing. Or free.
CBC is Canada's national "broadcaster". Which means Canadian taxpayer dollars subsidize this outfit. I laugh every time I read that or hear it said that this place is for Canadians...
What a farce. CBC is Canada's national tool of propaganda, indoctrination and war mongering.
It's the state's fear tool.
These comments have beem left to rot for hours now.
When I reposted them I included the header- My Canada is free of Censorship.
And those reposts have been left unmoderated /censored, also
There are a total of 9 comments that have been waiting for moderation for as long as two hours now
Do you think the mods at CBC are doing this intentionally to control the narrative in Canada?
Here are the comments:
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You will continue to be disappointed with most Canadians because they are fear addicts and love to be terrorized by their own government
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CBC- Censoring Because they Can
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My Canada is free of Censorship.
Two more questions
Why, oh why is this being spun with the "terror' meme?
And why is the media building this incident up with such over the top hyperbole?
We had a crime committed- The alleged perp is dead. It's over!
However, we are getting a public relations campaign pushed on us all that is a hard sell tactic- that will be used to justify indebting and enslaving this nation to debt, death and destruction- Canadians better start thinking and stop allowing their buttons to be pushed!My Canada is free of Censorship
Recall Marc Lepine? Killed 14 women, and injured another 10
No one used the meme "terrorist" or "terror" for him. No over the top hyperbole
No us vs them. None of the usual spin promoting the global war agenda
The only difference past to present is the agenda being pushed by the government via the media
My Canada is free of Censorship
CBC and other war mongering media outlets can't allow to much of that free talk and free questioning.... can't control the narrative and as we saw yesterday- the narrative must be tightly controlled
Clearly my comments are not acceptable discourse in free Canada. Because, Canada isn't freedom loving. Or freedom believing. Or free.
And why is the media building this incident up with such over the top hyperbole?
We had a crime committed- The alleged perp is dead. It's over!
However, we are getting a public relations campaign pushed on us all that is a hard sell tactic- that will be used to justify indebting and enslaving this nation to debt, death and destruction- Canadians better start thinking and stop allowing their buttons to be pushed!