An Impending Liquidity Crisis- Prepping for Global Crisis Pt2?
An update on the impending liquidity crisis. Sure looks like something catastrophic is afootRecall this news from a week or so ago?Bank of Canada Proposes Changes for Market Ops and Emergency Lending...
View Article"Gaming" Ukraine? A Theory of Moves Between the West & Russia
An undeniably interesting read for anyone who is into Game Theory. And, still interesting for those of us that aren't!Game Theory explainedGame theory is the study of strategic decision making....
View ArticleGreece Under Siege: The EU Trap?
The Grexit. Will it happen? Is it possible? The writer of this oped presents a case in which the EU traps Greece within it's structure and by virtue of it's edicts forces Greece's Syriza government to...
View ArticleSy Hersh’s Limited Hangout: Framing Saudi Arabia for Destruction/Destabilization
I've wanted to get this post up since I left the comment below here:PennyMay 12, 2015 at 3:59 AMI put this comment at MoANot sure if it posted- that place is funny sometimes- funny as in strangere: the...
View ArticleMacedonia and the "Lipstick Protestor" Yawn
Previously we had the 'umbrella' protests.. And other prop/ attention grabbers I've likely forgotten!I'm bored.Seriously, this nonsense is getting tired. Old. Stale. Yawn.Something eye catching that...
View ArticleObama OK's Arctic Drilling! Greenpeace can see their coffers grow
Obama OK’s Drilling for Oil in the Arctic-Big non surprise- Really. This should not be a surprise. All manner of environmental destruction is wrought to benefit the oil/banking cartel. War being a huge...
View ArticleGilad Atzmon: From A to Zion and the despicable Identity Politics
With thanks to Henrik @ Red Ice Radio!!Atzmon has written three books, and he returns to speak with us about his new publication, “A to Zion – The Definitive Israeli Lexicon,” a fictitious satire...
View ArticleKosher Seal of Approval for PM Stephen Harper?
OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper returns today to Quebec, a province where his party hopes to make major gains in this fall's election. And he's being honoured by a community which holds...
View ArticleCold Weather is Much Deadlier Then Extreme Heat
One would never know that from all the AGW hype and computer models that simply haven't panned out- This information was come by the hard way- Real world data was gathered over a period of time....
View Article"ISIS of Saudi Arabia" claims responsibility for suicide bombings in Saudi...
Yup, that's an alleged new group of ISIS affiliates if your keeping track.Here is the latest: CBCA group purporting to be a newly-established Saudi affiliate of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria...
View ArticleDave McGowan- Say a little prayer...
From the day I began this blog Dave McGowan (uberfave) has been a constant in the sidebar of the blog. He became known to me via his appearances on Meria- the mouth that roarsI can't say with any...
View ArticleBig Oil: Bring on the Carbon Tax- Poseurs Pembina & Desmog blog
Saw this coming a mile away. All the talk of ‘big oil’ being against carbon taxes from the likes of Greenpeace and other environmental pretenders- Big Oil, Big Banks & Wall street walk hand in...
View Article100 US/EU fighter jets join Arctic Exercise near Russia
How very peace inducing......ReutersAbout 100 fighter jets from the United States and eight European nations began an Arctic training exercise in the Nordic nations on Monday, a region worried by...
View ArticleGreece to Question Syrian over Turkey Bound Bullet Haul
Call this news story- CuriousThessaloniki, Greece--Greek investigators were to question Monday a Syrian (Kurdish??) caught trying to sneak tens of thousands of bullets into Turkey, a police source...
View ArticleTwice Updated: Dave McGowan
Heard through the grapevine that Dave is still fighting. There is some talk of going out of country for alternative treatment.Update: I removed the address it seems Dave is feeling a tad paranoid about...
View ArticleThe Fall of Ramadi Mirrors the Fall of Mosul: ISIS "bigger threat then ever"
Mirror: : Something that shows what another thing is like in a very clear and accurate way The fall of Ramadi is an almost EXACT REPLAY of the Fall of Mosul. It appears to be the same tactic replayed...
View ArticleElon Musk's SpaceX: Now we help do SURVEILLANCE for the SPOOKS
Oh Goody- more spying, control & surveillanceAfter an extended spat between Elon Musk and the US Air Force, SpaceX has finally been certified for military space missions, muscling into what had...
View ArticleRamadi to Palmyra: KurdISHIS/Israeli collusion- Stealing Assyrian history
Going Long! - Palmyra, Ramadi , KurdISHIS, Israel and the theft of human history.Talked a bit about Ramadi yesterday as it related back to Mosul. Pointing out the fact that Mosul and Ramadi fell in the...
View ArticleIndustry delayed EU regulation of toxic chemicals- Chemical Manipulation of...
The petrochemical industry - big oil - lobbied for the delay of the regulation of EDC's, the toxins that are chemical manipulating humanity and the entire planet.EUobserverA report out on Wednesday (20...
View ArticleThe US Uses FIFA to Ostracize Russia: Updated!
Come one! Did anyone seriously think the US is concerned with corruption? If they really were, they would have addressed the fact there are a bunch of big banks that are rampantly corrupt!Quoting...
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