With thanks to Ali @ thenakedfacts for the nudge down this particular path
I had asked Ali his opinion on the info here Muslim Brotherhood- Part of the Globalist blight on Humanity
And a pdf that features a largish excerpt (52 pages) from the book:"Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam," Robert Dreyfuss- Official Site
I have been looking through the pdf and it definitely contains some interesting background.
Take a gander at the info, listen to the interview-starts with the author about 20 minutes in.
I had asked Ali his opinion on the info here Muslim Brotherhood- Part of the Globalist blight on Humanity
His response: " .i suggest reading.. "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam," Robert DreyfussNo problem Ali, I found some interesting info. Including an interview from 2006 with the author
THE US NATIONAL SECURITY archives also has some material backing those claims on a search of history of us propaganda in middle east
dreyfuss work isnt 100% factual on everything but many things are corroborated and proven,to go into explanations would take me too long to articulate here in this box unfortunatly.."
And a pdf that features a largish excerpt (52 pages) from the book:"Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam," Robert Dreyfuss- Official Site
I have been looking through the pdf and it definitely contains some interesting background.
Take a gander at the info, listen to the interview-starts with the author about 20 minutes in.