I'm always on the look out for new information on EDC's but, it's hard to come by..
Why post excerpts from and older Pediatric Research study? That's correct- Pediatric Research
For one thing the age of this research really caught my attention. It’s 9 years old. Recall in an earlier CMH post, I mentioned epigenetics and the necessity of understanding this concept as necessary background for fully comprehending the affect of EDC’s on humans &other living beings?
It’s amazing to me how far back the mutational effects of EDC’s has been well known and documented.- 9 years, in this instance, seems quite a time span for what amounts to a total lack of action or attention being drawn to this issue.
In fact the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry has undoubtedly created more EDC’s and clearly more of them are being ever more widely used- Monsanto’s Round Up comes immediately to mind !
As you have read above in the Pediatric Research Study, the EDC’s cause an adult onset of disease for multiple generations.(an easily reproduced outcome) as stated.
So, the question that begs asking, seriously, so I’m asking. Is this mutation of human DNA, epigenetically, intentional? Because, it really seems that way.
How else to explain the fact that we presently have an epidemic of diabetes- A definite EDC connected adult onset disorder. Which allows the petrochemical/pharmeceutical industry to provide ‘medication’ to alleviate symptoms without addressing the real issue at hand. Which is of course environmental contamination via endocrine disrupting chemicals.
And how interesting is it that the very treatments for the EDC induced diseases, generate yet another round of endocrine disrupting chemical contamination of the natural environment and ourselves?
Diabetes Drug Found in Freshwater Is a Potential Cause of Intersex Fish, Says Study
That fact stunned me. More of this drug was found in higher concentration then caffeine?
Wow! We have to extract ourselves from this vicious circle- Really, we do.
Others are trying-
If you care about yourself, you wouldn't eat this garbage anyway....
I hope readers are making some changes- Reducing their plastic use. ( We have rid ourselves of most of our plastic containers ( any suggestions for freezing would be great?) No more plastic water bottles switched to stainless)- not buying any bottled waters. Growing some veggies? Talking to others.
I had a great chat with our company from BC and was so pleased to hear that this gal (our niece and great niece the cutie pie) was savvy to plastic and it's toxicities and was not using it! Yah!
Taking actions. Contacting these chemical producers and telling them you’re rejecting their garbage. Making it known to all concerned you don’t want those GMO’s. You refuse the Round up. Etc.,
Keep up the pressure people. It’s the only way we can get the change that is needed. Vote with your dollars- Cause your electoral vote means nothing!
Why post excerpts from and older Pediatric Research study? That's correct- Pediatric Research
For one thing the age of this research really caught my attention. It’s 9 years old. Recall in an earlier CMH post, I mentioned epigenetics and the necessity of understanding this concept as necessary background for fully comprehending the affect of EDC’s on humans &other living beings?
It’s amazing to me how far back the mutational effects of EDC’s has been well known and documented.- 9 years, in this instance, seems quite a time span for what amounts to a total lack of action or attention being drawn to this issue.
In fact the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry has undoubtedly created more EDC’s and clearly more of them are being ever more widely used- Monsanto’s Round Up comes immediately to mind !
"Epigenetics refers to changes in gene function within the genome that do not directly involve changes to the DNA sequences that regulate the genome. The DNA sequence of the genome is the essential building block of the individual and all species. Therefore, the stability of the genome sequence is extensive and is not readily mutated, modified, or altered. Epigenetic regulation of the genome therefore generally involves factors such as chromatin structure, histone modifications, and DNA methylation. Many environmental factors and toxicants have not been shown to directly modify the genome sequence, however, these factors can alter epigenetic factors such as DNA methylation or chromatin structure, which in turn impacts the genome epigenetically. A consideration of environment-genome interactions requires that epigenetic regulation be considered as a component of the molecular basis upon which the environmental factors interact with the genome.
