Tesla’s Driverless Car Kills Zombie “Driver” & Google's Self Driving “Sticky...
Tesla’s driver was too busy watching Harry Potter and Google’s insanity knows no boundaries!Gives a whole new meaning to the term vehicular manslaughter, no? You understand that a zombie is...
View ArticlePride Parade Hijacked By Black Lives Matter
Ok, one quick post- Just too good to pass up- The identity politics battle plays it out on the means streets of Toronto-"BlackLivesMatter"VS Pride Paraders Classic divide to Conquer! And all this...
View ArticleAttack on Baghdad: Attack on Camp Liberty- MEK Terrorists aka Dissidents
I didn't miss the news regarding the truck bomb attack in Baghdad by ISIS aka NATO and their mercenaries. Horrible: Three reasons for the attack-It keeps the Centralized Iraqi government off balance...
View ArticleFBI Comey’s Complete Statement: Hillary Clinton Above the Law!
** IMPORTANT NOTICE**Nowhere in the entire FBI statement is it stated that Hillary's email use was careless- It is stated it was criminal- and if it was anyone else there would be repercussions, but...
View ArticleTesla's High Tech Christine
Christine is of course the car that kills in John Carpenter's movie based on the Stephen King novelTesla's automobile is also a killer:Yes, I'm being provocative intentionally. I really would like...
View ArticleChristians Complain As Kurds Seize Land : Occuring in Iraq and Syria
The Kurd land seizure of Christian lands.. So reminiscent of their besties in IsraelAnd this is not taking place in territory governed solely by the KRGI’ve covered the Kurdish militia/elites...
View ArticleISIS Attacks? Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sisi, the PKK and more
Got to clear my bookmarks back log !!! - As if that could ever really happen- hehehe..Here’s some tidbits I’ve had saved:I've updated the post to cover news about a reported suicide bombing targeting...
View ArticleSNIPERS kill 5 Officers in Dallas at Protest- SNIPERS!! Classic...
As soon as Hubby read the news that Snipers were involved at the Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas- My reply was "It's on"- Yup, Identity politics used as to divide and conquer-To my American...
View ArticlePolice Robot Used to KILL Dallas Shooting Suspect!!! Blow Him Up Rather then...
Following up on the multiple sniper targeted shooting of Dallas police officers- SNIPERS kill 5 Officers in Dallas at Protest- SNIPERS!! Classic Destabilization MoveWe're supposed to believe that...
View ArticleFrom Multiple Snipers triangulating on police to.... the LONE GUNMAN- So...
U.S. Army reservist named as lone gunman in DallasA U.S. Army reservist who served in Afghanistan, embraced militant black nationalism and professed a desire to "kill white people" has been named by...
View ArticleMicah X = Malcom X: Parallels being created- Archetypes exploited
This is really one big perception managing psychological operation to promote a divide to conquer:Yup Micah X Johnson.. Micah Xavier Johnson or Micah X-Allegedly, all about black power. Allegedly,...
View ArticleNational Leaders & the Deep State: NATO vs Non-NATO Nation State Interests
How often have readers here noticed the mention of a NATO occupied nation vs the non NATO occupied nation state? - Having pointed out repeatedly that there is a significant difference between the two...
View ArticleIran’s Kurds Now Growing Restless?? Kurdish Mercenaries Attack Iranian Gov....
Iran’s Kurds Now Growing RestlessNow Growing Restless??May 5 2016: Kurds on the Attack in Iran- As Predicted ...... April 17 2016 : Iran's Forgotten Kurds Step Up the Struggle- So The Media Promotion...
View ArticlePart 4:The Secret History of FM Radio- "I am the Network: No Translation...
I've been meaning to get this one posted for sometime now- Better late then not at all! Entirely an enjoyable, enlightening series!Thanks, again, to Gnostic Media for providing this important work...
View ArticleMedia Obfuscation/Newspeak: Rabbi who OK's Gentile Rape & Race Baiting
All lives do matter! Since we're on the topic of race baitingCheck this headline:Israeli military appoints rabbi who appeared to permit rape "Karim later said he was not advocating rape, and the...
View ArticleWashingon to Make Final Offer to Moscow - Assad Transitions August 1 or...
LinkFrustrated by months of failure in Syria, the Obama administration is taking what might be its final offer to Moscow: Enhanced intelligence and military cooperation against the Islamic State and...
View ArticleMosul Assault "ISIS Hostage" John Cantlie in Mosul- Taking Mosul for Kurdistan
We're going long, I've been working at this one for a few days now. Mosul is ominous. The US plans for Syria don't look to be peaceful either. But then they never have been.Mosul Heating UpIraqi...
View ArticleNice, France, Bastille Day Truck Attack: Ban Trucks Say Truck Grabbers!!
Any truck grabbers out there making absurd demands to grab the trucks?- Cause here we have the truck as a dangerous weapon! No different then any day on the highways and byways. That said, I couldn't...
View ArticleMilitary Coup in Turkey- Destabilization to Coup - No surprise here
Marital Law has been imposed.Ally: thanks for letting me know! I always suspected this was an possibility.Particularly once Yildrim came to power.- Erdogan had nothing to do with appointing himI...
View ArticleTurkey’s Thwarted Coup: No Popular Support for Coup. Dead Erdogan desired?...
Did Russia provide intelligence? It's possible. It surely would have been beneficial to them to do so....Following up on yesterday's info packed post:Military Coup in Turkey- Destabilization to Coup -...
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