Russian Summons Israeli Envoy- Demands Clarification On Syria Strikes
Interesting? And, I believe a first?Follow up to this earlier post: No Fly/Safe Zone Pretext? Israeli/ US Airstrikes etc.,Times of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shakes hands with Russian...
View ArticleHate
Have you all noticed as of late how much hatin' on hate is going on? As we condemn hate, we condone it, by hating. It's positively bipolar- extremes of emotion - The way we are informed to not...
View ArticleWinds of War Blow From Israel's Borders..
The winds of war are blowing on Israel’s bordersAnalysis: The Israeli strike in Syria, the Russian and Syrian responses, and the flare-up in Gaza, are bringing Israel one step closer to a military...
View ArticleShadowy Unmarked S-92 SuperHawk Reemerges in Middle East Hot Spot
Bookmarked this the other day..The WarzoneWho is flying this helicopter? For what reason? Grey Unmarked S-92 Superhawk Spotted in Northern SyriaA gray, unmarked S-92 Superhawk with military...
View ArticleSyria: From Hot War to Frozen Conflict
Frozen ConflictIn international relations, a frozen conflict is a situation in which active armed conflict has been brought to an end, but no peace treaty or other political framework resolves the...
View ArticleUS Launched "Surprise" Attack On Raqqa. Blocking SAA/Hezbollah/Russian Forces
When I first started to assemble this post.. I was thinking, of course, about the further appropriation/theft of Syrian sovereign territory. The further confiscation of Syrian vital infrastructure....
View ArticleUS Attack on Raqqa Updated..
Yesterday I covered the “surprise” attack on Raqqa- US Launched "Surprise" Attack On Raqqa. Blocking SAA/Hezbollah/Russian ForcesFirst I want to mention the absolute lack of coverage via the msm.. It's...
View ArticleRaqqa & Mosul To Fall in Unison- Tillerson Accelerating IS Fight
Day 3 and the news on this war expansion is still amazingly scarce, considering the implications- Day 1- US Launched "Surprise" Attack On Raqqa. Blocking SAA/Hezbollah/Russian ForcesDay 2- US...
View ArticleWWF and the Earth Hour Brainwashing- Silencing the Panda
Silencing the panda is a reference to the BRAND WWF's Panda Logo. Silencing the Panda = Stop hearing the liesWWF propagates manipulative deceptions better then many- given the money they take in!WWF...
View ArticleTaking Raqqa: Dam, Airport Captured- US Deal with Kurds On Syrian Territory
Day 5: Amazing progress! Dam almost taken + Airport taken + No resistance from ISIS I've been following this news and collecting information all morning for what would be a very necessary post on the...
View ArticleGreece/Cyprus Provocation as Pretext to Renounce Turkey ?
Yes, I’m absolutely entertaining the idea of Greece as provocateur to justify some type of NATO action against Turkey- Greece was heavily involved in the US backed coup- that failed. I’ve no doubt...
View ArticleDouble Standards and Lies: Splitting Syria for Greater Kurdistan
aka Israel 2.0- It's really becoming so much more apparent. There are nearly 500 posts here covering PKK Kurdish involvement in the remake the region agenda the US is pushing dating back to 2012.For 5...
View ArticleTrump’s “strategy” for destroying ISIS
Immoral plans rely on complicity for mutual benefit which inherently implies a willingness to be silent. Or cooperation by and for the greater good of the corporations, military industrial complex,...
View ArticleTillerson in Turkey: Well, That Didn't Go Well!
Clearly it didn't. The carefully couched language from Tillerson. The Turkish leadership was not as circumspect.US and Turkey on a Collision Course- WSJ Yet, on several key issues of this complicated...
View ArticleTim Kelly Interviews Dr Joseph Farrell: Rotten to the Common Core
Excellent Interview!Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss Rotten to the (Common) Core: Public Schooling, Standardized Tests, and the Surveillance, a book he co-wrote with Gary...
View ArticleMossad Turned French Spies Into Double Agents after Syria Operation
Now, here is something very interesting.. This news certainly had me recalling the chemical attack in Ghouta, Syria 2013.- Conveniently timed and staged I believed then, as I do now, that whatever...
View ArticleUS Access to 5, yes 5, Air Installations In Stolen Northern Syria
WASHINGTON — With the capture of a strategic airfield in northern Syria this week from Islamic State, U.S.-backed forces and the American military have access to five air installations in the region, a...
View ArticleBreaking from Russia: St Petersburg Metro Blast
Breaking newsPerhaps as many as 10 dead. Possibly up to 50 injured.Several updates already- scroll down RTA suspected IED explosion inside a car of the St. Petersburg Metro system has resulted in...
View ArticleTatar Terror in St Petersburg? A Message from the West?
Following up on today's news out of St Petersburg, Russia..Breaking from Russia: St Petersburg Metro BlastAnyone who is going to engage in these types of attacks has to know that CCTV camera is going...
View ArticleIsrael Urges Action Against Syria With Trump In the Lead
Alleged chemical attack in Syria- I'm not digging into it at all. Syria, Turkey and Russia have ZERO interest in engaging in an attack like this, if it did occur at all!Who benefits and who does not...
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