Environmental exposures have been found to promote several transgenerational disease states or phenotypes (1). Generally, an embryonic or early postnatal exposure is required for these transgenerational phenotypes to occur. An example includes the ability of an embryonic diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure to promote F2 generation female and male reproductive tract defects (2). Another example is the ability of embryonic nutritional defects (i.e. caloric restriction) to promote an F2 generation diabetes phenotype (3). The reproducibility and frequency of these disease phenotypes suggests they are likely epigenetic rather than due to DNA sequence mutations. The potential that these exposure phenotypes are epigenetic transgenerational phenotypes remains to be directly demonstrated, but suggest such a phenomenon may exist.
Recently, the observation was made that a transient exposure of an F0 generation gestating rat at the time of embryonic sex determination to an endocrine disruptor may promote an adult onset disease of spermatogenic defects and male subfertility. Research has demonstrated that 90% of all male progeny for four generations (F1–F4) developed these disease states after the direct exposure of the F0 gestating rat (Fig. 1) (4). This transgenerational phenotype was only transmitted through the male germ-line (sperm) and was not passed through the female germ-line (oocyte). Before 120 d of age, the primary disease phenotype was a male testis and spermatogenic cell defect (4,5). Animals that were allowed to age up to 1 y had a transgenerational disease phenotype that included the development of numerous disease states. These aged animals had the following disease state frequencies; 17% tumor development, 50% prostate disease, 40% kidney disease, 30% immune abnormalities, and 30% severe infertility in males from F1 to F4 generations (6). Female animals were also found to develop transgenerational disease but did not transmit the phenotype to subsequent generations.
The transgenerational (F1–F4) phenotype was induced by the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin. Vinclozolin is an anti-androgenic compound used as a fungicide in the fruit industry (e.g. wineries) (7). The phenotype can also be promoted by the pesticide methoxychlor, which is a mixture of estrogenic, antiestrogenic, and antiandrogenic metabolites (4). The ability of endocrine disruptors to promote adult onset disease has been previously reviewed (8). Endocrine disruptors are a large class of environmental toxicants ranging from plastics to pesticides (9). These environmental toxicants generally do not promote DNA sequence mutations that generally occur at a frequency <0 .01="" br="">0>
The frequency of the transgenerational phenotype described above (occurring in 30–90% of the sample population) also could not be attributed to DNA sequence mutations. Therefore, the hypothesis was developed that the transgenerational phenotype found is an epigenetic transgenerational phenotype resulting from changes in gene function that are not related to a DNA sequence mutation
The epigenetic transgenerational disease phenotype described was due to an embryonic exposure promoting an adult-onset disease. The potential that an altered germ-line epigenome may be a causal mechanism for adult-onset disease must now be considered. The identification of novel epigenetic diagnostics and therapeutic strategies based on this unique disease etiology is anticipated to provide a significant advance in our understanding of disease phenotype transmission and development. The investigation of how an environmental compound (e.g. endocrine disruptor) can induce a transgenerational disease state may provide a mechanism to enhance our knowledge of how environmental factors influence disease independent of DNA sequence alterations. The elucidation of the role of epigenetics in environment-genome interactions will provide critical insights for environmental health and disease.
As you have read above in the Pediatric Research Study, the EDC’s cause an adult onset of disease for multiple generations.(an easily reproduced outcome) as stated.
So, the question that begs asking, seriously, so I’m asking. Is this mutation of human DNA, epigenetically, intentional? Because, it really seems that way.
How else to explain the fact that we presently have an epidemic of diabetes- A definite EDC connected adult onset disorder. Which allows the petrochemical/pharmeceutical industry to provide ‘medication’ to alleviate symptoms without addressing the real issue at hand. Which is of course environmental contamination via endocrine disrupting chemicals.
And how interesting is it that the very treatments for the EDC induced diseases, generate yet another round of endocrine disrupting chemical contamination of the natural environment and ourselves?
