Got wind of this news item earlier today-
Did ISIS advance in Aleppo? /Was it a big win? No. And No
Why do I say “no”?
Because in a nutshell, this is yet another sleight of hand: A way of deceiving people requiring some skill
I’ve talked about the varying ‘brands’ of rebels on a number of occasions
The concept of brand is familiar to all? For this post let’s compare rebels to hamburgers? Think about a hamburger? Consider all the brands affiliated with that food product?
McDonalds, Harvey’s, Wendy’s, A &W, Burger King etc.,
All brands selling their version of a hamburger which is simply a beef patty in a bun!
The Syrian rebels, all of them, including the Kurds, are equivalent to a hamburger, sold under a bunch of varying brand names. Therefore there is no real advance just because someone changed the name of the hamburgers holding the villages
First let’s read the reports-
Brand rebel ISIS is alleged to have taken villages from brand rebel FSA. A name change is not a real change. Behind both brands is the global military terror corporation of NATO.
NYT’s takes there nonsense a bit further with this:
This zone (Turkey's version) was never going to happen- (It was never announced by the US, either?)I expressed that fact clearly to readers here some time ago. Turkey wanted this zone to block a continuous Kurdish zone. The US wanted nothing to do with it because the US is attempting to create Kurdistan. Turkey wanted to pour the refugees back into this area to impede the Kurds. So, NATO emptied the refugee camps shipping so called refugees off to Europe- But many refugees do not live in camps By claiming all those so called Syrian refugees went to Europe, the US pulled the rug out from under Turkey's attempt to block the creation of Kurdistan. The US also virtually guaranteed the destabilization of Turkey will continue. Reality is always different then spin and the fact is most of the Syrians didn't leave Turkey, because they want to go home to Syria.
I mentioned that previously here:
*A brief word about Turkey releasing the camp inhabitants- That was a NATO operation 100 percent- Who transported them? Who put them on trains? Who gave them smart phones and provided them connectivity to upload their travels to social media- The same persons who provided this very same equipment/opportunity to the jihadis/ nato's irregulars or as the US like to call them the moderate rebels. Turkey is NATO occupied territory. That was an intentional plan to weaken and bring discord to the European nations.
The Turkish desired safe zone was just one of the reasons for the refugee race to Europe. There would be no need for a safe place in Syria for Syrian refugees. That's what the claim will be! Therefore no need for an ISIS free zone. NATO undoubtedly shipped their jihadi fighters up to Europe in order to weaken & destabilize Europe, with an eye to eventually pouring them into Russia. All this destabilization, destruction, damage is necessary for the creation of Kurdistan aka greater Israel. The weakening of Europe readying for global governance with a plan to eventually destabilize Russia again for the sake of global governance and this nonsensical global citizen junk. One giant monoculture GMO planet... This is a long term plan folks
And finally-
Here is where we may get into a bit of a problem if Russia and Syria don't move quickly- Whenever ISIS comes to town- the Kurds inevitably follow- You know the Kurds come to 'fight' ISIS and ISIS just melts away??? As if they were rained on like the wicked witch in Oz. Taking this area will make their zone complete. What will happen next?
From Earlier:
Did ISIS advance in Aleppo? /Was it a big win? No. And No
Why do I say “no”?
Because in a nutshell, this is yet another sleight of hand: A way of deceiving people requiring some skill
I’ve talked about the varying ‘brands’ of rebels on a number of occasions
The concept of brand is familiar to all? For this post let’s compare rebels to hamburgers? Think about a hamburger? Consider all the brands affiliated with that food product?
McDonalds, Harvey’s, Wendy’s, A &W, Burger King etc.,
All brands selling their version of a hamburger which is simply a beef patty in a bun!
The Syrian rebels, all of them, including the Kurds, are equivalent to a hamburger, sold under a bunch of varying brand names. Therefore there is no real advance just because someone changed the name of the hamburgers holding the villages
First let’s read the reports-
”Islamic State militants seized a string of villages from rival insurgents north of the Syrian city of Aleppo on Friday in a surprise attack that came despite intensive Russian airstrikes that Moscow insists are targeting the extremist group, activists said.
“Daesh has exploited the Russian airstrikes and the preoccupation of the Free Syrian Army in its battles in Hama, and advanced in Aleppo,” one rebel commander with fighters in the region told Reuters.
Brand rebel ISIS is alleged to have taken villages from brand rebel FSA. A name change is not a real change. Behind both brands is the global military terror corporation of NATO.
NYT’s takes there nonsense a bit further with this:
“The Islamic State advance is threatening a strategic area north of Aleppo on the way to crossing points into Turkey that was to be part of a proposed ISIS-free buffer zone under a plan the United States announced over the summer with Turkey; that plan now seems to have stalled”I want to tidy this thought up:
This zone (Turkey's version) was never going to happen- (It was never announced by the US, either?)I expressed that fact clearly to readers here some time ago. Turkey wanted this zone to block a continuous Kurdish zone. The US wanted nothing to do with it because the US is attempting to create Kurdistan. Turkey wanted to pour the refugees back into this area to impede the Kurds. So, NATO emptied the refugee camps shipping so called refugees off to Europe- But many refugees do not live in camps By claiming all those so called Syrian refugees went to Europe, the US pulled the rug out from under Turkey's attempt to block the creation of Kurdistan. The US also virtually guaranteed the destabilization of Turkey will continue. Reality is always different then spin and the fact is most of the Syrians didn't leave Turkey, because they want to go home to Syria.
I mentioned that previously here:
*A brief word about Turkey releasing the camp inhabitants- That was a NATO operation 100 percent- Who transported them? Who put them on trains? Who gave them smart phones and provided them connectivity to upload their travels to social media- The same persons who provided this very same equipment/opportunity to the jihadis/ nato's irregulars or as the US like to call them the moderate rebels. Turkey is NATO occupied territory. That was an intentional plan to weaken and bring discord to the European nations.
The Turkish desired safe zone was just one of the reasons for the refugee race to Europe. There would be no need for a safe place in Syria for Syrian refugees. That's what the claim will be! Therefore no need for an ISIS free zone. NATO undoubtedly shipped their jihadi fighters up to Europe in order to weaken & destabilize Europe, with an eye to eventually pouring them into Russia. All this destabilization, destruction, damage is necessary for the creation of Kurdistan aka greater Israel. The weakening of Europe readying for global governance with a plan to eventually destabilize Russia again for the sake of global governance and this nonsensical global citizen junk. One giant monoculture GMO planet... This is a long term plan folks
And finally-
Here is where we may get into a bit of a problem if Russia and Syria don't move quickly- Whenever ISIS comes to town- the Kurds inevitably follow- You know the Kurds come to 'fight' ISIS and ISIS just melts away??? As if they were rained on like the wicked witch in Oz. Taking this area will make their zone complete. What will happen next?
From Earlier:
Syria: An Intense 24 Hours According to All Reports- Obama Says..
Iran: No to missiles impacting- Syrian Rebel Training Program Overhauled- Not ended