Hezbollah retaliates for Israeli first strike- Missile hits IDF convoy
Israel has launched a ground invasion into LebanonA UN peacekeeper was also killed in southern Lebanon, in an incident likely related to the border flare-up. Briefly!A missile fired by the Lebanese...
View ArticleThe Low Dose Makes the Poison- EDC's & the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
This is from 2009. Yes, 2009. Six years back.First a 7 minute interview!- Air Date: Week of September 4, 2009 stream/download this segment as an MP3 file Modern toxicology doesn't typically test...
View ArticleCanada's so called anti-terror bill? Je Suis Canada
Where are the giant pencils? After all the nonsense spewed over the incident in Paris? Je Suis Canada?CBC:“Such a move, however, could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in Canada and...
View ArticleEndocrination- Documentary
Just about an hour- Easy viewing- Be sure to share this and the previous post: The Low Dose Makes the Poison- EDC's & the Chemical Manipulation of HumanityHelp me get the info out to a wider...
View ArticlePanamza- Investigative Journalist in France digs the dirt on the Hebdo perps
H/T Galliergallier2February 1, 2015 at 12:00 AMHi Penny,Panamza, the only investigative journalist left in France (he's not mainstream that's for sure) checking things in the Charlie Hebdo affair has...
View ArticleIsrael’s Islamists, Al Nusra Front, claim responsibility for Damascus bus...
Israel- Loves Islamists and is a state sponsor of Terrorism- Historically speaking Israel & Terror go way back- but, most readers here should be aware of that. Brief digression,older, but makes my...
View ArticleRussian Oil and Gas Firms Can Cope With Low Oil Prices
Getting back to the situation in Ukraine..... Or in the case of this post- oil/currency/ratings wars. Oh and an update to a previous post!Obviously some are very concerned with keeping tabs on this...
View ArticleUkraine (antifascist) rebels vow to reinforce troops. US considers fuelling...
Staying on the subject of Ukraine and all that entails.......Ah... the US, not content with the fire they began with their regime change in Kiev- terrorizing an elected leader to the point he flees for...
View ArticleAidar Battalion burning tires outside of Kiev Defense Ministers Office
Recall my prediction of a Poroshenko overthrow? Several dozen men in army fatigues blocked traffic opposite the entrance into the grounds of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in Povitroflotsky Avenue in...
View ArticleJohn Baird to resign- Good Riddance
Only one thing you need to know about John Baird- He concerned himself with Israeli interests to a vastly greater extent then he did with the concerns of the Canadian electorate.CBC One John Baird...
View ArticleVaccines, EDC's and the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Vaccines. We have sure heard lots about them as of late. In a fashion that should be characterized as the worst hysterical, fear mongering, hard sell imaginable.Presented in the simplistic,...
View ArticleRussian Interview: The roots of ISIS/L run deep in the Pankisi Gorge, Georgia
Pankisi Gorge, Georgia, Western backed Islamists have been covered here at the blog previously. I will relink older posts at then bottom of this post.RFEurope- US propaganda outfit- makes news of this...
View ArticleCourt Ruling in Canada against Canada's Private Central Banksters
The Bank of Canada used to be a government lending institution, creating near interest free loans that built much of Canada’s infrastructure during the 50’s and 60’s. In 1974 at the Bank of...
View ArticleWhat the coexistence of QE and deflation reveals about the Western financial...
This is an interesting article- It's a bit older (six months) however it seems to be right on the money!Or perhaps not so much the money, maybe the trouble with 'money' used in an inappropriate...
View ArticleEDC's- The Wildlife/Human Connection- Chemically Induced Alterations in...
This is some of the earliest information, I have found to date, documenting widespread acknowledgement of the huge problems with EDC's-I can only conclude that the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity is...
View ArticleEDC's and Breast Cancer- Yup, the Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Just 5 minutes- This 5 minute video was done in 2009- I am putting it here because it demonstrates how the EDC's infiltrate themselves into the body- It's focused on Bisphenol A- which has been...
View ArticleBan Ki "Insists" Yemeni Quitter President be Reinstated or Civil War Looms
VOA- Ban-Ki always a toady boy! But, I digress.....“There must be a restoration of the legitimacy of President Hadi's. We have to address this through all the Security Council and [Gulf Cooperation...
View ArticleFrance: Marseille shooting- Prior to PM visit? Police targeted?
All early reporting has masked gunmen opening fire in a low income/ alleged crime ridden housing project. It appears that a specific police officer may have been the target. Which is interesting, of...
View ArticleSyria- No, to Foreign Troops on Syrian Soil- Syrian/Belarus cooperation
Here or HereSyria's foreign minister has criticized neighboring Jordan, which recently stepped up air strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, saying his country does not need outside help in...
View ArticleAerial war on Syria is expanding- UAE is back & the US (Israel) is pleased.
I wondered at the comments from Syrian leadership?From: Syria- No, to Foreign Troops on Syrian Soil- Syrian/Belarus cooperationSyria's foreign minister has criticized neighboring Jordan, which...
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