The 'Massacre' of Italy's Elderly Nursing Home Residents
The report below is hard to fathom. What could the officials have been thinking? If they were thinking at all? Keeping in mind reacting out of fear equals stupid, deadly decision making. More likely,...
View ArticleBirth Pangs of ME/NA Continue.. Iran, Israel, Russia, Syria, Turkey, US
1- Russia and Turkey: 5th Join Patrol along M-4 Highway Russian and Turkish servicemen conducted the fifth joint patrol mission along the M4 highway linking the cities of Aleppo and Latakia in Syria’s...
View ArticleCold Arctic Air Returns?- With Snow- Late April
I want my. I want my. I want my AGW... (Anthropogenic Global Warming)But dam, it hasn't and it isn't happening.Snow in the forecast for the next few days, "Special Weather Statement" for Niagara...
View ArticleBoy with Covid-19(84) DID NOT Infect More then 170 People As Previously...
So, we've been told over and over and over ad infinitum how super contagious Covid 19(84) is.Clearly that's been yet another lie. Hopefully that will put to rest the"spreaders" meme that's been going...
View ArticleKit Knightly: Off Guardian's Corona Virus Coverage w James Corbett
Very brief interview. Including the exchange between Off Guardian and Moon (loon) of Alabama, which also featured another persona non grata , in my opinion, Mark Sleboda.Scott at Nomadiceveryman...
View ArticlePerspectives on the Pandemic | Dr. John Ioannidis Update: 4.17.20 | Episode 4
Caught this interview today as well.Link- YoutubeDr John Ioannidis talked about the situation in New York. Why?My opinion? 9/11 and the destruction of the Trade Towers is a factor *Relink: April 18/20...
View ArticleHappy Freezing Earth Day- Windsor Breaks 1950 Cold Weather Record- Greeda...
And it was snowing this morning! April 22/20.Featuring Geofish- who thinks we may finally have a chance for some warmthHappy freezing cold Earth Day!We do have a chance for warmth now. The Pacific...
View ArticleNomadic Everyman:"As Stocks Tumble and Rights Evaporate, Syrian Regime Change...
Scott at Nomadiceveryman did an excellent update on the Syrian situation:I've done some updates as well, if you missed them they are relinked below:Birth Pangs of ME/NA Continue.. Iran, Israel, Russia,...
View ArticleCoronavirus Drug Remdesivir Fails First Trial
I could be mistaken, but, seem to recall reading that Remdesivir, may have been used to treat patients in hospital.. In fact, yes, it was! Used in a "compassionate manner" As you will read below,...
View ArticleCoronavirus Mutations May Render Search for Vaccine Futile, Researchers Find
Follow up to:Coronavirus Drug Remdesivir Fails First Trial Viral mutations regularly occur with seasonal flu, that reality hasn't impeded big pharma from pushing nearly useless vaccines year after...
View ArticleArctic Summers Ice Free by 2050: Ground Hog Day
Or kickin' the can further down the road.Ice-free Arctic summers likely by 2050, even with climate actionReally? Why bother with “climate action” (undefined, undefinable, ever changing) if it’s not...
View ArticleThe Petite Bourgeoisie Wage Covid-19 Psychological Warfare on Us Proles
Personally speaking, I am, quite sick of the Petite Bourgeoisie ignoring, ridiculing or downplaying the hardship many of us are experiencing due to the "pandemic" All the while using manipulative to...
View ArticleInfluenza Vaccination & Respiratory Virus Interference. Specifically...
Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza seasonInteresting study. Definitely information you should read. In my...
View ArticleCoronavirus: COVID-19, Chloroquine, Ventilators, & Vaccines/ Del Bigtree on THC
Del BigtreeThanks to the THC and it's host Greg Carlwood About 1 hour and 20 minutes Highly Recommended.Hubby and I both listened and thought it excellent!"Del Bigtree is the high-energy host of The...
View ArticleLock Downs To Do More Damage then Virus: Shielding Elderly & Vulnerable A...
The effects of a long term lockdown could do more damage than coronavirus itself, an Oxford professor has warned. Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the centre for evidence-based medicine at Oxford...
View ArticleDoug (Yahoo) Ford & His "Iron Ring" FAIL- Elder Lockdowns in Deplorable...
Continuing on from the earlier report:Lock Downs To Do More Damage then Virus: Shielding Elderly & Vulnerable A Huge Fail Inclusion of "yahoo" is a reference to Doug Ford's comment regarding anti...
View ArticleYale Study: Saliva Swab Beats Commonly Done Nasal Test For Accuracy AND...
Yet, nasal testing has been de rigueur "out of strictness" or "according to strict etiquette"; one definition of our word rigor, to which rigueur is related, is "the quality of being strict,...
View ArticleFrench Coronavirus Strain May Be LOCAL and may NOT be from China
Oh oh more holes in the narrative.. As if there aren't enough already?France has it's own strain of coronavirus. Which is highly suggestive we're not dealing with some "novel" form of this virus that...
View ArticleCovid Exposes Nursing Home Failings: 79 Percent of Canadian Covid Deaths,...
Yes, that is the actual figure. 79 PERCENT OF COVID DEATHS ARE CONNECTED TO LONG TERM CARE HOMES. Which should make it very clear the PRIMARY PROBLEM is with/within the FACILITIES. Or the casualty...
View ArticleCanadian Military Helicopter, Participating in Exercises “involved in...
What happened? Mechanical fail? A friendly fire incident that could be used to blame on some other party? I’ll be following this one.UPDATE:Jerusalem PostAt least one person is deadafter a...
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