No matter how much nonsense spewed by Western leadership via the dizzying spin from war mongering, corporate western media- The Crimeans are very happy to be back, at home, with Russia- Not a surprise since they voted to do just that
This also happens to be the case with most of the people in Eastern Ukraine. And they too have a right to self determination.
I love this castle in Crimea!
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A telephone poll conducted by a German firm among Crimeans in January found that over 80 percent of respondents were happy to be newly-minted Russians.
*One Year Later, Crimeans Prefer Russia
A far more rigorous survey, conducted on the ground in Crimea by two US professors working with the independent Levada Center in Moscow, arrived at nearly identical results. Despite the transitional troubles of the past year, 84 percent of Crimeans regard the annexation as "the right thing to do."Over 80 to 84 percent approval. "The right thing to do"
No conundrum- The people have spoken
Yet the world’s view is that Russia violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity – and therein lies the conundrum. "Russia’s annexation of Crimea was an illegal act under international law [but] it is alsoan act that enjoys the widespread support of the peninsula’s inhabitants," the survey's authors write.The world's view is NOT that Russia violated Ukraine's territory. That's just the spin. That's simply what the talking heads want us to believe! The Crimeans wanted to go back to Russia. The Crimean people voted. The Crimean exercised their right to self determination. Period. End of Sentence
This also happens to be the case with most of the people in Eastern Ukraine. And they too have a right to self determination.
I love this castle in Crimea!
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