I stumbled across this little documentary while searching for info on this topic. It's less then 1 hour in length. Released in 2010. So nearly 5 years old now. After watching it, I simply have to conclude that even more information/evidence has been gathered on this subject. And yet, that information continues to fly right under the radar.While other big money making agendas are pushed to the point of absurdity!!!
Oh, yes it's rant time!
It is, or should be, abundantly clear that to reign in this intoxication (Poisoning by a drug or toxic substance) of all life on the planet it is absolutely necessary to reign in big oil, big agriculture & big pharma. And there is zero will on the part of the elites and their sycophants in government to do what needs to be done
Not wanting to sound like a broken record, saying what has been said her before, the harm to us all is obvious. All we have to do is open our eyes. Our species is overweight. Sickly. Diseased. Asthmatic. Cancerous. None of this is connected to AGW, the cash cow, pushed by big oil, banks and the psycho elites with their marches of fake concern. Keep in mind that GMO foods are the supposed to be a saviour in the AGW nonsense! . Oh yes, we need these poisons to feed the planet-
As stated in my previous post- reminding readers
Endocrine disruptors are destroying the planet and every living thing on it. For generations to come!
Sorry to rail so much, but, I am passionate about this topic. It's so important, purposely ignored. And it is up to us to make a concerted effort to change this.
An aside: I still receive emails from Greenpeace and in all the years I have been receiving them, I have yet to receive anything regarding this subject- Where is Greenpeace on this topic? Where is Greenpeace on the anti-war agenda? I checked there site and let's just say the poisoning of every bit of this planet via big oils endocrine disruptors does not figure large at all.
What a big non surprise! Greenpeace drones on and on about Chinese pollution- How very NATO of them!-
At one time I gave that No Good Organization money/donations- but that day has long passed!
I have done a number of posts on this topic already, if you have missed any they are directly below
Oh, yes it's rant time!
It is, or should be, abundantly clear that to reign in this intoxication (Poisoning by a drug or toxic substance) of all life on the planet it is absolutely necessary to reign in big oil, big agriculture & big pharma. And there is zero will on the part of the elites and their sycophants in government to do what needs to be done
Not wanting to sound like a broken record, saying what has been said her before, the harm to us all is obvious. All we have to do is open our eyes. Our species is overweight. Sickly. Diseased. Asthmatic. Cancerous. None of this is connected to AGW, the cash cow, pushed by big oil, banks and the psycho elites with their marches of fake concern. Keep in mind that GMO foods are the supposed to be a saviour in the AGW nonsense! . Oh yes, we need these poisons to feed the planet-
Genetically modified (GMO) crops, pesticides, and herbicides could potentially offer more bio-diversity to our foodBut, GMO is already destroying us and lots of other plant and animal life!
Glyphosate Herbicides & Transgenic Food Partners are both Toxic & Endocrine Disrupting in humans
As stated in my previous post- reminding readers
"Where are the elite sanctioned protests? Elite approved 'climate change' protests vs all other non-elite approved protestsWhere are the celebrity talking heads, coming out to shine a light on the problem? Leonardo DiCaprio et al?That's right readers, dead silence on the issue of endocrine disruptors.I can't hear a thing. Except for the few people talking like Curtis Duncan and Jan Irvin, who really set my feet afire with this topic. And the sounds I make when I search and search, and clickety click on my own key board trying to shine some light on this topic.
Where is Al Gore- Carbon Billionaire- He cares so deeply for the environment.. He wants to save the planet- Or so far too many gullible people believe?
Instead all is quiet- for obvious reasons.Endocrine Disruptors are intimately connected to the petro chemical industry and since not a one of the elites have any REAL/TRUE interest in reigning this industry in- dead silence."
Endocrine disruptors are destroying the planet and every living thing on it. For generations to come!
Sorry to rail so much, but, I am passionate about this topic. It's so important, purposely ignored. And it is up to us to make a concerted effort to change this.
An aside: I still receive emails from Greenpeace and in all the years I have been receiving them, I have yet to receive anything regarding this subject- Where is Greenpeace on this topic? Where is Greenpeace on the anti-war agenda? I checked there site and let's just say the poisoning of every bit of this planet via big oils endocrine disruptors does not figure large at all.
What a big non surprise! Greenpeace drones on and on about Chinese pollution- How very NATO of them!-
At one time I gave that No Good Organization money/donations- but that day has long passed!
I have done a number of posts on this topic already, if you have missed any they are directly below
The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
The Fraud of AGW vs the Real Threat to Humanity- Endocrine Disruptors
Glyphosate Herbicides & Transgenic Food Partners are both Toxic & Endocrine Disrupting in humans
Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: Fetal Brain Damage via Bisphenol S- The “safe” Alternative
Testicular Cancer and Male Infertility- Endocrine Disruptors & the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
From earlier today!