Indicator 6: "Syria’s Assad Has Gassed His Own People, Again" Bloomberg
This latest news simply begged for it's own post. Keeping on with the theme of indicators that the US will escalate soon in Syria; After having documented 5 of them in the earlier post from today:5...
View ArticleSenior "Syrian" Kurdish official calls on US to implement no-fly zone to...
I've explained endlessly how it is these aren't Syrian Kurds.... that's just spin.Kurdistan24Jihan Sheikh Ahmed, the Kurdish co-head of the Defense Office in the self-administration of the north and...
View ArticleUS Want Sochi/Astana Talks Ended: Russian Campaign Against US Plan to Divide...
Link"US Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey has called on Russia to exert efforts to convene the Syrian constitutional committee on December 14, proposing to end the Sochi/Astana...
View ArticleUS State Department Official Accuses: Russia & Syria of A False Flag in Aleppo
Readers here were made aware in the post from:Tuesday, December 4, 2018- Indicator 6: "Syria’s Assad Has Gassed His Own People, Again" Bloombergthat the US was going to make this accusation."A newly...
View ArticlePt. 1: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Vs the Yellow "Leaders" of France
This is one subject that I've regrettably been remiss about addressing. Fortunately with the help from two long term friends of the blog, Gallier the Elder and Gallier 2, I'm finally able to have a...
View ArticlePt.2: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Are Visible to Jupiter
Continuing on with the Yellow Vests protests. Do read the first part- All this information needs to be taken in together for the simple reason it provides better understanding that way.Pt. 1: Gilet...
View ArticlePt.3: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests: Erasing the Middle Class from Existence
To get up to speed it's recommended you read Pt's 1 and 2:Pt. 1: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Vs the Yellow "Leaders" of FrancePt.2: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Are Visible to JupiterI'm going to open here...
View ArticleFuel Poverty: It's Not Just France's Problem As Excess Winter Deaths Rise
For readers in the UK. And we Canadians should not be smug or complacent.Soon we'll find ourselves in the shoes of the French and British.Pt.3: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests: Erasing the Middle Class from...
View ArticlePt.4: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests: Jupiter Buys Time As the EU Watches
The last installment, for now.Pt.3: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests: Erasing the Middle Class from ExistencePt.2: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Are Visible to JupiterPt. 1: Gilet Jaunes/Yellow Vests Vs the...
View ArticleFrance: Along Comes A Suspiciously, Conveniently Timed Christmas "Terror"...
After reading Gallier's comments from the previous post, I became intrigued with this latest "terror" incident. It's so well packaged. Marketable. Terror. Christmas. What's with the repeated...
View ArticleWarming Arctic Causes Arctic Ice Growth- Seriously NASA?
Go back to the post: Propaganda is the Art of Overwhelming Logic And yes, it's relative.(outlink at above post) Contradictions (A and not-A)In classical logic, the law of non-contradiction (LNC) (also...
View ArticleTurkish Airstrikes Hit Sinjar, Iraq- Pentagon Warns Turkey. Again.
The move is not a shocker. The location is not a shocker either.Turkey has been clear that they will clear the PKK/YPG away from their border...The location has long been problematic. For Syria and...
View ArticleExclusive: U.S.-backed SDF vows to fight any Turkish attack in north Syria
Late but still very relevant to Thursday's post and the remake the region agendaReuters UK: Ayn Issa Nahiyah is in the Tel Abyad district, Raqqa.AIN ISSA, Syria (Reuters) - The U.S.-backed Syrian...
View ArticleA Fresh Look at the French Revolution- The Liberals vs the People
We had some commentary regarding the french revolution as compared to the yellow vest protests. Most people wronglybelieve the "french revolution' was all about the people tossing an insolent ruler to...
View ArticlePt: 1- History is Written By the Winners.Always.
Following on the theme started with the previous post:A Fresh Look at the French Revolution- The Liberals vs the People. Where we all learn of an alternative history to the French revolution. One that...
View ArticlePt.2: History is Written by The Winners. Always
James Corbett:"Who gets to write the history textbooks? Where do the history teachers learn about history? What documents are allowed into the historical record, and what documents are excluded? These...
View ArticleRebrand Alert: Syrian Kurds/SDF to Rojova Kurds/Selling Annexation
How many times has the concept of rebranding been discussed here? More times then I can even recall. If you are at all unfamiliar with the concept of rebranding.."Rebranding is the creation of a new...
View ArticleThe US to Exit Syria. Or a Turn for the Worse in Syria?
Breaking news? Personally speaking, this is not believable.Most probably claiming an exit before the "shit hits the fan" between Turkey and the Usrael Kurdish proxies- The US is staying put. They just...
View ArticleObfuscating NATO vs NATO with claims of US Troop Withdrawal
Repeat after me "The US is not withdrawing troops from Syria"Say it again. Let it sink in. "The US is not withdrawing troops from Syria" Accept that reality. Multiple bases. One more then 500 acres in...
View ArticleUS Syrian Withdrawal- "You can check out anytime you like but you can never...
Linka bit of a middle eastern feel to that image'Relax' said the night man,'We are programmed to receive.You can check out any time you like,But you can never leave!'How perfect is the Hotel California...
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