Along with Turkish tanks come Troops (and others) How about a false flag to...
Turkey boosts troop levels on Syrian borderTurkey bolstered security on its border with Syria on Tuesday, sending hundreds of soldiers and tanks (nothing to do with the flow of refugees)The Turkish...
View ArticleHong Kong Protests: Water, food, masks & medical supplies materialize
BBC"Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have been receiving donations of food, water, masks and other medical supplies as they continue their demonstration that has brought large parts of the...
View ArticleWhite House- Kill Syrian/Iraqi Civilians- Exemption for airstrikes
Well, isn't Obama a real peacemaker, humanity saver, democracy bringer and freedom lover?NOT! I am being completely facetious. Read on-White House exempts Syria airstrikes from tight standards on...
View ArticleTurkey, at the forefront, allowing the US and Israel to lead from behind
All the while propping up their, mutual, phony ISIS pretextTurkey vows to fight ISIL(S) and guns for Assad’s exitThe real agenda. Same as it ever was. Ousting Assad. Turkey will fight against ISIL and...
View Article"The information war for Ukraine" Satirical German program "Die Anstalt" (Eng...
h/t AnthonyAnonymousOctober 2, 2014 at 10:18 AMHi Penny,Here is a satirical piece about western hypocrisy in the Ukraine (with subtitles) from a mainstream German TV channel ZDF. Well worth...
View ArticleYet, another ISIS beheading- just in time for the weekend media spin
Breaking news: Islamic State video purports to show beheading of UK captive Alan Henning Islamic State militants fighting in Iraq and Syria released a video on Friday which purported to show the...
View ArticleKurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children?
Two news items:-Iraq’s Kurds are boosting crude output threefold by the end of 2015 -The Kurds will increase production to 1 million barrels a day by the end of 2015 from a current level of 320,000,...
View ArticleTurkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture
Continuing on with our bigger picture news day Want Turkey’s support on ISIS- Think Russia- Al JazeeraRead in full at the link“It took Washington four years to wake up from the dream to realise that...
View ArticleSuicide blast hits Grozny, predominately Chechen, Southern Russia- 5 dead
Often times events that seem random, aren't. 2-Turkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture 1- Kurds/Turkey collude and ISIS releases kidnapped Kurdish children?Flashback: A very NATO/US...
View ArticleKaBoom & ChaChing! Wall St. Cheers as Military Industrial Profits explode
Wall St cheers as US bombs are used to blow up US-made equipment that will all need replacingIt looks like it is going to be a good year for America’s arms industry after all.Things were looking bleak...
View ArticleUS carries out 90 percent of attacks on ISIS- Turkey not complying and much more
Me, thinking aloud. And looking for input on the post subject?Some thoughts: The so called entire coalition is obviously less then willing to get involved in this fight, presently. And this reluctance...
View ArticleOne MH-17 Passenger Wearing Oxygen Mask- Why?- Updated!
Saw this earlier and had been scratching my head as to why this passenger had put a mask on?The body of an Australian passenger on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was found wearing an oxygen mask, Dutch...
View ArticleNumerous Flaws found in Ukraine's probe of Maidan massacre
Interesting and timely considering the MH-17 debacle.Perhaps Kiev’s cover up is unraveling?Maidan smoldering- no peaceful protests"In a country where justice often isn’t blind, there’s another...
View ArticleAn explosion, bombing or fire at Parchin, Iran. Was Israel involved?
I am qualifying my post by stating- What exactly happened is very unclear! This incident may or may not have occured as Israeli media is suggesting. Accidental? Intentional? Fire? Explosion? Bombing?...
View ArticleKobane(i) Kurds 'thwart' ISIS- Deja Vu! The war expands
The Kurds also beat back ISIS in Iraq- Makes one question the omnipotence of ISIS?Kurdish fighters hold of ISIS advance at KobaniThe Islamic State has been turned back in KobaniAfter a series of...
View ArticleBattle for Kobani- Sideshow for broader war
Kobane(i) A sideshow. I've used those same words, here. How interesting?Flashback to Wed. Oct. 08/14: US carries out 90 percent of attacks on ISIS- Turkey not complying and much more“The ISIS 'attack'...
View ArticleSyrian Air Defences and the Implications of Expanding Airstrikes into Syria
Info packed post!I’ve talked Syrian air defences, more then once. Recently, in relation to the appearance of the F-22Took some time to find some info on the Syrian systems- all publicly available...
View ArticleUS Holocaust Museum displays Qatar PR Campaign Presenting Aspersion as Fact
This is not the post I had wanted to do today. Sadly the lying war mongering media forced my hand! A Qatar PR firm created psyop, bolstered by a show at the US Holocaust museum, is still equivalent...
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