Diabetes Drug Found in Freshwater Is a Potential Cause of Intersex Fish, Says Study
A medication commonly taken for Type II diabetes, which is being found in freshwater systems worldwide, has been shown to cause intersex in fish –male fish that produce eggs.
A study by Rebecca Klaper at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee determined exposure to the diabetes medicine metformin causes physical changes in male fish exposed to doses similar to the amount in wastewater effluent.
In addition to intersex conditions, fish exposed to metformin were smaller in size than those not exposed, said Klaper, a professor in UWM’s School of Freshwater Sciences.
Metformin is also prescribed to women with a common hormonal disease called polycystic ovary syndrome. The research in her lab indicates metformin could be a potential endocrine disruptor – a chemical that confuses the body’s complicated hormonal messaging system, interrupting a range of normal activities, including reproduction.
“It is the chemical we found in almost every sample and in the highest concentrations compared to other emerging contaminants – even higher than caffeine,” she said.
That fact stunned me. More of this drug was found in higher concentration then caffeine?
Wow! We have to extract ourselves from this vicious circle- Really, we do.
Others are trying-
Petition Launched to Remove Propyl Paraben from Food
Did you know that Paraben's were in food?! I didn't!
In 1972, FDA’s Select Committee on GRAS Substances stated that there was no information demonstrating that propyl paraben had any short- or long-term toxicological consequences, even in rats consuming amounts “greatly exceeding those currently consumed i EWG cites 2002 research at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health, which found that propyl paraben decreased sperm counts in young rats at and below the concentrations which FDA considers safe for human consumption in food. The group also points to a 2013 study by the Harvard School of Public Health, which suggests that exposure to various parabens might be associated with diminished fertility in women, and other research showing that propyl paraben acts as a synthetic estrogenic compound and can alter hormone signaling and gene expression. In 2004, the European Food Safety Authority’s scientific panel on food additives issued an advisory stating that, “While the presence of propyl paraben in the diet is limited and unlikely to represent a risk to consumers, the panel was unable to recommend a specific [Acceptable Daily Intake] for propyl paraben based on current evidence.”The food listed as containing parabens are all prepackaged "crap" food
And the European Commission has listed propyl paraben as one of its 194 Category 1 substances — those for which evidence of endocrine-disrupting properties has been found in a least one live organism and which have been given the highest priority for further studies.
The authors of the 2013 fertility study at Harvard wrote that although parabens have a GRAS designation based on FDA’s 1972 decision, “given their widespread use and ubiquitous human exposure, further research using modern toxicologic designs and end points may be warranted,” adding that the results of their own study “suggest the need for future human studies to explore these associations in other populations with a larger sample size.”
Propyl paraben was on EWG’s first “Dirty Dozen” guide for food additives released last November, and on Wednesday, the group launched a petition and social media campaign demanding that U.S. food companies remove the ingredient from their products.
“Propyl paraben is starting to disappear from some cosmetics, so it is a wonder that it is still allowed in food,” EWG stated. “If you browse the personal care product aisles in any drug store, you are likely to see labels advertising that certain body washes, lotions, and other items are ‘paraben free.’” (I've noticed some shampoos etc are proudly proclaiming themselves paraben free)
If you care about yourself, you wouldn't eat this garbage anyway....
I hope readers are making some changes- Reducing their plastic use. ( We have rid ourselves of most of our plastic containers ( any suggestions for freezing would be great?) No more plastic water bottles switched to stainless)- not buying any bottled waters. Growing some veggies? Talking to others.
I had a great chat with our company from BC and was so pleased to hear that this gal (our niece and great niece the cutie pie) was savvy to plastic and it's toxicities and was not using it! Yah!
Taking actions. Contacting these chemical producers and telling them you’re rejecting their garbage. Making it known to all concerned you don’t want those GMO’s. You refuse the Round up. Etc.,
Keep up the pressure people. It’s the only way we can get the change that is needed. Vote with your dollars- Cause your electoral vote means nothing!