This story, from Washington Post today, caught my eye. Reading the piece linked below it is clear that Washington Post is spinning this as that "learned helplessness" theory created by Seligman.
But this one tiny paragraph suggests so much more. What happened to the man specifically mentioned below goes well beyond 'learned helplessness' And, I highly doubt he is alone in the human experimentation.
Headline "The Principle Behind the CIA Interrogation Methods"
First of all, I really have to be clear, these human experiments appear to have had nothing to do with interrogation. As in gathering information for the prevention of crime or terror attacks.
The media is not calling this human experimentation, but that's exactly what it is! The media is choosing instead to label this mass human experimentation in terms that might be more palatable or acceptable to the perception managed masses.
To be sure these doctors and their inquisitors were looking for information. Information into the human psyche and human consciousness. Hoping to gain an insight into how better to manipulate and manage humankind. This tiny snippet from Washington Post suggests to me, the CIA experimenters were successful
Yes, he had been trained. Trained to respond in a specific manner to specific signals.
Clearly MKULTRA never went away.. MKULTRA Hypnosis and Manchurian Candidate Projects
Abu Zabadayah definitely acted based on acquired information via specific signals.
Raised eyebrow. Snapped fingers. Signals given which Abu Zabadayah responded to in a hypnotic fashion -slowly walking on his own- to be further experimented on. To push Abu Zabadayah as far as he could be taken- Likely to the very destruction of that which made him human. Reducing this innocent man to a living, but not alive, flesh shell.
But this one tiny paragraph suggests so much more. What happened to the man specifically mentioned below goes well beyond 'learned helplessness' And, I highly doubt he is alone in the human experimentation.
Headline "The Principle Behind the CIA Interrogation Methods"
First of all, I really have to be clear, these human experiments appear to have had nothing to do with interrogation. As in gathering information for the prevention of crime or terror attacks.
The media is not calling this human experimentation, but that's exactly what it is! The media is choosing instead to label this mass human experimentation in terms that might be more palatable or acceptable to the perception managed masses.
To be sure these doctors and their inquisitors were looking for information. Information into the human psyche and human consciousness. Hoping to gain an insight into how better to manipulate and manage humankind. This tiny snippet from Washington Post suggests to me, the CIA experimenters were successful
With the backing of the CIA, he was stripped and exposed to loud rock music. Then, after weeks of psychological interrogation, the Senate report said Zabaydah became“compliant.”
“When the interrogator ‘raised his eyebrow,’ without instructions, Abu Zabaydah ‘slowly walked on his own to the water table and sat down,’” one account said. “…
When the interrogator snapped his fingers twice, Abu Zabaydah would lie flat on the waterboard.”
He had been trained.
Yes, he had been trained. Trained to respond in a specific manner to specific signals.
Clearly MKULTRA never went away.. MKULTRA Hypnosis and Manchurian Candidate Projects
In his MEMORANDUM of 11 May 1953 Sidney Gottlieb lists seven separate experiments conducted by Alden Sears, and gives the number of subjects for five of them, totaling 196 subjects. Experiments were concerned with:
Experiment 1 - N - 18 Hypnotically induced anxieties to be completed by September 1.
Experiment 2 - N - 24 Hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter, to be completed by September 1.
Experiment 3 - N - 30 Polygraph response under Hypnosis to be completed by June 15.
Experiment 4 - N - 24 Hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall a complex arrangement of physical objects.
Experiment 5 - N - 100 Relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis.
Experiment 6 - The Morse Code problem with emphasis on relatively lower IQ subjects than found on University volunteers.
Experiment 7 - Recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific signals.
Abu Zabadayah definitely acted based on acquired information via specific signals.
Raised eyebrow. Snapped fingers. Signals given which Abu Zabadayah responded to in a hypnotic fashion -slowly walking on his own- to be further experimented on. To push Abu Zabadayah as far as he could be taken- Likely to the very destruction of that which made him human. Reducing this innocent man to a living, but not alive, flesh shell.
Abu Zabadayah's fate?
More than 12 years after his capture, Zubaydah remains confined to the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He has yet to be charged with any crimes under the government's military tribunals -- a limbo predicted in 2002 by CIA terror experts, according to the Senate report.
In a 2002 email to CIA headquarters, the CIA's interrogators said they wanted assurances that Zubaydah would never be allowed to publicly describe what they were doing to him, recommending that he should "remain incommunicado for the remainder of his life."