Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Is it Time for a "Persian Spring"? Destabilizing Iran

I see this article as total admission /acknowledgement of the complete falseness of all the Arab springs- Every last one of them created by the Western "democracies". Through front companies, charities, proxies etc., with the help of privatized military contractors, mercenaries and worse. All done under the cover of the NATO global tyranny umbrella. Killing, destroying, maiming, harming is big business!!!

Oh, sorry, did I say killing, destroying maiming, harming is big business? I actually meant human rights upholding and building democracy is simply the right thing to do....;-)

Relevant excerpts from this article-Is it time for a Persian Spring

As the debate heats up between Congress and the Administration over new Iran sanctions and Houthi rebels take over Yemen’s government(LIE- See here and here and here and finally- HERE) while the U.S. continues to battle the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria – there needs to be a different focus for a solution in the war against terrorism; and that could be a “Persian Spring.”
The global war against terrorism should include ‘degrading’ the Iranian Regime, and not only focus on the war against the Islamic State.
Dr. Majid Sadeghpour is the political director of the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIACUS). The OIACUS is one of several organizations that want to see the future of Iran be democratic. The National Council of Resistance of Iran is another organization that represents multiple groups who want see a democratic Iran.
Keep in mind that name and that organization!
An ‘Egyptian style’ revolution where millions of people took a stand against terrorism (against terrorism?)could be possible in Iran, but the people need the political support of the United States and international community.

An outright admission the US was behind the Egyptian spring- Part 1 and 2

A Peshmerga ( Unnamed Sunni Muslim- Kurd/ISIS) soldier spoke to Breitbart News about the influence of Iran in the Baghdad government, stating that“you see pictures of Khomeini in the government buildings.” (Is he scared of photos? He said that “soon you will see Iranians as pilots in the jets that you [U.S.] are providing them” and “the equipment and weapons that the U.S. gives to Baghdad will go the Iranians, and help Iran.”
Sounds like this unnamed ‘peshmerga’ sunni/muslim/kurd probable ISIS fighter, is creating the narrative- fixing the intelligence?

Iran is an underlying problem in the global war against terrorism. As the world witnessed in Egypt, miracles can happen. The people of Iran can stand up against the terrorist theocracy of the Iranian Regime, but they will need the support of the international community.

Which means the US and company will have to get busy fomenting destabilization and terror- to create “miracles”

There are several different ways that the United States could support Iranian opposition groups. One example lies in how the U.S. funds multiple “democracy programs” through USAID and other State Department initiatives in various places throughout the world. The United States should start focusing on increasing democracy programs for Iranian opposition groups. There are Iranian opposition groups are all over the world, including the United States and Europe.
The United States is also training opposition forces to remove Assad, but another idea is to start training opposition forces for the removal of the Iranian Regime, which would then remove a pillar holding up the Assad Regime.
The United States spends millions on programs under the Broadcasting Board of Governors, such as “Voice of America” and “Alhurra,” which were created to support freedom and democratic values to people all over the world. These are programs that should be utilized to bring about democratic reform in Iran
 President Obama will host a summit on February 18th to fight “violent extremism” where a global strategy to defeat terrorism will take shape. Part of this strategy should include supporting opposition groups against the Iranian Regime. Egypt should be the model to follow on how a nation can stand against a terrorist regime.
 And so it goes..... The plotters continue plotting. The destabilzers continue to destroy nations and displace people. The war profiteers continue to rake in the profits. The bankster scum continue to make money from indebting people. And Israel? Becomes stronger through the weakening of all other nations in the area.

In the last 24 hours there has also been two other postings-

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