Syria & Regional Remake SITREP: Turkey, Qatar and Russia Threaten US? Baghdad...
This has been a long time coming so let’s peruse some interesting news.1st : Turkish-Qatari alliance threatens Washington: US defense think tankThe rise and consolidation of the Turkish-Qatari alliance...
View ArticleSaudi Aramaco Arrives in Deir Ezzor, Syria- American Contracts in Hand
Though it is an unnamed source the news report is credible, fitting with everything written here and ignored elsewhere, about the US/Saudi involvement with the PKK/SDF in Syria. Deir Ezzor24"Sources...
View ArticleUber Privileged Greta Thunberg Busted For Lying To Advance An Agenda
And don't tell me Greta isn't extremely privileged while playing up ideas of austerity for everyone else! Bottom line which of you are cavorting with the rich and famous? Sailing the globe on sailing...
View ArticleWhy Wall Street Laments A Missed Chance to Price Carbon
Why? Because it cuts into their profit making abilities. I purposely excluded the word pollution- that’s plain manipulative. Carbon is an element. We live on a carbon based planet. We are carbon life...
View ArticleCall for EU and International Community to Recognize Rojova aka Occupied...
The EU is staying mum on the issue, but, unless Damascus takes their territory and resources back the regional remake will take it's next step.Syria annexed to the MediterraneanBrusselstimesThe...
View ArticleThe Greta Thunberg Juggernaut Attempts to Steam Roll Deuthsche Bahn- Ridiculous!
hattip anonymous:AnonymousDecember 18, 2019 at 7:24 PM can't make this stuff...
View ArticleTrump's Impeachers Deliver Big Win To Trump Passing USMCA Trade Deal ( While...
Yup, as of this moment... today, December 19/2019. It looks to me as if the House Democrats just guaranteed Trump's Electoral WIN! The impeachment was sad political theater and nothing else. Oh the...
View ArticleMust Read!: One Nation, Tracked- The Vast and Lucrative Trafficking in Human...
The NYT's article discusses the trade/profit in Human Tracking. Trade and Trafficking are similar. They are not significantly different. It might have been better to denote these practices as...
View ArticleBreaking: Israeli Airstrikes and Intercepts Underway/Reported in Syria
Fox News Clip:Israeli airstrike under way in Syria Dec. 22, 2019 - 2:55 - Trey Yingst reports from Jerusalem.Syrian air defense intercepts missiles from Israel - state media The Syrian army’s air...
View ArticleThe Ceasar Act: Another Blow to Those That Believe Syria’s Been Won.
LinkThis is an oped from an “opposition” point of view so you will notice a specific spin on the facts. Ignore the spin. Focus on the facts. In an upcoming post we'll be talking more spin on Turkey."On...
View ArticleMoA: Targeting Turkey for the Empire- Showing the barflies "the way" to........
hell? .... destabilizing Turkey for the remake? Intentional or not the outcome is the same.One of the usual suspects, long suspect in my opinion, who has been steadily and for some time now massaging...
View ArticleUS Drone Attack Against Syrian Oil Facilities in Homs- Reminiscent of Saudi...
First read about this strike on Sunday... but couldn’t find anything else to discern if it had actually occurred or if we’re being spoon fed some more war time propaganda. Then additional reports...
View ArticleMerry Christmas Everybody!
Hope everyone enjoys some good time with family and friends. And yes, there will be new posts in short order!We had dinner and company this past week end and will be eating another big meal tomorrow,...
View ArticlePro War "Left" and Usrael's Kurds in Syria
And yes there is a pro war "left" out there.. they are the writers who gloss over the FACT that Syria's being chopped up and push the idea that north eastern Syria belongs to some group of alleged...
View ArticleCRTC Fines Company Behind Orcus Malware
I find this report, curious. It leaves me with more questions about what was going on? Who were the targets? Why three years passed from complaint to this minuscule CRTC fine? Despite the RCMP, FBI...
View ArticleThe Mediterranean: "The Sea in the Middle of the Earth" Still...
I'll be publishing an article about the situation in the Mediterranean as soon as can possibly be done. The piece below gives us some very good background on the importance of and desire to control...
View ArticleCanada to Join NATO's Cyber Defence Research Center
The headline says "defence", but, ATTACKING will be involved. Oh, yes, it will be! Be sure to check out OPENCANADA.ORG. It is the stand alone publication produced by the Centre for International...
View ArticlePt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the...
We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally...
View ArticlePt. 2: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the...
Before continuing on, if you haven't readThe Mediterranean: "The Sea in the Middle of the Earth" Still Geostrategically VitalPt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around...
View ArticleLatest Report: Ambassador flees as Iraqis storm US embassy- 750 Troops...
What's going on? The US appears to be escalating something in Iraq?? LinkJanuary 1 2020 2:30 AMThe US ambassador to Iraq and other staff were evacuated from their embassy in Baghdad for their safety...
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