I took the "could" out of the headline. For the simple reason that "could" was included to quell fear.
Or to create the perception that this threat will not come to pass. And that my friends is utter nonsense.
We have already seen that GMO have posed a threat to our real world.
Let me give you just one example, though there are more, this one will be plenty sufficient to make the point: SUPERWEEDS: A long predicted problem for GM crops is here
After a decade of intensive genetically modified plant cultivation, weeds have emerged that are resistant to the most popular herbicide.
Therefore, there is no reality in using the word "could" to describe the potential for threat.
There is a guarantee that GM salmon will pose a threat.
Or to create the perception that this threat will not come to pass. And that my friends is utter nonsense.
We have already seen that GMO have posed a threat to our real world.
Let me give you just one example, though there are more, this one will be plenty sufficient to make the point: SUPERWEEDS: A long predicted problem for GM crops is here
After a decade of intensive genetically modified plant cultivation, weeds have emerged that are resistant to the most popular herbicide.
Therefore, there is no reality in using the word "could" to describe the potential for threat.
There is a guarantee that GM salmon will pose a threat.