Canada/US solidarity in more ways then one
Solidarity is key, because NATO leader (US) and NATO toady (Canada) are joined in solidarity to expand/commit and justify global terror. Therefore solidarity would be a priority.
Of course, it’s just good timing that Kerry was previously scheduled, (“planned trip”) to visit Canada for “bilateral meetings’. Gives him the chance to personally express his condolences..... And keep on catapulting the propaganda.
The State Department announced Kerry's planned trip Monday at its daily briefing in Washington, D.C.
More of that coincidence kind of stuff ?
This guy was supposed to be homeless. And drug addicted. And penniless.
(Like the rest of us Canadians-hehe) But he had a "device" to make recordings? Did he have his "device" on him? Where/when was the device recovered? The RCMP is not being clear.
Is it just me or is the Paulson statement kind of contorted?"Our belief is it had not gone anywhere else, but it may have gone elsewhere,” The RCMP has already lied at least once regarding the Parliament Hill shooting. As previously mentioned, RCMP corruption & lying is a big, big problem...
Unsurprisingly yesterday the Tories tabled their new “anti-terror bill”.
They had it already to go the day of the shooting, but, got sidetracked.... Should have no problem passing that now. Canadians will willingly give up their freedoms for the illusion of security.
Notice I said "illusion"? That's because heavy handed security = tyranny
This bill turns CSIS into the CIA
Considering the NATO lust for global war & tyranny. And, Canada’s role in that global terror operation? This bill fits the agenda to a tee! Canada giving itself authority to break other nations laws. Canada sure ain’t what it used to be.
Recall in this post I mentioned the reunion on Parliament Hill between the Libyan cohorts?
"The ability of these forces to cross borders?" Like a mercenary army? NATO's merc forces? Indeed!
As these fighters gave NATO a pretext to bomb Libya in 2011, present day we see these same fighters are performing the exact same function and giving NATO the desired pretext to bomb Iraq & Syria. NATO has been positively drooling for these wars of destabilization and chaos creation. They wanted to bomb Libya. ISIS aka freedom lovin' rebels provided the pretext via a hard sell campaign. NATO wants to bomb Iraq and Syria, ISIS provides the pretext via a slightly different hard sell campaign, or rebrand.The only real difference is in the advertising for the operations.
Solidarity is key, because NATO leader (US) and NATO toady (Canada) are joined in solidarity to expand/commit and justify global terror. Therefore solidarity would be a priority.
Of course, it’s just good timing that Kerry was previously scheduled, (“planned trip”) to visit Canada for “bilateral meetings’. Gives him the chance to personally express his condolences..... And keep on catapulting the propaganda.
The State Department announced Kerry's planned trip Monday at its daily briefing in Washington, D.C.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Ottawa on Tuesday for bilateral meetings but also to personally express his condolences over the events last week that led to the deaths of two Canadian soldiers.
More of that coincidence kind of stuff ?
RCMP says they have a video purportedly made by the alleged Parliament Hill shooter, but, they are not releasing it.Considering quoted RCMP statements it would seem they are holding back on releasing the video in case someone can challenge the contents?
The RCMP aren’t yet going to release the video, Mr. Paulson said, as the investigation is ongoing. “… It’s a video that the deceased prepared himself on his own device that we were able to recover. "Our belief is it had not gone anywhere else, but it may have gone elsewhere,” Mr. Paulson said.Where did they recover it from? "His own device"
This guy was supposed to be homeless. And drug addicted. And penniless.
(Like the rest of us Canadians-hehe) But he had a "device" to make recordings? Did he have his "device" on him? Where/when was the device recovered? The RCMP is not being clear.
Is it just me or is the Paulson statement kind of contorted?"Our belief is it had not gone anywhere else, but it may have gone elsewhere,” The RCMP has already lied at least once regarding the Parliament Hill shooting. As previously mentioned, RCMP corruption & lying is a big, big problem...
Unsurprisingly yesterday the Tories tabled their new “anti-terror bill”.
They had it already to go the day of the shooting, but, got sidetracked.... Should have no problem passing that now. Canadians will willingly give up their freedoms for the illusion of security.
Notice I said "illusion"? That's because heavy handed security = tyranny
The bill was on the drawing board before the events of last week, when two soldiers were killed in separate attacks — one in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., the other in Ottawa — in broad daylight. The government is characterizing the deadly assaults as terrorist incidents, though some are openly questioning the state of mind of the assailants.And this bill is bigger then just Canadian tyranny- Much bigger!:
This bill turns CSIS into the CIA
New spy bill would let Canadian agents operate illegally abroad
A bill to broaden the powers of CSIS would authorize Canadian spy agents abroad to break the laws of a foreign country when investigating threats to Canada.
“A bill to broaden the powers of CSIS would, for the first time, explicitly authorize Canadian spy agents abroad to break the laws of a foreign country when investigating threats to the security of Canada”
“This makes CSIS much more akin to the CIA”
Considering the NATO lust for global war & tyranny. And, Canada’s role in that global terror operation? This bill fits the agenda to a tee! Canada giving itself authority to break other nations laws. Canada sure ain’t what it used to be.
Recall in this post I mentioned the reunion on Parliament Hill between the Libyan cohorts?
A bit more on the cooperation between ISIS in Libya (before they called them ISIS) and Canada including JTF-2Libya: JTF-2, Parliament Hill shooter Bibeau/Zaheff & Father Be(u)lgasem Zaheff
If Canadian fighter pilots are sent to bomb ISIS, they will be attacking the same rebels they supported in Libya
CF-18 fighter jets into Iraq, Canadian pilots may soon be bombing some of the same gunmen their actions supported several years ago elsewhere.
Certainly these will be the same people Canada propped previously therefore is there any real reason to believe Canada is not supporting their terrorists yet again?“Certainly some of the players in [ISIS] are going to be the same people who fought Gaddafi,” said Martin Shadwick, a defence analyst with York University. “The ability of these forces to move across borders, to fight in each other’s battles, is something that should be looked at more closely in the future.”
"The ability of these forces to cross borders?" Like a mercenary army? NATO's merc forces? Indeed!
As these fighters gave NATO a pretext to bomb Libya in 2011, present day we see these same fighters are performing the exact same function and giving NATO the desired pretext to bomb Iraq & Syria. NATO has been positively drooling for these wars of destabilization and chaos creation. They wanted to bomb Libya. ISIS aka freedom lovin' rebels provided the pretext via a hard sell campaign. NATO wants to bomb Iraq and Syria, ISIS provides the pretext via a slightly different hard sell campaign, or rebrand.The only real difference is in the advertising for the operations.