IHS Janes Said: 2 New Russia Sites in Syria?
The Nation, quoting CNN, quoting Janes :Russia preparing to station troops at 2 new sites in SyriaRussia may be preparing to station troops at two new sites in Syria as it continues its rapid military...
View ArticleBarbara's Spectre: Israel's Refugee's Materialize in Europe
Have you noticed the myriad of stories regarding Jewish helpfulness towards the people they usually heap disdain on? Jewish groups & organizations from all over the globe helping the very people...
View ArticleCharlie Hebdo Strikes Again- Who Is The Target?
Hebdo Satire- Shaming and Blaming European Christian Society for Israel's Refugees?!OutlookIndia"Welcome to Migrants" reads the headline and under that 'so close to the finish …'. Right next to the...
View ArticleNDP Candidate Stefan Jonasson Ousted for Stating Opinion- Je Suis Charlie?
NPStefan Jonasson is no longer running in the Manitoba riding of Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley after comments surfaced in which he compared the beliefs of one set of Orthodox Jews to the...
View ArticleUS trained Syrian "rebels" GAVE weapons to Al Qaeda
In other words- Brand A US trained & supplied rebels delivered weapons to Brand B US/Israeli trained rebels who were in need of weapons.It's not incompetence.It's a simple and obvious fact that...
View ArticleDespite Global Efforts Thousands Enter Syria to Join ISIS!!!???
Despite global efforts thousands more enter Syria to join ISIS?Or because of global efforts thousands more enter Syria to join ISIS?Smart money is on the thanks to and because of NATO/Israeli effort,...
View ArticlePreview: Putin Interview w Charlie Rose Airing Tonight
If you are interested? Watch the full interview with Putin tonight on 60 minutesI've rounded up some excerpts that have been reported on prior to air timeThere are also brief video clips available at...
View ArticlePutin on 60 Minutes- Video
A clip that runs just over 11 minutes. Putin addressed the questions put forth by Charlie Rose very well. An aside some of the questions Rose asked were laughable. Putin rose above them. The full 60...
View ArticleIsrael launches airstrikes against Syrian army in Golan
IDF artillery forces struck two targets belonging to the Syrian military on Sunday night in response to earlier projectile fallout from the embattled country exploding in Israeli territory in the Golan...
View ArticleUN General Asembly Speeches- Obama & Putin
Each video is approximately 3 minutes. As usual Obama lies through his teeth. It's incredible, to me, to listen to him speak after all the coverage I have given the Syrian situation.Obama: Putin:Don't...
View ArticleRussia building an A2/AD Bubble over Syria/Levant
Please read this entirely:I've been trying to sort fact from fiction regarding Russian involvement in Syria. Without relying on disinfo from Ruslan Liviev and Bellingcat! The most egregious propaganda...
View ArticleBreaking: Russia carries out Syria strike- Confirmation
This news still needs more validation- I will be looking for that information- Everything originates from a US official- If anyone can find any additional info, let me know? Please and thanks in...
View ArticleBeware Media Spin Concerning Russian strikes in Syria- Claims VS Facts
In case you are unaware of the latest developments?Breaking: Russia carries out Syria strike- ConfirmationNow let's talk coverage via NATO mediaI admit these perception managed media reports are a...
View ArticleA2/AD Bubble, Syria and the Bigger Strategic Picture.
I stumbled across a rather large and interesting article posted at, new to me, site called FoxTrot Alpha The excerpted information seems to be a compliment to my previous post Russia building an...
View ArticlePepe Escobar: A Syria/Berliner Ensemble- US will not cooperate on terror fight
Excerpt from Asia TimesI've omitted the first third of the article. Russian jets fired 20 sorties and hit eight IS targets in Syria earlier this weekThe “dreaming collective”So many fabulous...
View ArticleUS will indirectly confront Russian military via KurdIShIS and other rogues.
WaPo “President Obama has decided not to directly confront Russia over its new air offensive in Syria, believing that President Vladimir Putin will soon find himself in a Syrian “quagmire,” but he has...
View ArticleOn Cue: "US backed "rebels" make an appeal for....Anti-Aircraft Missiles!
As predicted in the earlier post! No crystal ball required. US will indirectly confront Russian military via KurdIShIS and other rogues.The current and former officials also expressed concern that the...
View ArticleOntario, Canada Health "Officials" RAID raw milk farm but leave empty handed
Because all supporters stuck together!!Here in fascist/corporatist Canada it's more of the same. Yah, it's a tyranny here. What are you all going to do about it? A big first step would be to...
View ArticleTurkish Defense Radar Locked on Russian Fighter in Syria ?? UPDATED
The first casualty of war is truth.McClatchy ISTANBUL A Russian warplane on a bombing run in Syria flew within five miles of the Turkish border and may have crossed into Turkey’s air space, Turkish...
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