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Syria: SNC “opposition” leader? Khaled Khoja & Turkey's curious suicide bombing


The SNC- Syrian National Council, for anyone who has been deeply asleep for the past nearly four years is a Western aka NATO/ Israeli backed creation. The Syrian National Council has nothing to do with Syrians or Syria.

Western Backed Syrian Opposition elects Khoja as ‘President”

“Khoja, the founder of the Mertip Healthcare Group, has previously served as the Coalition’s representative in Turkey.

A vote for the vacant post of secretary-general was postponed, as both candidates, Yahya Mektebi and Cevvad Ebu Hatab, could not secure more than 50 percent support.

Sources (What sources?)  say Khoja has good ties with regional countries.(Which countries?) He is more pragmatic than his fellows what makes him able to make progress and reforms inside the opposition group”

Khoja is simply another tool from the western toolbox. He could be a hammer. Maybe a wrench? He is just a lackey!  What he is not, is supported by Syrians? His ties with regional countries means he is good friends with Israel and we will get to that!

“The Istanbul-based Syrian opposition coalition’s General Assembly concluded its 18th session on Sunday, where it discussed the proposals by UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura and the results of the Coalition’s recent visits to Cairo and Riyadh.
I reported on the 'coalitions' visit to Cairo, prior to the holidays:Moscow Syria Peace Talks- Cairo Colludes with NATO opposition etc., etc.,

By 2013, at least 20 states and international organizations, including the U.S., Turkey, Germany, the EU and the Arab League, had recognized the Syrian National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people”

If the Syrian people don’t recognize the SNC as their legitimate representatives who should really  care what the US, Turkey, Germany etc say?

Bashar al Assad- elected massively by the Syrian people as their representative
The first thing about Khoja that struck me was the similarity in appearance to Bashar al Assad- Oh and they are the same age?  Khoja being born in Damascus, 1965. Allegedly?
These similarities give me cause for concern- You?

Khoja's good regional ties aka tight with Israel-

From 2012:

Israeli channel 10 aired Thursday night a message from a member of the “Syrian National Council” to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which the first asked for Tel Aviv’s help in overthrowing the Syrian regime.

In his message, “Syrian National Council” member in TurkeyKhaled Khoja considered that the Zionist entity’s benefit lies in toppling the Syrian regime which “works for Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas”.

Khoja stressed that keeping the Syrian regime is a victory to Iran, and is an implementation to its constant threats to wipe the Israeli entity off the map.
Like I said, good relations with regional nations = Israel sychophant.

Khoja is presented as a Syrian, since, he was allegedly born in Damascus.
Maybe he was born in Damascus, but, from all reports he has not lived in Syria for decades.
Which tells me he has no connection to Syria or Syrians present day- He clearly is for all intents and purposes a Turkish citizen.  Which is why in this older news articleKaleed Khoja is described as Turkey’s representative on the SNC

One of the primary goals of the opposition Syrian National Coalition is to topple the Damascus regime with all its figures and elements, says Khaled Khoja, the coalition’s Turkey representative.

Looking at his bio he seems to have lived in Turkey, since at least 1985- so almost 30 years, likely longer.
“He studied at the political science faculty of Istanbul University from 1985 to 1986 and then at the medical faculty of 9 Eylül University in I.zmir from 1987 to 1994.
In 2001, he founded the Mertip Healthcare Group, which he continues to operate.

The claims of him being imprisoned, as a minor, in Syria seem very vague, very sketchy.
I would need more concrete information to even begin to find the imprisonment claims credible. Which means, as of now, I am calling bogus on the imprisonment claims!

A suicide bombing took place in Turkey, yesterday-

English-speaking suicide bomber kills policeman in attack...

Isn't that curious? An English speaking female suicide bomber?

 A policeman has been killed in a suicide attack by an English-speaking woman in central Istanbul, a week after another attack on the city's police by a far-left group.

 The bomber has reportedly been identified as Elif Sultan Kalsen, an alleged member of the outlawed Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)

İstanbul governor Vasip Şahin said a woman entered a tourism police cabin in Sultanahmet bysaying that she lost her passport. After entering into the cabin, she blew herself up, seriously injuring one police officer and lightly the other. The police officer who was critically wounded, Kenan Kumaş, later succumbed to his wounds and died in the hospital.
 So an English speaking woman, looking for her passport?
I wonder exactly what is meant by English speaking? American? Brit? No Turkish accent? What?

This attack on police was the second in a week

The attack on police was the second in a week. Five days earlier, police subdued a man who had thrown hand grenades and fired a weapon at officers on guard duty at the Ottoman-era Dolmbahce Palace.

The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front--....
Attacking the police. Such a familiar scenario-

From yesterday- When ever I post on the Kurds and a potential Kurdistan... hits drop off to about a quarter of what they usually are. Why? I can't believe the readers, who have been following the Syrian situation all these years, aren't interested in the Kurdish aspect of the destabilization campaign? So what is it, or why is it,  that simply mentioning Kurdistan and Kurdish collusion with NATO/Israel, would cause such a complete drop in numbers? I notice it every time and find it beyond strange. Therefore... relinking Kurdish militia aims to connect Kurdish enclaves in Syria

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