Tsipras "Serfs" the Greek People?
This sure doesn't read as a positive considering the referendum. The election. The election promises. The tough talk. The heartfelt talk. Etc., 12:35 a.m.In a speech with a strongly personal tone,...
View ArticleChemical Manipulation of Humanity: Combinations of 'Safe' Chemicals May...
Lots of chemicals are considered safe in low doses. But what happens when you ingest a little bit of a lot of different chemicals over time? In some cases, these combinations may conspire to increase...
View ArticleEDC's alter Gene Function in Placenta- Hamper Fetal Growth: Chemical...
Researchers link endocrine disrupting chemical exposure to altered gene function in pregnant women’s placentas, which could hamper fetal growthWomen exposed to widely used chemicals while pregnant are...
View ArticleEPA says Glyphosate is Not an Endocrine Disruptor: Chemical Manipulation of...
Do you believe the EPA? Do you trust their science? I don't.Despite an abundance of evidence linking glyphostate with endocrine disruption and all the resulting diseases, the so called Environmental...
View ArticleTsipras & Bankers, Esp. the IMF, Enslaved the Greek People. It Was Not Germany
A round up of news items from earlier today:Here’s What the Greek Deal Entails So,what does the new deal entail? Well, to begin with, a lot of money.Greece’s creditors figure the country needs between...
View ArticleThere is No Greek Deal ? Will the Greek government fall?
Here's an interesting perspective:From an economist named Meagan Greene of Manulife.She certainly presents much food for thought BTW: Will the Greek Government "fall"? You saw the headlines Monday...
View ArticleRBN Gnostic Media Radio: Aldous Huxley/The Ultimate Revolution: Loving Our...
Gnostic Media RBNJan plays the audio of Aldous Huxley's 1962 lecture at Berkeley, The Ultimate Revolution, exposing the Elite / MKULTRA agenda. Callers at the end. This is a must hear. Podcast: Play in...
View ArticleGlobal freezing: ‘mini ice age’ by 2030- Carbon Tax/ Cap & Trade won't save us
Mini Ice Age ComethIce builds up along Lake Michigan at North Avenue Beach in Chicago as temperatures dipped well below zero on Jan. 6, 2014. Some 15 or so years from now, the “polar vortex” might not...
View ArticleGreece : The Straw that Breaks the Euro Area- Full Integration or an Amicable...
I've been thinking about this for days now.. Knowing what I want to say and hoping it's understandable?In a nutshell Greece (Tsipras) is the straw being used to break the camel’s back. The camels back...
View ArticleNATO Readies Largest Military Exercise in Years- Location, Location, Location..
Is this really going to be just an exercise? Note the scenario and the highlighted paragraph containing Stoltenberg's comment??Yahoo News The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its allies...
View Article“Villian" Angela Merkel," Victim" 10 Year Old & Hashtag Manipulation
I’m sure readers here caught the media spin cycle twisting this story yesterday? Of course there was some ‘hash tag’ nonsense at work tooIn case you missed it? Briefly:Reuters - Merkel mocked online...
View ArticleGreece & EU: There is NO Agreement. EU and EU2 ?
Flashback: Greece : The Straw that Breaks the Euro Area- Full Integration or an Amicable SplitConcluding Can't be sure. However, I'm sticking with what I see at this time. Greece (Tsipras) is being...
View ArticleChatanooga Shooter- Suffered from Depression for Years
Statement from his Family:"There are no words to describe our shock, horror and grief," Abdulazeez's family said in a statement cited by an NPR public radio journalist."The person who committed this...
View ArticleThe Man Who Cost Greece Billions- Syriza: Cult of Personality/Charismatic...
The man who cost Greece billionsExcerpt below interesting for the background on Syriza, Tsipras & his confidantes Meteoric riseBorn in 1974 a few days after Greece's return to democracy following...
View ArticleThe Coming Greek Bank Nationalizations, Privitizations and Bail- ins
As I ended the earlier post from today: The Man Who Cost Greece Billions Today the Greeks are 'rewarded' to huge price increase on everything. And their saviour, Tsipras, showed his true nature- That...
View ArticleChemical Manipulation of Humanity- Advancing the Discussion with Curtis Duncan
“Looking a little deeper there is the possibility of substantially altering the intellectual and moral natures of individuals by some sort of hormonal injections; already great effects have been...
View ArticleAttack in Suruc,Turkey - KurdIShIS: Destabilizing Turkey
So, the bombing in Turkey? I had intended to ignore it. Why?Because it was an inevitable occurrence.Bound to happen.Absolutely necessary to destabilize Turkey. And I’ve made it abundantly clear, here,...
View ArticleWorst Summer Ice Arctic Conditions in 20 Years!! Summer Ice/Arctic
CCGS Amundsen re-routed to Hudson Bay to help with heavy iceWorst ice conditions in 20 years force change of plans to icebreaker research program The CCGS Pierre Radisson escorts the oil tanker...
View ArticleKurdish PKK Claim Responsibility for Murder of 2 Turkish Police Officers
Exactly as implied in yesterday's post: Attack in Suruc,Turkey - KurdIShIS: Destabilizing Turkey The police officers were killed by the NATO/Israeli backed Kurdish militias *Two Turkish police killed...
View ArticleIs Turkey Invading Syria, presently? Incirluk deal. More Turkish Police dead
Wow, are some wild claims going around or what!? I've seen headlines in the 'alternative' media that leave me scratchin' my head? Where did this all come from? And so suddenly?As near as I can tell-...
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