Saw this coming a mile away. All the talk of ‘big oil’ being against carbon taxes from the likes of Greenpeace and other environmental pretenders- Big Oil, Big Banks & Wall street walk hand in hand, side by side. As forGreenpeace, keeping you believing, keeps them in the 'green' money! Simple as that! They provide a business service that you believe in- you support it and the business of Greenpeace, keeps on going. It's that straightforward.
Initially I too believed the AGW hype but then I became aware of facts, not spin, that enabled me to see past the lies & bullshit.
So Big Oil: Bring on the Carbon Tax
BUT AGW is not happening. Not in the way it’s been sold to justify this tax grab, impoverishment and total control via carbon. When AGW didn't pan out as sold, then the rebrand 'climate change' took it's place. But what is climate change really, but something that occurs, has always occurred and will continue to occur- with or without us.
BTW: Pembina has been receiving money from agenda pushing governments, Rockefeller foundation money etc., globally-
Alberta: Funding both sides of the illusory debate
US Foundation Money funding Pembina
Pembina: Environmental Faker- Playing offense and defense-which is oxymoronic!
Or is just plain moronic!
Anti-oil sands think-tank being funded by U.K.
Pembina and that other faker ‘DeSmog blog’ walk hand in hand?
A couple of examples: Here or Here
I have a way back post on the sham that is “DeSmog blog”- Dirt I dug up myself
August 30/2010 and yes that's nearly 5 years ago...Canada can forge ahead with green house gas emmissions trading, without the US
Stephen Harper says Alberta's carbon pricing could 'go broader'
Cause I have other posts here on that too!
Initially I too believed the AGW hype but then I became aware of facts, not spin, that enabled me to see past the lies & bullshit.
So Big Oil: Bring on the Carbon Tax
“"We think climate change is happening," Williams, Suncor's chief executive, told reporters. "We think a broad-based carbon price is the right answer."Of course climate change is happening. It’s always happened and always will happen
BUT AGW is not happening. Not in the way it’s been sold to justify this tax grab, impoverishment and total control via carbon. When AGW didn't pan out as sold, then the rebrand 'climate change' took it's place. But what is climate change really, but something that occurs, has always occurred and will continue to occur- with or without us.
In backing the idea of a carbon tax, Suncor's Williams repeatedly noted that since 80 per cent of emissions come at the point of combustion, any strategy trying to take on climate change must include end users — people turning ignition switches and flipping on lights at home.Suncor is pushing the greatly expanded carbon tax onto the back of the little people- you and I. The always intended mark (target) of the banks, wall street and government.
It's a message that puts the oilsands giant on the same page as green groups such as the Pembina Institute.
BTW: Pembina has been receiving money from agenda pushing governments, Rockefeller foundation money etc., globally-
Alberta: Funding both sides of the illusory debate
“This is now two departments in the Government of Alberta that we have found shovelling money to anti-pipeline political activists,” said CTF Alberta Director Derek Fildebrandt. “It’s absolutely ludicrous for the government to be out fighting tooth and nail for the Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipeline, and than to be giving questionable contracts and grants to the very people who are opposing these pipelines.Tagteaming
US Foundation Money funding Pembina
“ For example, the Rockefeller Brothers paid US$425,000 (2001-2003) to the David Suzuki Foundation to “organize” First Nations on the north coast of B.C. In 2004, the fund also made a small grant to the Suzuki Foundation “to campaign to support a moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration” on the B.C. coast.Rockefeller (oil and banking) money funneled through David Suzuki , manipulating First Nations people
Pembina: Environmental Faker- Playing offense and defense-which is oxymoronic!
Or is just plain moronic!
Anti-oil sands think-tank being funded by U.K.
Pembina and that other faker ‘DeSmog blog’ walk hand in hand?
A couple of examples: Here or Here
I have a way back post on the sham that is “DeSmog blog”- Dirt I dug up myself
From Al Gore's Investment Management to DeSmogBlog :Helping to make bankers richer and you and I poorer, in every way, every day.
Finally: Stephen Harper was NEVER opposed to carbon taxes or carbon markets. Never. EverAugust 30/2010 and yes that's nearly 5 years ago...Canada can forge ahead with green house gas emmissions trading, without the US
The carbon/cap and trade market has, for now, been stalled in the US.Of course PM Harper led then as he does now!
How to circumvent that problem?
Might one way be to have Canada start their Carbon market up?
Rather then Canada following suit as usual, Canada will set the tone and the US will just have to 'sing along". InNAFTA Harmonization, of course!
Stephen Harper says Alberta's carbon pricing could 'go broader'
In a 2014 interview with CBC News chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge, the prime minister has indicated for the first time a willingness to accept a price on greenhouse gas emissions.Same as the guy from Suncor is saying in 2015. Harper spoke in 2014 of implementing carbon taxes on a broader scale
Speaking favourably about the merits of Alberta's carbon-pricing system, Harper said it's a model that could be implemented on a "broader" scale.
"It's not a levy, it's a price. And there's a tech fund in which… [the] private sector makes investments.
"So look, that's what Alberta has done. That's a model that's available. But you know, as I say, we're very open to see progress on this on a continental basis."Stephen Harper has been pro banker, oil, wall street, wealth extraction, pick pocketing all along
Cause I have other posts here on that too!