Does it matter? Does it really matter?
His legend will live on and his super villain status will explode into your consciousness!
His omnipotence will cause you to shake with fear.
He must be caught!!! For you to feel safe at night!
Or some garbage like that?!
Yup, al Baghdadi is going to be alive. For now, at this time, he is worth more alive then dead. So, it's going to be announced in rather short order he is alive and has gone deeper underground, requiring an expanded war effort. More boots on the ground. More of your tax dollars being expropriated to prop up the military/security/ banking complex.
Sorry, I meant more of your tax dollars, being wisely used, to keep you safe....................
Earliest reports regarding the death of Baghdadi began to circulate late Saturday/Early Sunday morning
Recall July7th, of this year, I put this post up at the blog? Mythopoeia- Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
First thing this morning I see the Washington Post pushing the man and his myth!
Original headline in the url- Why is is it so hard to kill Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Changed to-Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Wounded, dead or missed entirely by U.S. airstrikes?
In my opinion, the headline was changed for the reasons I have already suggested to readers here months ago! Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is a myth, and cannot be killed in the physical sense. His death will require some sort of epic drama equaling the built up "life" of this so called man.
Quoting WP
WP continues-
What WaPo fails to mention is that this hyperbole allows the NATO nations, lead by the US, to continue on with their war making. Which is entirely and wholly desired by aformentioned US/NATO warmongers.
Washington Post quotes the Soufan Group in their article
Quite obviously the required action is more war. More boots on the ground. More bombing runs.
An expansion of war. Exactly that which is desired by the US led NATO nations. Symbiosis.
An aside: Who/What is Soufan?
Check it out for yourself? It appears to me that Soufan is a private intelligence group!!
Which means they are getting fat, on tax payer contracts, providing ‘intelligence’ to the NATO nations to fit the agenda- Part of the typical gov/private revolving door scenario, we see and read about way, way, way too often.
Abu al Baghdadi- A new chapter has just been written in his mythological biography
- Able to evade the superior military airstrikes of the global superpower, the US.
WOW, wow, wow.... the suspense is simply overwhelming. I mean what will happen next?!
Where will Baghdadi surface?
Don't Miss!Interview: Rick Rozoff/John Pilger
His legend will live on and his super villain status will explode into your consciousness!
His omnipotence will cause you to shake with fear.
He must be caught!!! For you to feel safe at night!
Or some garbage like that?!
Yup, al Baghdadi is going to be alive. For now, at this time, he is worth more alive then dead. So, it's going to be announced in rather short order he is alive and has gone deeper underground, requiring an expanded war effort. More boots on the ground. More of your tax dollars being expropriated to prop up the military/security/ banking complex.
Sorry, I meant more of your tax dollars, being wisely used, to keep you safe....................
Earliest reports regarding the death of Baghdadi began to circulate late Saturday/Early Sunday morning
“US-led air strikes have targeted a gathering of Islamic State leaders in Iraq in a town near the Syrian border, possibly including the group's top commander Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Al-Hadath TV channel said on Saturday”Or:
“Some reports claimed the strikes critically wounded or possibly killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, however U.S. officials could not confirm if he was hit in the attacks”Can't confirm? Won't confirm.
Recall July7th, of this year, I put this post up at the blog? Mythopoeia- Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
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al Baghdadi |
"My stance on this is there is NO Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Not a living human being. Not one individual. He is a composite. . He moves like the wind through the branches. You hear the branches, but, not al Baghdadi. He is everywhere. He is nowhere. He is whoever he is needed to be"
First thing this morning I see the Washington Post pushing the man and his myth!
Original headline in the url- Why is is it so hard to kill Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi
Changed to-Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Wounded, dead or missed entirely by U.S. airstrikes?
In my opinion, the headline was changed for the reasons I have already suggested to readers here months ago! Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is a myth, and cannot be killed in the physical sense. His death will require some sort of epic drama equaling the built up "life" of this so called man.
Quoting WP
“No one knows exactly where he came from. No one knows why he was chosen to lead the Islamic State. And now, in the past 24 hours, reports have arrived saying Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “believed dead,” or merely wounded, or “critically wounded,” or unscathed — or possibly not even at the scene of the attack.”
WP continues-
”The drama and ensuing confusion is fitting for Baghdadi, a shadowy figure whose myth may only be enhanced by the mystery surrounding his purported demise”
“But while the leader’s aversion to the public eye has protected Baghdadi, it has also allowed facts to melt into Islamic State propaganda, forging an identity that has become one of the most potent recruiting devices at the Islamic State’s disposal”The Washington Post fails to mention that the myth of al Baghdadi is largely created in western mainstream media. It is, after all, the Washington Post that is making the case for his omnipotence & claiming this aids in recruitment potential?
What WaPo fails to mention is that this hyperbole allows the NATO nations, lead by the US, to continue on with their war making. Which is entirely and wholly desired by aformentioned US/NATO warmongers.
Washington Post quotes the Soufan Group in their article
“So if Baghdadi survived the American bombardment, he may retreat further into darkness. That’s where he’s most comfortable operating”If Baghdadi retreats further into the darkness, what action will be required to flush him out?
Quite obviously the required action is more war. More boots on the ground. More bombing runs.
An expansion of war. Exactly that which is desired by the US led NATO nations. Symbiosis.
An aside: Who/What is Soufan?
Check it out for yourself? It appears to me that Soufan is a private intelligence group!!
Which means they are getting fat, on tax payer contracts, providing ‘intelligence’ to the NATO nations to fit the agenda- Part of the typical gov/private revolving door scenario, we see and read about way, way, way too often.
Abu al Baghdadi- A new chapter has just been written in his mythological biography
- Able to evade the superior military airstrikes of the global superpower, the US.
WOW, wow, wow.... the suspense is simply overwhelming. I mean what will happen next?!
Where will Baghdadi surface?
Don't Miss!Interview: Rick Rozoff/John Pilger