Following up on yesterday's post. Where hopefully you all read about yet another AGW lie, biting the dust? AGW/Global Warming DOES NOT CAUSE EXTREME WINTERS!
That lie that died, warming = cooling, was the one created to explain away the ever cooling temperatures and extremely frigid winters that have occurred back to back in North America. Extending down to Mexico, parts of the UK. Spain. Lebanon. Syria. And many, many other areas of the globe. Just the fact that the Atlantic ocean froze up to the extent it did is indicative of the extreme cold temperatures, due to the fact that salt water freezes at lower temps.
As you know, yesterday, an Air Canada plane made a hard landing in heavy snow near Halifax
The fact the Atlantic froze enough for slushee waves and icebergs also tells us all, as posted two weeks ago, the ocean definitely isn't "hiding the warming' Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has NOT Warmed- Not Warmed!
I had mentioned in the comment section of yesterday's post, we ventured out to one of the Great lakes (Lake Erie) last week end. There was ice as far out as one could see. No waves hitting the sandy beaches. Just ice. Not moving. No shifting. No crackling indicating the ice was weakening. Just icy cold winds and ice, ice, ice....
The Great Lakes are home to many birds. Hundreds of thousands of birds. Winter last year and this year took a terrible toll on the many beautiful ducks and other water fowl- And I do love birds.
From 2015- Ducks and waterfowl are starving to death
From 2014- Thousands of dead water fowl appearing all over the Great Lakes region
More here
Delayed Seaway Opening
The St Lawrence Seaway System joins the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean- It is the H2O highway.
This year. 2015. The Seaway has delayed the opening of the H2O Highway (Welland Canal) until April 02/2015.This is the first April opening since 1997. Even last year despite the ice build up on the Great Lakes the opening was delayed until later in March. But this year the opening is later still
The icebreakers are out on the east coast- Opening up the Atlantic Ocean entrance to the Seaway- If they can get any ships through all that ice, it will amazing! If the opening is a go the canal will see limited shipping initially.
And what about wine country 2015?
Ah, yes. Wine country. Like last year the damage looks to be extensive. And as the cold continues.... who knows how the vines will fare?
Wine Country Cold Damage 2014
Bottom line:
If AGW, as has been sold, was anywhere near truth or reality, none of what I have posted above would be happening. The Great Lakes would not be freezing. Massive bird deaths would not be happening. Ice boulders would not be washing up on the Atlantic coast. The H20 Highway would be opening and the tender fruit growers and wine industry would not be looking at yet another year of crop losses- Massive road damage. Water main breaks. Sink holes. People going without water in their homes due to water main breaks. None of that would be occurring. Yet, it is.
The climate changes, always. But the AGW theory of excess man caused carbon was supposed to result in warming, and moderation of temps- That is not the case at all
This was after all the first year the snow was so deep, no melt or 'january thaw', I put on snowshoes to get out to my composter which was buried in snow as high as my composter is tall
That lie that died, warming = cooling, was the one created to explain away the ever cooling temperatures and extremely frigid winters that have occurred back to back in North America. Extending down to Mexico, parts of the UK. Spain. Lebanon. Syria. And many, many other areas of the globe. Just the fact that the Atlantic ocean froze up to the extent it did is indicative of the extreme cold temperatures, due to the fact that salt water freezes at lower temps.
Ocean water freezes just like freshwater, but at lower temperatures. Fresh water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit but seawater freezes at about 28.4 degrees Fahrenheit , because of the salt in it.The extreme cold, this year, in the Atlantic resulted in icebergs washing up on the shores of the Atlantic
Huge icebergs the size of boulders have been washing up on the shores of Cape Cod after one of the bitterest winters in living memory.Months of frozen temperatures have created huge sheets of ice up and down the coastline and now the temperatures have warmed slightly they are breaking up and washing ashore.In Wellfleet, on the Massachusetts coast, the ice made the beach look more like an arctic wasteland than the soon-to-be summer playground of the rich and famous of the East Coast.
As you know, yesterday, an Air Canada plane made a hard landing in heavy snow near Halifax
The fact the Atlantic froze enough for slushee waves and icebergs also tells us all, as posted two weeks ago, the ocean definitely isn't "hiding the warming' Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has NOT Warmed- Not Warmed!
I had mentioned in the comment section of yesterday's post, we ventured out to one of the Great lakes (Lake Erie) last week end. There was ice as far out as one could see. No waves hitting the sandy beaches. Just ice. Not moving. No shifting. No crackling indicating the ice was weakening. Just icy cold winds and ice, ice, ice....
The Great Lakes are home to many birds. Hundreds of thousands of birds. Winter last year and this year took a terrible toll on the many beautiful ducks and other water fowl- And I do love birds.
