Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria? Unverified first report
Don't know what to make of this first report? TrendImage accompanying article?By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:A Russian fighter jet, involved in military operation against the terrorist organization...
View ArticleBrzezinski- Obama Should Retaliate if Russia Does Not Stop Attacking US Assets
From Politico excerpted from Financial TimesIf anyone, anyone at all has access to the Financial Times site, please share the article here.Not the link, just the information in the article. I can't...
View ArticleBreaking! 4 Russian Warships Launch Strikes against ISIS from Caspian Sea
RTLooking for input here readers, please. Four Russian Navy warships have fired a total of 26 missiles at the position of the terrorist group Islamic State in Syria, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey...
View ArticleIran: No to missiles impacting- Syrian Rebel Training Program Overhauled- Not...
Iran- NO confirmation of US LIE regarding Russian missile crash in IranNotice a named individuals refused to confirm the claims of an "unnamed US official? Tehran: Iran on Friday declined to confirm a...
View ArticleSyria: An Intense 24 Hours According to All Reports- Obama Says..
Russian Sorties- 67 in 24 hours Attack aircraft from the Russian air group deployed in Syria carried out record 67 combat missions in the past 24 hours hitting a total of 60 Islamic State targets, the...
View ArticleISIS "Big Win/Advance" in Aleppo? - Rebel Burgers!
Got wind of this news item earlier today- Did ISIS advance in Aleppo? /Was it a big win? No. And NoWhy do I say “no”? Because in a nutshell, this is yet another sleight of hand: A way of deceiving...
View ArticleWhat Syrian Exodus to Europe? Most Syrians Stay in Turkey
It was obvious the refugee spin was about many other agendas, but it was never about assisting Syrian refugees.CSM-"For some refugees, Europe is a bridge too far. But most of the more than 2 million...
View ArticlePt 2: Rebel Burgers & CIA/US Created Terror /Terrorists- Admitted & Acknowledged
In the post :ISIS "Big Win/Advance" in Aleppo? - Rebel Burgers! I tried & hopefully succeeded in getting across the fact that there is no difference between any of the 'brand' rebels using the...
View ArticleUS Airdrops Tons & Tons of Munitions into Northern Syria- For the “good”...
Yup, the US is, as expected, upping the ante. And who is getting the arms? Arab and Kurdish militias.Recall me enlightening readers to the fact that the Kurdish militias had bad intentions? Too many...
View ArticleUS Airdrops Weapons to Kurdish Militias in Northern Syria: Kurds & War Crimes!
Miami Herald In a major boost for forces fighting Islamic State extremists in Syria but likely to stir controversy with NATO ally Turkey, the United States on Monday began airdropping pallets of...
View ArticleThe "Democratic Forces of Syria" are set to Move On Raqqa?
If you've been paying attention you know that the "democratic forces of Syria' are a rebrand of all the "rebels' with the Kurds being officially brought into the fold- I say officially because the...
View ArticleAddicts and Their Obsession
YahooI've seen people in situations exactly like this. The worst is parents ignoring their small children.It's beyond heartbreaking to witness.Be present. Always.
View ArticleUS Colour Revolutions- The Root of the Refugee Crisis
Can't say I disagree with the assertion that US policy is to blame for the destabilization, death and destruction that has created the refugee crisis. Of course it's not quite that simple. NATO the...
View ArticleRussia: No Arms to Kurds/Cooperating with Turkey & Mike Whitney obfuscating...
As my disgust for alternative media, so called, keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Some early but interesting news items to keep a watch on.Russia says not sending arms to Syrian KurdsMOSCOW Oct 15...
View ArticleElectrical Engineer's Study to Change AGW "Debate" ?
Don't know how much real debate has revolved around the AGW hoax? AGW is a meme has spread pretty far and wide unquestioningly. Those who have dared to question are greeted with the usual logically...
View ArticleSyria:Russian Technology to Impede Communications/Circumvent the TOW Missiles
I have got to tip my hat to Gallier 2 for bringing this site to my attention along with some additional information regarding weapons systems Russia brought into Syria.So first things first: Merci...
View ArticleChristian militias, allied with Kurds, loot Christian towns in northeastern...
Pathetic. But the US/NATO backing of these thugs gives them a delusional sense of authority.Christian militias have turned against their members of their own faith and looted several Christian villages...
View ArticleSyrian 'Rebels" aka Terrorists Receive More Weapons via Turkey/ CIA Arms Program
Vital background from previous post: Syria:Russian Technology to Impede Communications/Circumvent the TOW MissilesThe US has recently made multiple drops to their thugs and terrorists. Kurd thugs got...
View ArticleRussian Warplanes Intercept Israeli Jets- Act 2
There is news, I'd bookmarked yesterday, that Russia intercepted Israeli planes over LebanonThis is the second time this very similar news has been reported.Is Israel testing Russian response? Spying?...
View ArticleUS Military Head Meets Israeli PM- Arming Israel
I find this meeting curiously timedUS military head meets Israeli leaders The top US military officer has pledged further military cooperation with Israel.The top US military officer has pledged...
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