From 2015- Ducks and waterfowl are starving to death
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Duck being treated at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge, in southwestern Ontario. |
With the Great Lakes serving as the winter home and migratory route for millions of sea birds and waterfowl, it’s unknown how many birds will have perished during the harsh winter, some experts say the death toll on Lake Erie alone could be in the tens of thousands.
Across the border, Tim Jasinski runs the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center, the cold weather has it at capacity as well.
From 2014- Thousands of dead water fowl appearing all over the Great Lakes region
More here
Biologists saycarcasses began piling up by the hundreds in early January after the plunging temperatures started icing over nearly the entire Great Lakes, preventing the ducks from getting to the minnows that are their main source of food. Necropsies on dozens of birds have confirmed the cause: starvation.
“All have empty stomachs. They’re half the weight they should be,” said Connie Adams, a biologist in the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s Buffalo office who has personally seen 950 dead birds.
“This is unprecedented. Biologists who’ve worked here for 35 years have never seen anything like this,” she said. “We’ve seen a decline in tens of thousands in our weekly waterfowl counts.”
It’s a phenomenon that has been seen elsewhere along the Great Lakes, with news reports of diving ducks and other waterfowl turning up dead by the hundreds along the southern part of Lake Michigan. They’ve also been found in Lake St. Clair between Lakes Erie and Huron.These many thousands and thousands of waterfowl would have survived had any actual warming been taking place- They would have had plenty to eat. Instead it's been cold and colder and for two consecutive winters these birds have been dying en masse. It was noticeable last year in the reduced duck and geese population that I see. I expect this year to be worse still.
Delayed Seaway Opening
The St Lawrence Seaway System joins the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean- It is the H2O highway.
This year. 2015. The Seaway has delayed the opening of the H2O Highway (Welland Canal) until April 02/2015.This is the first April opening since 1997. Even last year despite the ice build up on the Great Lakes the opening was delayed until later in March. But this year the opening is later still
St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp. has delayed the opening of the canal due to the large amount of ice in the seaway system and surrounding waterways.It will be interesting to see if April 02/15 is a go? Because the ice sure has not been melting
“It’s quite rare that we delay the opening,” seaway company spokesman Andrew Bogora said of the event that typically takes place in the third or fourth week of March.
While the start of the navigation season was delayed by a few days in March 2014 due to cold weather conditions, the seaway hasn’t been forced to push the launch back to April since 1997, he said.
This year, ships will begin transiting the canal April 2
The icebreakers are out on the east coast- Opening up the Atlantic Ocean entrance to the Seaway- If they can get any ships through all that ice, it will amazing! If the opening is a go the canal will see limited shipping initially.
And what about wine country 2015?
Ah, yes. Wine country. Like last year the damage looks to be extensive. And as the cold continues.... who knows how the vines will fare?
Willwerth's team publishes "Vine Alert" which compiles statistics from growers who survey their vines and estimate how much damage there's been. Some of the readings look pretty bleak. A reading taken on Feb. 23 indicated a 19 per cent bud survival for Cabernet Sauvignon in Creek Shores.
But by March 3, things were looking a bit better. The Cab grapes in Creek Shores had a 43 per cent survival reading.
The real survival rate for this year's crop is probably somewhere in between, said Willwerth. Different varieties, regions and wineries will have been impacted differently.And the tender fruit crops
"We are still sampling and getting better assessments," he said. "Our assessments improve as we collect more data and get closer to spring, too. It's a biological system and there is inherent variability."
All of the research has been going right into the region's attempts to grow wine. Still, Willwerth said he wouldn't wish a cold winter on the industry in real life. He'd rather test his theories in his laboratory freezer.
"I'd rather have it as an experiment," he said.
"On the tender-fruit side, I am expecting almost complete wipeout (areas) on the west-end for peaches, apricots and plums."Let's hope the damage is not as bad as initial assessment
Brewster and others caution that fruit vine and tree samples are being collected now and the extent of the damage is too early to assess
Wine Country Cold Damage 2014
Bottom line:
If AGW, as has been sold, was anywhere near truth or reality, none of what I have posted above would be happening. The Great Lakes would not be freezing. Massive bird deaths would not be happening. Ice boulders would not be washing up on the Atlantic coast. The H20 Highway would be opening and the tender fruit growers and wine industry would not be looking at yet another year of crop losses- Massive road damage. Water main breaks. Sink holes. People going without water in their homes due to water main breaks. None of that would be occurring. Yet, it is.
The climate changes, always. But the AGW theory of excess man caused carbon was supposed to result in warming, and moderation of temps- That is not the case at all
This was after all the first year the snow was so deep, no melt or 'january thaw', I put on snowshoes to get out to my composter which was buried in snow as high as my composter is tall